高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案(精选3篇)

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高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案 篇一

Unit 2 Teaching Plan

I. Teaching Objectives

1. To learn new vocabulary related to travel and adventure.

2. To practice using the past perfect tense in context.

3. To improve listening and speaking skills through discussions and role plays.

4. To develop reading comprehension skills by reading and analyzing a travel article.

5. To enhance writing skills by writing a travel diary entry.

II. Teaching Procedures

1. Warm-up (15 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by discussing different forms of travel and asking students about their favorite ways to travel.

- Introduce new vocabulary related to travel and adventure, such as "expedition," "trek," and "safari."

2. Vocabulary Practice (20 minutes)

- Have students work in pairs or small groups to match the vocabulary words with their definitions.

- Use flashcards or pictures to help students remember the new words.

3. Grammar Focus (20 minutes)

- Teach the past perfect tense and how to use it in sentences.

- Provide examples and practice exercises for students to complete individually or in pairs.

4. Listening and Speaking (30 minutes)

- Play a recording of a dialogue between two friends discussing their recent travels.

- Have students work in pairs to role-play the conversation and then discuss their own travel experiences.

5. Reading Comprehension (25 minutes)

- Assign the reading passage about a travel writer's adventure in the Amazon rainforest.

- Have students read the article individually and then discuss the main ideas and themes as a class.

6. Writing Activity (30 minutes)

- Ask students to imagine they are on their own adventure and write a diary entry about their experiences.

- Encourage students to use the past perfect tense and include details about their journey.

7. Review and Homework (10 minutes)

- Review the new vocabulary and grammar points covered in the lesson.

- Assign homework, such as writing a short story using the past perfect tense or researching a famous expedition.

III. Assessment

- Monitor students' participation in class activities, their ability to use the past perfect tense correctly, and their comprehension of the reading passage.

- Evaluate students' writing skills based on the creativity and accuracy of their travel diary entry.

Overall, this teaching plan aims to engage students in learning about travel and adventure while improving their English language skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案 篇二

Unit 2 Lesson Reflection

After implementing the teaching plan for Unit 2 on travel and adventure, I have reflected on the effectiveness of the lesson and identified areas for improvement.


1. Engaging Warm-up: The discussion about different forms of travel helped to capture students' interest and set the tone for the lesson.

2. Vocabulary Practice: Using flashcards and pictures was effective in helping students remember new words related to travel and adventure.

3. Grammar Focus: Teaching the past perfect tense with examples and practice exercises helped students understand and use the tense correctly.

4. Reading Comprehension: The article about a travel writer's adventure in the Amazon rainforest was engaging and encouraged students to think critically about the text.

5. Writing Activity: Asking students to write a travel diary entry allowed them to be creative and practice using the past perfect tense in context.

Areas for Improvement:

1. Listening and Speaking: Providing more opportunities for students to practice speaking and listening in pairs or small groups could improve their communication skills.

2. Time Management: The lesson plan may have been too ambitious, as some activities took longer than expected. Adjusting the timing of each activity could help to keep the lesson on track.

3. Assessment: Providing more specific criteria for assessing students' writing skills could help to give clearer feedback on their performance.

4. Differentiation: Offering extension activities for advanced students and additional support for struggling students could help to meet the diverse needs of the class.

Overall, the lesson on Unit 2 was successful in achieving the teaching objectives and engaging students in learning about travel and adventure. By reflecting on the strengths and areas for improvement, I can continue to refine my teaching practices and create more effective and engaging lessons in the future.

