
时间:2013-03-09 01:11:24
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优选RedrockBayHealthClub教案 篇一






优选RedrockBayHealthClub教案 篇二






优选RedrockBayHealthClub教案 篇三


  The 2nd perid

  Teaching Ais:

  1. The students can understand the new wrds and use the.

  2. The students lie t learn English.

  3. The students can write the sentences.

  Teaching Ephasis:

  1.Learn the new wrds.

  2.Tr t review the str.

  Teaching Difficult

  1. Hw review the str.

  2. Ephasis new wrds.

  Teaching prcess:


  Review the str.

  Step2:Learn the new wrds.

  T: Have the children pen their bs at page28. Draw their attentin t the tp half f the page.

  S: Open the bs and l at the wrds.

  T: Mdel the wrd and have the children repeat. Use the sae prcedure with the ther wrds in the picture.

  S: Read the wrds after the teacher.

  T: Let student read the wrds again.

  S: read the wrds.

  T: Let students listen t the tape and pint the new wrds

  S: listen and pint. Repeat after the tape.

  T: Have the children tr t ae the dialgue use the new wrd


  S: Mae the dialgue in pairs.

  T: Have se students read the dialgue.

  Step3:Listen t this.

  T: Have the children l at the pictures at the btt f the page. Explain that each f the pictures

  S: L at the picture.

  T: Pla the tape and have the children atch the pictures.

  S: Listen t the tape and atch.

  T: Pla the tape again. Have the children repeat after the tape.

  S: listen and repeat.

  Step4:Wrds u nw

  T: Pint t each picture and have the children tr t spea ut the sentences.

  S: L at the pictures and tr t tal abut the pictures.

  T: Chec the answer b having students vlunteer t write the answer n the bard.

  S: Chec the answer.

  Step5:Read and cplete.

  T: Have the children l at the tie expressins in the bx n the right and explain the are ging t cplete the sentences belw using each f the expressins nl nce.

  S: Read the tietable.

  T: Have the children tr t write the sentences b theselves.

  S: Write the sentences.

  T: Have se students write the sentences n the blacbard.

  S: Chec the answer.

  Step6:Hewr: Read the str.

  Cp the new wrds fur ties.


