外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案【最新3篇】

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外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案 篇一

Title: Exploring the Themes of Love and Relationships in Shakespeare's Sonnets

Objective: To analyze the themes of love and relationships in Shakespeare's sonnets and understand the language and structure used in these poems.


- Review the definition of a sonnet and discuss the structure of a Shakespearean sonnet.

- Brainstorm different types of love and relationships that are often explored in literature.

Activity 1: Analyzing Sonnet 18

1. Distribute copies of Sonnet 18 to students.

2. In small groups, have students read and analyze the sonnet, focusing on themes of love, beauty, and immortality.

3. Discuss as a class the language and imagery used in the sonnet to convey these themes.

Activity 2: Comparing Sonnet 130 and Sonnet 116

1. Divide students into pairs and assign each pair one of the two sonnets.

2. Have students compare and contrast the themes of love and relationships in Sonnet 130 ("My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun") and Sonnet 116 ("Let me not to the marriage of true minds").

3. Present their findings to the class, discussing how Shakespeare challenges traditional notions of love and beauty in Sonnet 130.

Activity 3: Writing a Modern Sonnet

1. Have students work individually or in pairs to write their own modern sonnet, focusing on themes of love and relationships in the 21st century.

2. Encourage students to use the structure and language of a Shakespearean sonnet while incorporating contemporary ideas and perspectives.

3. Share and discuss some of the sonnets with the class.


- Ask students to choose one of Shakespeare's sonnets and write a short analysis of its themes and language.

- Prepare for a class discussion on the role of love and relationships in Shakespeare's works.


- Recap the key themes and ideas discussed in class and emphasize the enduring relevance of Shakespeare's exploration of love and relationships in his sonnets.

外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案 篇二

Title: Examining the Influence of Historical Context on Shakespeare's Sonnets

Objective: To understand how the historical context of the Elizabethan era influenced Shakespeare's sonnets and the themes he explored in his poetry.


- Discuss the social and cultural norms of the Elizabethan era, including the role of love and relationships in society.

- Introduce the concept of courtly love and its influence on Shakespeare's sonnets.

Activity 1: Historical Context of Shakespeare's Sonnets

1. Provide students with background information on the Elizabethan era, including the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the cultural and literary developments of the time.

2. Discuss how the cultural and social norms of the era influenced Shakespeare's portrayal of love and relationships in his sonnets.

Activity 2: Analyzing Sonnet 29

1. Distribute copies of Sonnet 29 to students.

2. In small groups, have students read and analyze the sonnet, focusing on themes of self-worth, jealousy, and the desire for fame and fortune.

3. Discuss as a class how these themes reflect the anxieties and aspirations of individuals in the Elizabethan era.

Activity 3: Researching Courtly Love

1. Assign students to research the concept of courtly love and its influence on literature and poetry in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

2. Have students present their findings to the class, discussing how courtly love ideals are reflected in Shakespeare's sonnets.

Activity 4: Writing a Reflective Response

1. Ask students to write a reflective response to the following prompt: How does understanding the historical context of Shakespeare's sonnets enhance our appreciation of his poetry?

2. Encourage students to draw connections between the themes and language of the sonnets and the cultural beliefs and values of the Elizabethan era.


- Assign students to choose a sonnet and write a short essay analyzing how the historical context of the Elizabethan era influenced the themes and language of the poem.

- Prepare for a class discussion on the role of courtly love in Shakespeare's sonnets.


- Recap the key ideas and themes discussed in class and emphasize the importance of considering historical context when interpreting Shakespeare's sonnets.

外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案 篇三

外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案

选修6 Module2 Period 3 主备人 授课时间及班级 Studying aims 1. Master the words and phrases 2. Learn some sentence pattern Importances of teaching Help students to learn and master the usage of V-ing used as adverbials Difficulties of teaching Help students to learn and master more vocabulary Teaching procedures Step1 Step2 Step3 Step4 Vocabulary Review the words in the book with the whole class on P146-147. Grammar Ask students to read the passage The Cat That Vanished again and find out all the sentences with v-ing used as adverbials. Then let them read these sentences together and do Activity 1inpidually.At last show them correct answers on the screen After checking the answers in Activity 1 the teacher should help them to analyse the function of v-ing in each sentence and make them pay attention to the form of v-ing. Exercises Ask students to use the verbs in the box to finish the sentences. Let them do it inpidually and then check the answers with a partner, at last the teacher offers them correct answers. hunt, behave, move, leap, put 1.____ in the forest , the prince came across a beautiful girl. 2.The old lady looked around , ____ down her bag on the ground. 3.____ back and forth, the cat behaved strangely. 4.____ in a particularway, the cat wanted to show Will something. 5.____ slowly on the ground , the wounded man sudden

ly saw a poisonouss nake. Summary and homework Summarize the studying aims Review the words in oral and master more vocabulary Pay attention to the usage of V-ing Call back the answers from the whole class ,having one student read the original sentences and give the correct answer. Do the exercise on the paper
外研版高中英语选修6 Module2 period 3 教案【最新3篇】

