大班英语活动教案:At the zoo【精简3篇】

时间:2018-04-05 03:13:30
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大班英语活动教案:At the zoo 篇一

Title: A Fun Day at the Zoo


Today, the students will be embarking on an exciting adventure at the zoo! This activity is designed to help the students learn about different animals, their habitats, and their characteristics through hands-on experiences and interactive games.


- To introduce students to a variety of animals and their habitats

- To enhance students' vocabulary related to animals and their characteristics

- To promote teamwork and cooperation among students


- Pictures of animals

- Flashcards with animal names and characteristics

- Small animal figurines

- Worksheets with animal-related activities

Activity 1: Animal Safari

- Students will be divided into small groups and given a list of animals to find at the zoo.

- Each group will have to identify the animals, observe their characteristics, and note down interesting facts about them.

- After the safari, the groups will present their findings to the class.

Activity 2: Animal Charades

- Students will take turns acting out different animals while the rest of the class tries to guess the animal.

- This activity will help students practice their vocabulary related to animals and their characteristics.

Activity 3: Animal Habitat Match

- Students will be given pictures of animals and their respective habitats.

- They will have to match the animals to their correct habitats, discussing why each animal belongs in a particular habitat.


Through this fun and interactive activity at the zoo, students will not only learn about different animals and their habitats but also develop their vocabulary and teamwork skills. This hands-on experience will leave a lasting impression on the students and inspire a love for animals and nature.


大班英语活动教案:At the zoo 篇二

Title: Exploring the World of Animals at the Zoo


Today, the students will have the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of animals at the zoo. This activity is aimed at helping the students learn about different animal species, their behaviors, and their importance in the ecosystem through observation, discussion, and creative activities.


- To introduce students to a variety of animal species and their behaviors

- To promote an understanding of the importance of animals in the ecosystem

- To encourage creativity and imagination in students' interactions with animals


- Animal fact sheets

- Animal behavior observation sheets

- Drawing and coloring materials

- Animal-themed storybooks

Activity 1: Animal Observation

- Students will observe different animals at the zoo and note down their behaviors, movements, and interactions with other animals.

- After the observation, students will share their findings with the class and discuss the similarities and differences between the animals they observed.

Activity 2: Animal Storytelling

- Students will be given animal-themed storybooks and asked to create their own stories based on the animals they observed at the zoo.

- This activity will help students develop their creativity and imagination while also reinforcing their understanding of animals and their behaviors.

Activity 3: Animal Art and Craft

- Students will be provided with drawing and coloring materials to create their own animal artworks based on the animals they observed.

- This activity will allow students to express their creativity and appreciation for animals through art.


By engaging in these interactive and creative activities at the zoo, students will not only learn about different animal species and their behaviors but also develop a deeper appreciation for the diversity and beauty of the animal kingdom. This hands-on experience will inspire curiosity and wonder in students as they explore the world of animals.

大班英语活动教案:At the zoo 篇三

大班英语活动教案范例:At the zoo








  T: Hello, boys and girls. Let’s do some actions, ok?

  Walking,walking,walking,(climbingflyingswimming---),running, running, running, running, running, running, now let’s stop, now let’s stop!


  T: Boys and girls, do you like animals?(yes)

  T: Which animal do you like best? Please tell us loudly.


  1、T: Gogo and his friends will go to the z

oo. Please watch carefully!


  3、T: Ok! In this program, there are five animals, what are they?



  1、T:Do you want to go to the zoo?

  2、游戏:What do you see on the road?(把垫板铺成路,逐渐出示不同汽车卡片,让幼儿回答。播放歌曲“Don’t play in the street.”

  T: What do you see on the road?

  C: I see a car on the road?

  T: What color is the car?

  C: It’s blue.

  (yellow taxi/ green bus/)

  3、学习 At the zoo

  T: What do you see?

  C: I see a panda.

  T: Let’s say hello to panda. Hello! Panda. Let’s take a picture of the panda.(以此类推,学习其他动物)


大班英语活动教案:At the zoo【精简3篇】

