高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案(精简3篇)

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高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案 篇一

Unit 3 Computers

Teaching Aims:

1. To introduce students to the topic of computers and technology.

2. To help students develop their reading, listening, and speaking skills.

3. To expand students' vocabulary related to computers and technology.

4. To encourage students to think critically about the impact of computers on society.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by discussing with students their opinions on computers and technology. Ask questions such as: How often do you use computers? What do you use them for? Do you think computers have a positive or negative impact on society?

- Have students share their thoughts in pairs or small groups.

2. Reading (20 minutes)

- Distribute the reading passage "The Impact of Computers on Society" to students.

- Ask students to read the passage individually and underline any unfamiliar vocabulary.

- After reading, have students discuss in pairs the main ideas of the passage and share any new information they learned.

- Go over the reading as a class, highlighting key points and explaining any difficult vocabulary.

3. Listening (15 minutes)

- Play the audio recording of a podcast discussing the future of technology.

- Have students listen carefully and take notes on the main ideas and arguments presented in the podcast.

- After listening, have students discuss in pairs or small groups their opinions on the future of technology based on the podcast.

4. Speaking (15 minutes)

- Divide the class into groups and assign each group a topic related to computers and technology (e.g. artificial intelligence, online privacy, social media).

- Have each group discuss their assigned topic and present their findings to the class.

- Encourage students to ask questions and engage in a class discussion on each topic.

5. Vocabulary Expansion (10 minutes)

- Introduce students to new vocabulary related to computers and technology, such as "cybersecurity," "cloud computing," and "virtual reality."

- Have students practice using the new vocabulary in sentences and discuss the meanings of each word.

6. Homework Assignment

- For homework, have students write a short essay discussing their opinions on the impact of computers on society. Encourage students to use evidence from the reading and listening materials to support their arguments.

Overall, this lesson aims to engage students in critical thinking about the role of computers in society and help them improve their English language skills through reading, listening, and speaking activities.

高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案 篇二

Unit 3 Computers

Teaching Aims:

1. To help students understand the history and development of computers.

2. To familiarize students with different types of computer hardware and software.

3. To improve students' writing skills through a computer-related project.

4. To promote students' creativity and problem-solving skills.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Introduction to Computer History (15 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by providing a brief overview of the history and development of computers, from the earliest mechanical devices to modern digital computers.

- Show students images of different types of computers throughout history and discuss how they have evolved over time.

- Ask students to share any interesting facts or stories they know about the history of computers.

2. Computer Hardware and Software (20 minutes)

- Introduce students to the basic components of a computer, including the CPU, monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

- Explain the difference between hardware and software, and provide examples of each.

- Have students work in pairs to create a list of different types of computer hardware and software they use in their daily lives.

3. Computer Project (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a computer-related project to work on (e.g. designing a website, creating a presentation, programming a simple game).

- Provide students with guidelines and resources to help them complete their projects.

- Encourage students to be creative and work together to solve any problems that arise during the project.

4. Writing Assignment (15 minutes)

- Have students write a short essay or report on the history and development of a specific type of computer technology (e.g. smartphones, tablets, laptops).

- Ask students to research the topic and include information on when the technology was invented, how it has evolved over time, and its impact on society.

5. Presentation (10 minutes)

- Have each group present their computer project to the class, explaining the purpose of the project, the process they followed, and any challenges they faced.

- Encourage students to ask questions and provide feedback on each group's presentation.

6. Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes)

- Lead a class discussion on what students learned from the lesson and how they can apply their knowledge of computers in their daily lives.

- Encourage students to reflect on the importance of computers in today's society and how they can use technology to solve problems and achieve their goals.

Overall, this lesson aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of computers and technology, while also helping them develop their writing, creativity, and problem-solving skills through hands-on projects and activities.

