
时间:2011-06-04 02:20:40
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三年级英语上册教案设计 篇一

Unit 1: Hello!

Lesson 1: Greetings


- To learn how to greet people in English

- To practice saying hello and goodbye

- To understand the importance of being polite

Materials: Flashcards with greetings (hello, hi, goodbye, see you later), pictures of different people


- Sing the "Hello Song" to start the lesson and get the students excited about learning English greetings.


1. Introduce the flashcards with different greetings and practice saying them together as a class.

2. Show pictures of different people and have students choose a greeting to say to each person.


- Pair students up and have them take turns greeting each other using the flashcards.

- Encourage students to use the greetings in different situations (e.g. at home, in school, at the park).


- Have students create a mini skit where they use the greetings to greet each other in different scenarios.


- Observe students during the practice and production stages to see if they are using the greetings correctly and confidently.


- Ask students to practice greeting their family members and friends at home using the new English greetings they have learned.

Unit 2: My Family

Lesson 1: Family Members


- To learn the names of different family members in English

- To practice talking about their own family members

- To understand the importance of family

Materials: Flashcards with family members (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather), pictures of families


- Review the greetings from the previous lesson by having students greet each other with a family member's name (e.g. Hello, Father!).


1. Introduce the flashcards with different family members and practice saying their names together as a class.

2. Show pictures of different families and have students identify the family members in each picture.


- Pair students up and have them take turns talking about their own family members using the flashcards.

- Encourage students to ask each other questions about their families (e.g. How many brothers do you have?).


- Have students draw a picture of their own family and label each family member in English.


- Observe students during the practice and production stages to see if they are able to correctly identify and talk about different family members in English.


- Ask students to interview a family member at home and write down their answers in English, using the vocabulary they have learned in class.

三年级英语上册教案设计 篇二

Unit 3: My School

Lesson 1: School Objects


- To learn the names of different school objects in English

- To practice identifying and using school objects in sentences

- To understand the importance of school supplies

Materials: Flashcards with school objects (pencil, eraser, ruler, book, backpack, desk), real school objects (bring in by students)


- Review the family members vocabulary by having students introduce their family members (e.g. This is my mother, Mary).


1. Introduce the flashcards with different school objects and practice saying their names together as a class.

2. Have students bring in real school objects from home and match them to the flashcards.


- Pair students up and have them take turns using the school objects in sentences (e.g. I have a pencil. My ruler is blue.).

- Encourage students to ask each other questions about their school supplies (e.g. Do you have a book?).


- Have students create a mini poster with pictures of different school objects and label each object in English.


- Observe students during the practice and production stages to see if they are able to correctly identify and use the school objects in English.


- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite school object and why they like it, using the vocabulary they have learned in class.

Unit 4: My Hobbies

Lesson 1: Hobbies


- To learn the names of different hobbies in English

- To practice talking about their own hobbies and interests

- To understand the importance of having hobbies

Materials: Flashcards with hobbies (swimming, dancing, reading, painting, playing football, singing), pictures of people doing hobbies


- Review the school objects vocabulary by having students describe their favorite school object to a partner.


1. Introduce the flashcards with different hobbies and practice saying their names together as a class.

2. Show pictures of people doing different hobbies and have students identify the hobbies in each picture.


- Pair students up and have them take turns talking about their own hobbies using the flashcards.

- Encourage students to ask each other questions about their hobbies (e.g. Do you like swimming?).


- Have students create a mini project where they draw a picture of themselves doing their favorite hobby and write a sentence about it in English.


- Observe students during the practice and production stages to see if they are able to correctly identify and talk about different hobbies in English.


- Ask students to interview a classmate about their hobbies and write a short paragraph about their classmate's hobbies, using the vocabulary they have learned in class.

三年级英语上册教案设计 篇三



  1、 本节课要求让学生掌握单词cake及句型Happy birthday和 Here’s your present.

  2、 本节课文是一个birthday party的情景对话,及一个巩固游戏 find and say,课文承接了上一个模块的内容what’s this?It’s a …通过说年龄,既复习第五模块的数字,又引出了下一单元的How old are you?问年龄的说法,可以说起到承上启下的作用。

  3、 本节课学习的核心内容是西方人过生日时的语言习惯,送、收礼物的用语,让学生学会心存感激。


  1、 三年级的学生刚接触英语,没有语言基础,但学习热情高,兴趣浓。

  2、 通过前六个模块的学习,学生已掌握了日常问候、颜色、数字及学习用品的英语说法,本节课内容既包含一些旧知识,如问候、感谢、问事物及数字,又有不少的新知识点,如Happy birthday,present,cake,还有说年龄I’m nine .新旧知识


  3、 中英语言差异点容易形成学生的认知障碍点,本节课学生认知障碍点是Here’s your …这个句型。


  一、 知识与技能:

  1,能够听、说、认读单词birthday、present、cake及句型Happy birthday!Here’s your present.Here’s your cake.I’m nine.

  2,能够用Here’s your … 来表达给别人东西。



  本课主要通过创设birthday party的`情景来教授课文对话,运用直观教学法导入新课,使用课件展现图片及实物学习新单词,运用游戏表演增强学生对知识的理解和掌握,提高他们的语言运用能力。激励性评价方式贯穿整堂课,以愉快教学法调动学生学习的积极性,使学生体验学习英语的成就感,培养学生说英语的信心,做到玩中学,学中玩。




  教学重点:1、学习祝福别人生日:Happy birthday!及给东西别人时用Here’s your …来表达。2、学习用数字来说自己的年龄:I’m nine.

  教学难点:单词present的拼读以及句型Here’s your…是本课难点。


