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新标准英语第二册教案1-5 篇一

Unit 1

Teaching objectives:

1. Students will be able to recognize and say the names of different animals.

2. Students will be able to describe the animals using adjectives.

3. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about animals.

4. Students will be able to use the structure "What's this/that?" to talk about animals.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up:

- Show pictures of various animals and ask students to name them.

- Play a game where students act out the animals without making any noise and the rest of the class guesses the animal.

2. Presentation:

- Introduce new vocabulary words: elephant, giraffe, tiger, monkey, and panda.

- Have students repeat the words after you and practice saying them in sentences using adjectives (e.g. "The elephant is big").

3. Practice:

- Use flashcards to review the new vocabulary.

- Pair students up and have them ask and answer questions about animals using the structure "What's this/that?" (e.g. "What's this?" "It's a tiger").

4. Production:

- Have students draw a picture of their favorite animal and describe it to the class using adjectives.

5. Homework:

- Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite animal using the new vocabulary and adjectives learned in class.

Unit 2

Teaching objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify and say the names of different colors.

2. Students will be able to describe objects using colors.

3. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about colors.

4. Students will be able to use the structure "What color is it?" to talk about colors.

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up:

- Show different colored objects and have students identify the color.

- Play a game where students have to find objects of a certain color in the classroom.

2. Presentation:

- Introduce new vocabulary words: red, blue, yellow, green, and orange.

- Practice saying the colors in sentences (e.g. "The car is red").

3. Practice:

- Use flashcards to review the new vocabulary.

- Pair students up and have them ask and answer questions about colors using the structure "What color is it?" (e.g. "What color is the sky?" "It's blue").

4. Production:

- Have students bring in an object of their favorite color and describe it to the class.

5. Homework:

- Ask students to write a short paragraph describing their bedroom using the new colors learned in class.

新标准英语第二册教案1-5 篇三


Module 1 Alphabe:Unit 1 It’s the ABC song 一、素质教育教学目标: 1、知识教学点:字母歌及26个字母的读音 2、能力训练点:训练学生的口语表达能力 3、德育目标:激发学习英语的兴趣 二、教学重难点: 1、字母歌及26个字母的读音 2、单词:favourite, song, alphabet 三、教学方法:歌曲、游戏。 四、教具:语言座、字母卡、字母挂图 五、教学过程: (一)导入: 1、复习学过的英文歌曲,问:What’s your favourite song? 2、分音节教学favourite (二)字母教学: 1、挂图呈现字母表 2、手偶对话,引出课文对话 3、播放课文录音,学生看字母表仔细听 4、播放课文录音,学生指书上字母表跟读 5、将全班分为4组,播放歌曲,让每组依次唱其中一行 6、告诉学生字母分大小写及何时要大写 7、让学生从26个字母中选一个自己最喜欢的字母,将它写在纸片上,播放字母歌,当唱到这个字母的时候,自己将纸片高高地举起来 8、全班按顺序齐读26个字母 9、请小老师领读26个字母 10、打乱顺序指字母挂图,让学生认读 11、全班开火车按顺序读26个字母 12、请自告奋勇的学生用身体展示出自己喜欢的字母 13、老师在黑板上将大小写字母打乱顺序书写,让学生配对找朋友 14、全班、同桌、分小组唱字母歌 (三)课堂作业 六、板书设计: Module 1 Alphabe:Unit 1 It’s the ABC song What’s your favourite song? It’s the ABC song Module