高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案 篇三

人教版高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案

Unit 3 Computers Period 1: Listening & Speaking GOALS: 1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning TEACHING PROCEDURES: Step1. revision 1. check the homework exercises. 1). It has been reported that children will be offered free education. It has been reported that free education will be offered to children. 2). It has been said that we will be offered the latest computer science course book. It has been planned that the latest computer science course book will be offered to us. 3). I have been told by Peter that I will be lent his notebook computer for a week. I have been told by Peter that his notebook computer will be lent to me for a week. 2. Question: What can computers be used as? Step2. Lead-in As we know, science and technology is developing very fast and computers have become smaller and smaller. They have been used in many fields. So, the 21st century is the century of information technology What does it mean? Does information technology/ IT only mean things like computers? Of cause not. Actually, it means more than computers. Computers are just one kind of IT. What else do you know is part of IT? (TV, radio, CD-ROM, DVD, books……) Step3. Listening (SB) 1. Pre-listening: What are the changes brought by different forms of IT ? What are the advantages and disadvantages of them ? 2. While-listening: Go through the chart and make sure the students look at the chart before they listen to the tape. (This is to sharpen their attention and listen for the answers. This will also help them get the gist of the text.) Then Listen to the tape and finish filling in the chart. (If necessary, play the tape for several times.) Say: After listening to their talk, we know all kinds of IT have both disadvantages and advantages.Let’s check the answers together. Type of IT Advantages Disadvantages TV You can both listen and watch. You cannot write to friends. Web You can find information. It is very expensive. Radio You can listen to English. You cannot watch a film. Book You can get information. Sometimes it is out of date. 3. Post-listening: 1) (pair work): decide which type of IT is best for you to use right now. Make your choice and give your reasons by using the following expression_r_rs. I think that…. In my opinion, …. I believe that…. I agree because…. I disagree because…. I’ve decided that…. 2) (group work): Discussion : Computers are useful and have brought us lots of good things, but they also cause bad effects. What attitude should we have towards the computer? (Make good use of it but never get trapped by it.) Step4. Speaking 1. Pre-speaking Say: From what we have learn, we should admit that computers and the web have a great influence on the school education as well as people’s life. It has come into people’s everyday life and many families hold computers in their homes. Now there is a task for you. 2. While-speaking 1) Situation: You have been asked by your parents to help choose computers for your home. You and your friend have looked at several computers. Talk about the special things each computer can do. Make a decision about which kind of computer to buy and explain why. Information input: Show students some pictures of different computers (desktop computer & laptop computer & …) Language input: Useful expression_r_rs (Repeat it to strengthen students’ ability of use it.) Supporting an opinion Challenging an opinion I think that … , because … Perhaps, but what if / about …? First, … Have you thought about …? One reason is that … What makes you think that …? I think it is better because… I don’t like it because…. (Pair work )Use the expression_r_rs to support your opinion or challenging other’s opinions. 2) Oral report: (inpidual wo

rk ) Do an oral report to your father and start your report like this: I looked at many different computers. The one I have chosen is the PEP personal computer. One of the main reasons is that it is suitable for homes. I found that… 3. Post-speaking Conclusion—What useful expression_r_r do we use to make a decision and reason? (In this way, they can review and use the words and phrases again.) Step5. Homework Page 22. writing: Write a report about your choice and try to use the present perfect passive voice as well as the useful words and expression_r_rs that have been mentioned above. in your report. Period 2: Reading and speaking & Writing Goals: 1. Learn a reading passage to learn about a football android called Andy. 2. Improve students’ reading ability. 3. Design an android. 4. Write a passage about the problems that the android might have while he/she is serving people. Teaching procedures: Step1: Lead-in Show the first picture and tell the students that computers could be put into androids or robots. Present “android”. Tell the students: Androids are always with us! The students may disagree. Show pictures of Atom and Doraemon. Say: they are androids with magical power. Continue to show pictures of nursery maid androids and tell the students androids can be made to look after humans. Then ask: But can you imagine androids can play football? Maybe you are curious about it. I will show you a video that androids play football. Let the students watch the video and tell them: oday I would like to introduce an android family member to you .His name is Andy. Present the reading passage’s topic: Andy---the Android. Step2: Reading: Let the students read the passage. Carry out the tasks below: Task1: Answer the questions below: 1. Who is Andy? What is he good at? (He is an android. And he is good at playing football) 2. What helps him to move and think like a human? (His computer helps him to move and think like a human.) 3. What does Andy think about the team who beat them last year? Why? (She thinks the team cheated because they had a new kind of programmer, which had just been developed before the competition.) 4. What does the programmer do to Andy? (She programs me with all the possible moves she has seen while watching human games.) Task2: Fill in the blanks The story is about the _____ called ____, who is good at____________. And his__________ makes him think and move like a ______. However, they _____ in the _________ hosted in the USA, because the other team had a new kind of_______. After that, he will ask his programmer to improve his _________ and _______ some new moves. Task3: Language points: 1. I think we can work together to create even better software. even = much 用于强调比较的.程度 2. In a way, my programmer is like my coach. in a way 在某种程度上… in the way 挡道,造成障碍 in this way 用这种方法 Fill in the blank: 1). ________it was one of our biggest mistakes. 2). You can finish your work . 3). Your bike is .Move it away. 3. In this way, I can make up new moves. make up 编写,补上 4. After all, with the help of my computer brain which never forgets anything, intelligence is what I’m all about. after all 毕竟 with the help of sb./sth. 在…的帮助之下= with one’s/ sth’s help Step3 Speaking Tell the students that we already have many different kinds of androids i
高一英语必修2 Unit3 Computers全单元教案(精简3篇)

