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   初三 (上) 6单元测试 (A卷)

  Ⅰ. 单词辨音 (16%)

  A) 从A、B、C、D 中找出一个划线部分的读音不同于其他

  三个的词,九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (A卷)。

  [ ]1. A. asleep B. music C. dress D. smell

  [ ]2. A. operation B. dictation C. education D. question

  [ ]3. A. sure B. still C. smile D. just

  [ ]4. A. text B. example C. excuse D. except

  B) 找出下列所给单词的.正确读音。

  [ ]5. science A. ['sai+ns] B. ['si+ns]

  C. ['sains] D. ['kai+ns]

  [ ]6. accident A. ['$ksid+nt] B. ['+ksid+nt]

  C. ['eiksid+nt] D. ['$ksident]

  [ ]7. picked A. ['pikid] B. ['pikit]

  C. [pikt] D. [pikd]

  [ ]8. library A. ['laibri] B. ['laibr+ri]

  C. ['libr+ri] D. ['lebri]

  Ⅱ. 单词拼写 (8%)

  以下所给单词均不完整,从A、B、C、D 中选出适当的字


  [ ]1. r__t__n A. e...er B. i...er

  C. e...ur D. i...ur

  [ ]2. s__ver__l A. a...o B. a...a

  C. e...a D. e...o

  [ ]3. p__l__te A. a...i B. a...e

  C. o...i D. o...e

  [ ]4. h__st__ry A. e...o B. i...o

  C. a...o D. u...o

  Ⅲ. 词语替换 (10%)


  [ ]1. Several American boys are studying in our school now.

  A. A lot B.A few C. A little D. Many

  [ ]2. Have you got a new history book?

  A. Do you have B. Do you get

  C. Is there D. Have you had

  [ ]3. I can't find the key to my bike.

  A. can't look for B. have lost

  C. can't see D. have forgotten

  [ ]4. I'm certain I have seen you before.

  A. certainly B. of course C. sure D. know

  [ ]5. Today I must give back the book to the library.

  A. give B. show C. take D. return

  Ⅳ. 根据要求改写句子。(32%)

  1. Was Henry doing his homework last night? (做否定回答)

  ______, ______ ______.

  2. My parents have been to English twice. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ have your parents been to England?

  3. We were listening to the radio at that time. (对划线部分提问)

  ______ ______ you ______ at that time?

  4. I have seen your eraser somewhere. (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ you ______ my eraser ______?

  5. Crowd round him! (改为否定句)

  ______ ______ round him!

  6. I have already finished the work. (改为一般疑问句)

  ______ you ______ the work ______?

  Ⅴ. 选择填空:将正确答案的标号填入前面括号中,英语试题《九年级 (上) 6单元测试 (A卷)》。(24%)

  [ ]1.We don't go to school ______ Sunday morning.

  A. on B. in C. at D. by

  [ ]2.My teacher told us ______ Exercise Two after class.

  A. do B. to do C. doing D. did

  [ ]3.This dictionary is not hers. It's ______.

  A. me B. I C. my D. mine

  [ ]4.We ______ our English book when the teacher hurried into the classroom.

  A. was reading B. were reading

  C. have read D. are reading

  [ ]5.I ______ a new dictionary. Look, how thick it is!

  A. had B. got C. have had D. have got

  [ ]6.I was watching TV when someone ______.

  A. come B. come in C. came in D. came into

  [ ]7. ______ you ever read this book?

  A. Did B. Do C. Have D. Are

  [ ]8.I ______ I ______ my watch. I can't find it anywhere.

  A. think...lose B. thought...lost

  C. think...lost D. think...have lost

  [ ]9.He ______ my bike, then he ______ it to Li Lei.

  A. lent...has borrowed B. borrowed...has lent

  C. borrowed...lent D. lend...borrow

  [ ]10.It's ______ to say "Thank you".

  A. polite B. politely C. careful D. kind

  [ ]11.Have you seen this man ______?

  A. two days ago B. two days before

  C. ago D. before

  [ ]12.______! You won't be back before I leave.

  A. Good luck B. What a pity

  C. How nice D. Well done

  Ⅵ. 书面表达 (10%)

  内容提示:A从北京来洛阳访问他的朋友李明,但不知道怎么走, 只好向一位当地人B打听李明所住的红星路10号,恰好 B是李明的同事。

  A: 1 me, could you help me?

  B: Certainly. 2 are you from?

  A: From Beijing. Can you tell me the way to the Red Star Road?

  B: Oh, OK. Please go down this road and 3 to the right at

  the first 4 . That is just the Red Star Road.

  A: Thank you very much.

  B: That's all 5 .

  A: 6 the way, do you hear of the man whose 7 is Li Ming?

  B: Yes, we 8 work together in the same factory. Shall I 9

  you to his home?

  A: No, thanks. I can get there myself. See you 10 .

  B: See you.


