
时间:2017-05-07 03:37:16
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幼儿园大班感恩节英语活动教案 篇一

Title: Thanksgiving English Activities for Kindergarten Senior Class


Thanksgiving is a time to express gratitude and appreciation for all the blessings in our lives. In this lesson plan, we will incorporate English language learning with Thanksgiving-themed activities for kindergarten senior class.


1. To introduce basic English vocabulary related to Thanksgiving.

2. To engage students in interactive English activities.

3. To promote teamwork and social skills through group activities.


- Flashcards with Thanksgiving-related words (e.g. turkey, pumpkin, cornucopia)

- Thanksgiving-themed coloring sheets

- Storybooks about Thanksgiving

- Craft supplies for making Thanksgiving decorations


1. Vocabulary Introduction:

Start the lesson by introducing Thanksgiving-related vocabulary using flashcards. Show each word and have students repeat after you to practice pronunciation. Encourage students to use the words in sentences to reinforce their understanding.

2. Story Time:

Read a storybook about Thanksgiving to the class. Ask students questions about the story to check their comprehension and encourage them to discuss the themes of gratitude and thankfulness.

3. Thanksgiving Crafts:

Provide students with craft supplies to make Thanksgiving decorations such as paper turkeys or pumpkin garlands. Encourage creativity and allow students to personalize their crafts.

4. Thanksgiving Feast:

Organize a mini Thanksgiving feast for the class where students can share snacks and treats. Encourage students to express gratitude for the food and company.

5. Gratitude Circle:

Have students sit in a circle and take turns expressing what they are thankful for. This activity promotes language skills and encourages students to reflect on the blessings in their lives.


By incorporating Thanksgiving-themed activities into English lessons, students can learn new vocabulary while also exploring the themes of gratitude and appreciation. This lesson plan aims to foster a sense of community and promote positive values among kindergarten senior class students.

幼儿园大班感恩节英语活动教案 篇二

Title: Engaging Thanksgiving English Activities for Kindergarten Senior Class


In this lesson plan, we will explore creative and interactive English activities for kindergarten senior class students to celebrate Thanksgiving. By incorporating language learning with festive activities, students can enhance their English skills while also learning about the importance of gratitude.


1. To engage students in fun and interactive English activities.

2. To promote creativity and critical thinking skills through Thanksgiving-themed projects.

3. To encourage students to express gratitude and appreciation in English.


- Thanksgiving-themed bingo cards

- English Thanksgiving songs

- Thanksgiving-themed puzzles

- Cardboard cutouts for a Thanksgiving play


1. Thanksgiving Bingo:

Play a game of Thanksgiving-themed bingo with the class. This activity helps students practice listening skills and vocabulary recognition while having fun.

2. Thanksgiving Song Circle:

Teach students English Thanksgiving songs and have a sing-along session. Encourage students to dance and act out the lyrics to promote language learning through movement.

3. Puzzle Challenge:

Provide students with Thanksgiving-themed puzzles to solve in groups. This activity promotes teamwork and critical thinking skills while reinforcing vocabulary.

4. Thanksgiving Play:

Organize a mini Thanksgiving play where students can act out the story of the first Thanksgiving. This activity allows students to practice English dialogue and express creativity through role-playing.

5. Thankful Tree:

Create a "Thankful Tree" in the classroom where students can write down things they are thankful for on paper leaves. This visual representation of gratitude encourages students to express appreciation in English.


By incorporating engaging and interactive Thanksgiving-themed activities into English lessons, kindergarten senior class students can enhance their language skills while also learning about the importance of gratitude and thankfulness. This lesson plan aims to create a fun and festive learning environment for students to celebrate Thanksgiving in English.

幼儿园大班感恩节英语活动教案 篇三



  使孩子明白thanksgiving day(感恩节)是美国的一个重要节日,知道要对爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶外公外婆及所有帮助过自己的人表示感谢。





  在每年11月份感恩节(thanksgiving day)这一天,美国人都在家里吃火鸡,就像中国人过端午节要吃粽子一样;感恩节(thanksgiving day)就是要记住帮助过自己的人,并对他们表示谢意。


  爸爸妈妈外出采购感恩节所需的饮料和食品。买苹果时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的`时候,我们要吃它”;买橘子时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要吃它”;买栗子时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要吃它”;买胡桃时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要吃它”;买葡萄时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要吃它”;买鲜果汁时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要喝它”;买烤火鸡时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候,我们要吃它”;买南瓜时,对孩子说“在thanksgiving day(感恩节)的时候




妈妈和孩子一起烹调,共同用南瓜制作感恩节食物南瓜饼:大家边切南瓜边说“我们切南瓜,因为thanksgiving day(感恩节)时我们要吃南瓜饼”;大家边做南瓜饼边说“我们做南瓜饼,因为thanksgiving day(感恩节)时我们要吃南瓜饼”;大家边蒸南瓜饼边说“我们蒸南瓜饼,因为thanksgiving day(感恩节)时我们要吃南瓜饼”。


  爸爸妈妈和孩子邀请爷爷奶奶外公外婆来过感恩节,全家人一起布置餐桌,把鲜果汁、烤火鸡、南瓜馅饼放在餐桌上,边放边说“thanksgiving day”,然后围坐在桌旁。∩妈咪爱∩婴网∩幼儿园教案频道

  爸爸感谢爷爷奶奶的养育之恩,说:“thank you for your help.”并给他们倒上了鲜果汁;妈妈感激外公外婆的养育之恩,说:“thank you for your help.”并给他们挟了一块火鸡肉;孩子感谢爸爸妈妈的养育之恩,说:“thank you for your help.”并给他们挟上一块南瓜饼。



  爸爸妈妈引导孩子先请爷爷奶奶外公外婆品尝苹果及小零食,再对他们说一句感谢的话,如:thank you for your help.