1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. 教学目标: Talking about favourite things. 教学重难点: 1、My favourite toy is a car. 2、单词 toy, car, ship, doll 教学过程: 一、Warming up: 1. Sing ABC song. 二、Revisions: 1. Recite the letters together. 2. Recite the letters one by one. 3. 教师出示字母卡片,学生快速读出字母。 4. 教师说出一个字母,学生快速说出后一个字母。 5. 快速读出字母。单词卡展示单词favourite,每个字母用不同的颜色表示, 每出现一个字母, 问What’s this? What colour is it ? f, a, v, o, u, r, i, t, e, yes, it’s favourite. My favourite colour is red. What’s your favourite colour? 启发学生用It’s ….来回答问题。同样方法出现 t, o, y, yes, it’s a toy. 三、New lessons: 1. T: Do you know toy? (出示卡片)Teach the new word: toy and my favourite toy. 2. T: There are lots of toys, doll, ship, car, computer game. Teach the new words. (game: What’s missing?) 最后一次时,教师说:My favourite toy is …. 问学生: What’s your favourite toy? 启发学生用It’s a ….来回答问题,引入新课你知道Amy最喜欢的玩具是什么吗?(板书)My favourite toy is a car. 3. Open the books and turn to page 4, listen to the tape first, underline the new words.将单词与相对应的汉语连线,请学生到前面来完成练习,边做边问,What’s your favourite colour? Now listen, point and read. (twice) 4. Ask the kids to read the sentences one by one. 5. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite things, using: My name is …. My favourite toy is …. After talking, teacher says, This is …. Her / His favourite toy is …. 四、Teach the chant in Students Book P5. Listen and do. 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 times. 2. Read the text loudly. 3. Prepare Module 2. 板书设计: Module 1 Unit 2 My favourite toy is a car. My favourite toy is a car. toy, car, ship, doll Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys. 一、教学目标: 1、能听说读写单词:they,monkey,tiger,big,lion,elephant,small,fat, Look at 2、能灵活运用句型:What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big. What are they? They are monkeys. They’re small. 3、能识别并且描述动物。 二、教学重、难点: 1、能听说读写单词:they,monkey,tiger,big,lion,elephant,small,fat, Look at 2、能灵活运用句型:What’s this? It’s a tiger. It’s big. What are they? They are monkeys. They’re small. 三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、动物单词卡片 四、教学过程: Teaching steps: 一、Warming up: 1、Listen and do the actions: Stand up ! Sit down ! Point to the desk. Stand up ! Point to the window! Sit down ! Stand up ! Point to the door! Sit down ! (简单的听指令做动作,让学生动起来。) 2、sing a song 二、Revisions: 1. 出示单词卡片复习第一模块单词, 用What’s this? 提问,要求学生完整回答问题,用It’s a…. What’s this? It’s a toy. Toy, toy, it’s a toy.同样方法复习doll, ship, car, computer game. 2. T: My favourite toy is a doll. What’s your favourite toy? 提问几名学生,让他们用My favourite toy is a….或It’s a….来回答问题。 (强调完整回答,为以后的教学打好基础。) 三、New lessons: 1. 出示猫、狗、熊猫的单词卡片,用What’s this? 提问,要求学生完整回答问题,用It’s a….再说:My favourite animal is a dog. What’s your favourite animal? 我最喜爱的'动物是小狗。你呢?问两个学生,然后启发:我们在那儿可以看到这些可爱的动物?学生回答:动物园。师说:今天我们就去动物园参观参观。(以旧带新,自然引入新课。) 2. 板书课题:Module 2 Zoo Unit 1 They’re monkeys. 师指着图片问:What’s this ? 生答:It’s a …. 用单词卡片教monkey(边读单词边配上动作),monkey, monkey.将卡片贴于黑板。教tiger(分大声小声读单词),tiger,tiger. 将卡片贴于黑板。教elephant 与monkey一样边读单词边配上动作。教lion 与tiger一样分大声小声读单词。 (较大密度的机械训练及不同的单词教法使学生得到更多的锻炼。) 3. Games: (1) 看老师嘴形,学生大声读出单词,(教师不出声音做口型,既可以检查学生是否认真看、听老师,又可以考一考学生的听力和反应。) (2) What’s missing? 将所学过的动物卡片一起呈现出来,dog, cat, panda, elephant, monkey, lion, tiger.让学生说:It’s a …. 然后藏起其中的一张,问学生:What’s missing? 让学生回答:It’s a …. 才能得分。(此游戏既调动了学生的积极性,又进一步巩固了新单词的学习。) 4. Look at the screen. 出示老虎,问What’s this? 学生回答It’s a tiger. It’s big.配上手势和动作教big, 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。第二张出示大象,巩固big.第三张出示熊猫,同样配上手势和动作教fat, 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。第四张出示一只狮子,问What’s this? 学生答It’s a lion.然后出现三只,问What are they? 教学生回答They’re lions. 教读they, they’re, They’re lions. They’re big. 第四张出现几只猴子,问What are they? 学生回答They’re monkeys. They’re small. 同样配上手势和动作教 small. 请一横排学生起来边做动作边读单词,并将单词贴于黑板。 (把句型板书在黑板上教学生读) 5. Look at the blankboard.将今天所学的新词呈现在黑板上,大声读出单词,教师故意把中英文搞混淆了,请学生到前面做中英文连线练习。(让学生进一步巩固所学的新单词) 6、同桌之间进行对话。 7. Now open your English books, turn to page 6. First, listen and underline the new words. (让学生听磁带划出新单词,然后再读新单词)Then listen and repeat twice. (感受标准的原版读音,让学生模仿动物的声音和动作及正确的语音语调。在跟读的过程中,注意纠正学生的读音。) 四、Games: 1. Listen and guess. 教师播放动物的声音并提问,学生作完整回答,否则不得分。 五、Homework: 1. Listen to the tape 3 or 5 times and read the text loudly. 2. 抄写单词 Module 2 Unit 2 That monkey is fat. 一、教学目标:1、能听说读写单词:tree,tall,short,thin 2、会唱本课的歌曲,以及会书写A,B,C三个字母。 3、灵活运用句型:This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 二、教学重难点:1、能听说读写单词:tree,tall,short,thin 2、会唱本课的歌曲,以及会书写A,B,C三个字母。 3、灵活运用句型:This tree is tall. That tree is short. This monkey is thin. That monkey is fat. 三、教具准备:录音机、磁带、挂图、单词卡片 四、教学过程: Step 1:Warmer 1 Greetings. Step 2:Revision 出示上一节课学过的单词复习一次(只出示卡片只露一部分,让学生猜,在这里引出新的tree) whats this ?---Its a tiger/ elephant. ---Its big . what are they ?---Theyre lions/monkeys. ---Theyre big /small. Step 3: Presentation Look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short. look at the monkeys. This monkey is thin . That monkey is fat. The ways: 1.T says: Today well study some knowledge about animals ,too. Look here ,I show a picture of zoo. In here ,there are two trees and two monkeys.Lead-in the new words: look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fat 2. 跟老师读句子,再让个同学充当小老师,重复问老师刚刚问过的问题. Step 4:Listening 1.Listen to the tape and point. 2.Listen again, 3.Reading after me. Step 5:Dills 1. the new words:look at / trees / tall /short / thin / fat 2.the new sentences:Look at the trees. This tree is tall. That tree is short. look at the monkey

