小学英语 教案(精选3篇)

时间:2013-05-08 08:18:22
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小学英语 教案 篇一

Title: Fun Ways to Teach English Vocabulary to Elementary School Students


Teaching English vocabulary to elementary school students can be a challenging task, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. In this lesson plan, we will explore some creative and engaging ways to help young learners build their vocabulary skills.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to recognize and use a variety of new English vocabulary words related to everyday objects and activities.


- Flashcards with pictures of common objects and actions

- Whiteboard and markers

- Small prizes or stickers for motivation

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by playing a game of "Simon Says" using English commands. For example, "Simon says touch your nose" or "Simon says jump up and down." This will help students get used to listening and following instructions in English.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Show students flashcards with pictures of different objects and actions, such as a ball, a book, or a person running. Say the word out loud and ask students to repeat after you. Then, ask students to identify the items in the pictures and use them in sentences.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of flashcards. Have students take turns picking a card, saying the word out loud, and using it in a sentence. Encourage students to be creative and use the vocabulary in different contexts.

Production (15 minutes):

- To assess students' understanding of the new vocabulary, have them create a short skit or role-play using the words they have learned. This will give students an opportunity to use the vocabulary in a meaningful and engaging way.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the new vocabulary words with the class and ask students to share their favorite words from the lesson. Give out small prizes or stickers to students who participated actively and showed improvement in their vocabulary skills.


- For homework, ask students to practice the new vocabulary words by writing sentences or drawing pictures of the objects and actions they have learned. Encourage students to be creative and use the words in different ways.

By using interactive games, group activities, and real-life scenarios, teachers can make learning English vocabulary a fun and engaging experience for elementary school students. This lesson plan provides a framework for teachers to incorporate these strategies into their classroom instruction and help students build their vocabulary skills effectively.

小学英语 教案 篇二

Title: Using Songs to Teach English Pronunciation to Elementary School Students


Pronunciation is an important aspect of learning English, and elementary school students can benefit greatly from using songs as a tool to improve their pronunciation skills. In this lesson plan, we will explore how teachers can incorporate songs into their instruction to help students practice pronunciation in a fun and engaging way.


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to pronounce English words and phrases accurately and confidently through singing and repetition.


- Songs with clear lyrics and catchy melodies

- Audio player or speakers

- Handouts with song lyrics

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by playing a popular English song that students are familiar with. Ask students to listen to the song and pay attention to the pronunciation of the words. Encourage students to sing along and practice pronouncing the lyrics.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce a new song with clear and simple lyrics that focus on specific sounds or pronunciation patterns. Break down the lyrics and practice saying the words and phrases together as a class. Use gestures or visual aids to help students remember the pronunciation.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a copy of the song lyrics. Have students practice singing the song together and pay attention to their pronunciation. Walk around the class and provide feedback and guidance as needed.

Production (15 minutes):

- To assess students' progress in pronunciation, have each group perform the song for the class. Encourage students to focus on clear articulation and correct pronunciation of the words. Provide positive feedback and praise for their efforts.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the pronunciation of key words and phrases from the song with the class. Ask students to share any challenges they faced and discuss strategies for improving their pronunciation. Encourage students to practice singing the song at home to reinforce their pronunciation skills.


- For homework, ask students to choose a song in English that they enjoy and practice singing it to improve their pronunciation. Encourage students to pay attention to the pronunciation of words and practice singing along with the lyrics.

By incorporating songs into their English lessons, teachers can create a fun and interactive learning environment that helps students improve their pronunciation skills and build confidence in speaking English. This lesson plan provides a framework for teachers to integrate songs into their instruction and help students practice pronunciation effectively.

小学英语 教案 篇三

小学英语 教案



  本课是人民教育出版社出版的九年义务教育小学英语教科书第五册第二单元第四课。本单元的话题 是每天的课程和活动,功能是运用句型来介绍自身每天的课程、双休在家做了些什么,以和询问他人双休的活动,并在此基础上培养同学自主学习和独立运用所学语 言去做事情的能力.本课内容是本单元的基础,与日常生活息息相关,学习中易于理解.同学通过巩固操练,并巧妙运用于情景会话中,将取得良好效果。




  课堂教学是实施素质教育的主渠道,优化教育教学过程是改革课堂教学的有效途径。根据小同学的 心理生理特点,认知规律以和发展需求,根据教材的编写思想和新课程规范的理念,教师要发挥积极的指导作用,以同学为主体,以人为本,采用直观情景教学,交 际法,任务型教育原则,全身动作反应法等激趣,减负增效,展开教学。



  1、Let’s chant




  T:What day is it today?

  S:It’s Monday.

  T:What do we have on Mondays?

  S:We have …… on …….



  1、教师出示星期五的单词卡片问同学:What day is it? 同学回答It’s Friday.教师接着问:What day is it tomorrow? 并出示Saturday的单词卡片,告诉同学:Tomorrow is Saturday. 以同样的方式教授单词Sunday.

  2、教师提问:What do you do on Saturdays? Look at the boy ! What does he do on Saturdays?出示图片,引出短语watch TV、do homework、read books.

  3、教师提问:What do you do on Saturdays? If you often do your homework . you can hands up .教师可对举手的同学说:Now you can say : I often do my homework .



  1、开火车方式练习句型:A:What do you do on Saturdays?

  B:I often ……


  3、Pair work




  5、Let’s chant

  同学听录音,学说chant 。



  (设计意图:为了让同学在轻松愉快的氛围中巩固单词,寓教于乐,采用了多种操练方式,小组合 作式,培养同学的团体意识,同桌互助式,以好生带动学困生。以同学为主体,让同学自主的学习。在图与词的结合,并在图的基础上让同学发挥想象力,培养同学 的逻辑思维能力和语言综合运用能力)


  在本节课中,我自我感觉师生互动掌握较好,在上课的开始,就让同学一起扮演Let’s chant,让同学在一开始的热闹气氛中进入新知识的学习。但是,本节课仍有缺乏之处:例如,整节课的线路不是很清楚,条理不是很清晰,板书也不够清 晰。有许多重复教授的地方,例如新单词教过了,之后又重复教授一遍,另外师生互动时间很多,但是生生互动机会很少。在学习新单词的时候,除了出示图片以 外,还应该出示单词在四线格中的写法,这样更能加深同学对于新单词的记忆,也能提醒他们新单词的写法。

小学英语 教案(精选3篇)

