
时间:2018-01-05 09:10:47
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全英教案 篇一

Title: Using Technology in the English Classroom

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of education, including in the English classroom. Incorporating technology can enhance students' learning experience and provide them with new ways to engage with the material. Here are some tips for using technology effectively in the English classroom:

1. Interactive whiteboards: Interactive whiteboards can be used to display multimedia content, such as videos, images, and interactive games. This can help make the material more engaging and interactive for students.

2. Online resources: There are a plethora of online resources available for teaching English, such as websites, apps, and online learning platforms. These resources can provide students with additional practice and help reinforce the material covered in class.

3. Digital storytelling: Encourage students to create digital stories using tools such as Storybird or Adobe Spark. This can help improve their writing skills and creativity, while also incorporating technology into the learning process.

4. Virtual field trips: Take students on virtual field trips to English-speaking countries or historical sites related to English literature. This can help bring the material to life and provide students with a real-world context for their learning.

5. Collaborative tools: Use collaborative tools such as Google Docs or Padlet to encourage group work and collaboration among students. This can help improve communication and teamwork skills, while also incorporating technology into the classroom.

By incorporating technology into the English classroom, teachers can create a more engaging and interactive learning environment for students. It is important to strike a balance between traditional teaching methods and technology, in order to provide students with a well-rounded educational experience.

全英教案 篇二

Title: Differentiated Instruction in the English Classroom

One of the challenges teachers face in the English classroom is meeting the diverse needs of students with varying levels of proficiency and learning styles. Differentiated instruction is a teaching approach that aims to address these differences by tailoring instruction to meet the individual needs of each student. Here are some strategies for implementing differentiated instruction in the English classroom:

1. Flexible grouping: Group students based on their language proficiency levels, learning styles, or interests. This allows teachers to provide targeted instruction to each group, based on their specific needs.

2. Varied assessments: Use a variety of assessment methods, such as written assignments, oral presentations, and multimedia projects. This allows students to demonstrate their understanding of the material in different ways, based on their strengths and preferences.

3. Scaffolding: Provide support to students as they work through challenging material, by breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. This helps students build confidence and develop their skills at their own pace.

4. Choice in assignments: Offer students a choice in assignments, allowing them to select topics or projects that align with their interests. This can help increase student engagement and motivation in the learning process.

5. Personalized feedback: Provide students with personalized feedback on their work, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement. This helps students understand their progress and take ownership of their learning.

By implementing differentiated instruction in the English classroom, teachers can better meet the diverse needs of their students and create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment. It is important for teachers to get to know their students as individuals, in order to tailor instruction to meet their unique needs and help them achieve success in the English classroom.

全英教案 篇三


Module 2 Shopping Unit 1 How many do you want? Function: Market shopping, talking about quantities of things Target Language: How much/many do you want? Do you like… Vocabulary: need, food, shopping list, cheese, how much, kilo Procedures: Step 1 Warm-up 1. Sing the song of where did you g 2. Ask the students “what did you do yesterday?” Step 2 Introduction 1. Tell the children: I went shopping yesterday. I went to Guangming Street. I went to the supermarket. I bought lots of things. Wrote down the word of supermarket on the blackboard and teach to read. 2. Tell the children that Lingling and Ms Smart will go shopping. Today we are going to learn how to buy things in a supermarket in English. Step 3 Presentation 1. Observe the pictures and ask them who they see and what they are doing? 2. Play the cassette and ask the children listen thoroughly. Ask the children: Where are Ms Smart and Lingling? What need they buy? 3. Play the cassette the second time and ask the children to find out the food that Ms Smart buys. 4. Ask the children to look at the list. This is a shopping list. 5. Explain the usage of how many and how much. 6. Play the cassette again and ask the children to imitate. Step 4 Finish a Task 1. Ask the children to look at the shopping list and read the food and quantities correctly. 2. Learn to buy things on computer. Step 5 Homework 1. If condition permissions, the children can learn to go shopping on computer. 2. Write a letter to your new pen friend, introducing yourself and your own hobbies and at the same time asking y

our new pen friend’s likes.

