英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time【通用3篇】

时间:2015-08-09 04:10:35
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英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time 篇一

Title: Lesson Plan for Unit 5 Time in Cambridge Young Learners English Grade 6 Semester 1


- Students will be able to tell the time using both digital and analog clocks.

- Students will be able to use prepositions of time correctly in sentences.

- Students will be able to ask and answer questions about daily routines and schedules.


- Clocks (analog and digital)

- Flashcards with daily routine activities

- Worksheets with exercises on telling time and using prepositions of time


1. Review vocabulary related to time (e.g. hour, minute, o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to).

2. Ask students to practice telling the time in pairs using both analog and digital clocks.


1. Introduce prepositions of time (e.g. at, on, in) and give examples of how they are used in sentences.

2. Show flashcards with different daily routine activities and ask students to match them with the correct time (e.g. "I eat breakfast at 7 o'clock").


1. Divide students into pairs and give them worksheets with exercises on telling time and using prepositions of time.

2. Monitor students as they work on the exercises and provide assistance as needed.


1. In pairs, students will create a dialogue using prepositions of time to talk about their daily routines.

2. Select a few pairs to present their dialogues to the class.


1. Play a game where students have to listen to a time being said and then show the correct time on either an analog or digital clock.

2. Review any difficulties students had during the lesson and provide additional practice if necessary.


1. Students will write a short paragraph about their daily routine using prepositions of time.

2. Students will practice telling the time at different intervals (e.g. quarter past, half past) with a family member at home.


- Students will be assessed based on their participation in class activities, completion of worksheets, and ability to accurately tell the time and use prepositions of time in sentences.

英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time 篇二

Title: Engaging Activities for Unit 5 Time in Cambridge Young Learners English Grade 6 Semester 1

As teachers, it is important to keep students engaged and motivated during lessons on Unit 5 Time in Cambridge Young Learners English Grade 6 Semester 1. Here are some fun and interactive activities to help reinforce the concepts of telling time and using prepositions of time:

1. Time Bingo:

- Create Bingo cards with different times written on them (e.g. 8:30, 2:15, 4:45).

- Call out times randomly and have students mark the corresponding time on their Bingo cards.

- The first student to get a line of marked times shouts "Bingo!" and wins a small prize.

2. Time Matching Game:

- Prepare cards with analog clock faces on one side and digital times on the other side.

- Students have to match the analog clock faces with the correct digital times.

- This game helps students practice converting between analog and digital time formats.

3. Time Relay Race:

- Divide students into teams and set up stations with different clock faces around the classroom.

- At the start signal, one student from each team has to run to a station, read the time shown on the clock face, and run back to their team to report the time.

- The next student then runs to a different station and repeats the process.

- The first team to correctly report all the times wins the relay race.

4. Time Scavenger Hunt:

- Hide cards with different times written on them around the classroom or schoolyard.

- Students have to search for the cards, read the times, and write them down on a worksheet.

- To make it more challenging, include cards with prepositions of time (e.g. at 3:30, on 7:45) that students have to match with the correct time.

By incorporating these engaging activities into your lessons on Unit 5 Time, you can help students have fun while learning important concepts related to telling time and using prepositions of time.

英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time 篇三

英语教案-《剑桥少儿英语》六年级上学期 Unit 5 Time【通用3篇】