高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案 篇三

高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案

牛津高中模块4全单元教案 Unit 2 Sporting events Period 1 Welcome to the unit教案 Teaching Aims: 1. Participate in a discussion to find out why sports are popular around the world. 2. Develop students’ speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the discussion. Teaching Important Point: Develop students’ speaking ability. Teaching Methods: Inpidual, pair or group discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. The multimedia 2. The blackboard Teaching Procedures; Step 1 Greeting and Lead-in 1.Do you like sports? What sports can you play?2. What sports do you know?Who is your favorite sportsperson? 4. Do you like playing sports? How much time do you usually spend exercising or doing sports every week? Stpe 2 Welcome to the unit Sport plays a very important role in our lives. We see or do sports almost everyday. Look at the following pictures. Are you familiar with these sports? 1.table tennis Can you play table tennis? Do you like it? Is it your favourite sport? Why? 2.Wrestling How much do you know about wrestling? (a short introduction of wrestling) 3.Boxing Do you like watching it? (a short introduction of boxing) 4. In your opinion, do you think these Sports are too violent?5.Kung fu is a traditional sport in China? Are you interested in it? 6.Which do you prefer, Kung fu or boxing? 7.Itroduction of gymnastics and ping. Step 3 Pair Work 1. To become a professional gymnast or a per, you have to sacrifice(牺牲) a lot. What do you think these sacrifices would include?(group discussion) 2.basketball and football, which do you prefer? 3.No matter what kind of sport you take part in ,what are the basic qualities you need to possess in order to be successful in that sport?) (video of Jordan) Step 4 Group Work1. Why do you think sport is so popular?2. How often do you play sport? What sports do you usually play?3. What is your favourite sport? Why?Step 5 Homework 1.Find more information about the business of sport. 2.Preview reading text. Unit 2 Sporting events Reading Period 1 Teaching Aims: 1.Check and enhance students’ reading abilities. 2.Train Ss to gain an overall understanding of the article and learn to adopt different reading strategies. Teaching important points: 1.Help Ss know some background knowledge about the history and the development of the Olympic Games about. 2.Help them learn some language items. Teaching difficult points: 1.how to read a speech 2.how to grasp the new words. Teaching methods: 1.Improve the students’ reading comprehension. 1.Practice to get the students to master what they’ve learnt. 2.Discussion to make every student work in class. Teaching aids: 1.the multi-media 2.the blackboard. Teaching procedures: Step 1.lead in 1.Talk about the Olympics: ask some questions. 2.Encourage the students to share their information they have already know and to express their opinions freely.. Step 2. Reading 1.Ask Ss to skim the article and answer the three questions in Part A. 2.Ask Ss to reread the passage and do C1 inpidually. 3.Get Ss to scan the article again and do C2. 4.Help Ss to get the idea of the reading strategies. 5.Ask Ss to answer four questions: 1).What characteristics do the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics share? 2).What are the differences between the ancient and modern Olympic Games? 3).Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan are mentioned in the passage. What do these two sports people have in common? 4).Do you think Chinese athletes such as Deng Yaping and LiuXiang are as great as Muhammad Ali or Michael Jordan? Step 3. Language items. 1.Do D in class. 2.Do E in class Step 4. Homework. 1.Do Part E. 2.Prepare for the language items. Period 2 Language Focus Teaching aims: 1. To understand new words, phrases and sentence patterns in the reading passage; 1.To learn how to use them. Teaching Important Points: 1.To help the students to understand the text better. 2.To help the students master the use of some important language points. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.The usage of some words, phrases and sentence patterns. Teaching Procedures: Step 1.Lead-in Discuss the following questions: 1.Do you think the Olympic Games help countries and people live peacefully side by side? 2.Who do you think are the greatest Olympic athletes and why? 3.What kind of example do you think athletes like Liu Xiang and Muhammad Ali have set for young people around the world?Step 2 Words and phrases to be learned Delighted, significance, briefly, compete, allow, honourable, no matter what, separate, side by side, light, be recognized as, record, contribution, absence, attempt Step 3 Practice Do PartA1and A2 on page98 Step 5 Assignments: 1. Keep in mind the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns and know how to use them. 2. Finish some additional exercises Brief teaching plan Teaching Objectives: 1. To enlarge students’ vocabulary by applying the rules of making compound words. 2. To get students to learn some words and expressions related to Olympic sports. 3. To improve students’ speaking ability. Teaching Important and Difficult Point: To master the formation rules of compound words. Teaching Approaches: Task-based approaches Form of Activities: Inpidual, pair or group work .. Teaching Aids: The multimedia and the blackboard Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Lead-in Ask the students to read the following dialogue: A: Did you know that Liu Xiang was the first Asian to win a gold medal for the men’s 110-metre hurdles in the Olympic Games? B. Yes! Everyone knows that he is a very hard-working sportsperson. He is a well-trained winner. Let the students study the italicized words and ask them two questions: 1.Do you know the meanings of the words? 2.Do you know how the words are made? Give them a few minutes to think. They may discuss with their partners if necessary. 110-metre(n.)--- 110 (num.), meter (n.) hard-working (adj.)--- hard (adv.), working(v-ing) sportsperson (n.)--- sports(n.), person(n.) well-trained (adj.)--- well(adv.), trained (v-ed) Step 2. Compound words 1.Tell students that the above words are called compound words. Ask them to give the definition of a compound word: A compound word is made when two or more than two words are joined together to form a new word. 2. Ask students to think about other words that are created this way. Organize them into groups of four and have a competition. Write all the compound words that students can think of on the blackboard. The winning group is the one that comes up with the most words. 3. Have students study the words that they have listed and then read the words on page26 to understand the formation rules of compound adjectives and compound nouns. To form compound adjectives: Formation Compound (adj.) adj.+n.+-ed warm-hearted, cold-blooded adj.+v-ing easy-going, ordinary-looking adv.+v-ing hard-working, long-lasting n.+adj. tax-free, world-famous n.+v-ed air-conditioned, man-made adj.+ v-ed Soft-boiled, well-paid adv.+ v-ed Well-educated, well-paid To form compound nouns: FormationCompound n.+n.handbag, bookmark, website, motherland n.+ v-ingsightseeing, window-shopping, house-keeping 4. Ask the students to match the words in column A with the ones in column B. A B 1

.black a. room 2.broad b. eyed 3.every c. cast 4.bed d. case 5.blue e. where 6.suit f. board . 7.radio g. ground 8.bus h. throw 9.reading i. driver 10.passer j. by 11.play k. paper 12.over l. active 13.news m. room 5. Ask the students to translate the words into Chinese. Explain that some English wo
高一英语牛津版必修4 Unit2 全单元教案(精选3篇)

