Our City大班英语教案【精选3篇】

时间:2016-05-03 01:37:26
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Our City大班英语教案 篇一

Title: Exploring Our City

Objective: To introduce students to different places and landmarks in our city through interactive activities.

Warm-up: Show pictures of famous landmarks in the city and ask students if they recognize any of them. Discuss with students what they know about these places.

Activity 1: City Scavenger Hunt

- Divide students into small groups and give each group a list of clues that lead to different locations in the city.

- Students will work together to solve the clues and find the locations.

- Encourage students to take pictures at each location to share with the class later.

Activity 2: City Landmark Bingo

- Create bingo cards with pictures of different city landmarks.

- Call out the names of the landmarks and have students mark them off on their cards.

- The first student to get bingo wins a small prize.

Activity 3: City Map Project

- Provide students with a map of the city and ask them to mark off the locations they visited during the scavenger hunt.

- Have students draw a picture of their favorite landmark on the map.

- Display the maps in the classroom for everyone to see.

Closure: Review the different places students visited and discuss what they learned about the city. Encourage students to share their favorite parts of the day.

Homework: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite city landmark and why they enjoyed visiting it.

Our City大班英语教案 篇二

Title: Celebrating Our City's Diversity

Objective: To teach students about the different cultures and traditions present in our city through hands-on activities.

Warm-up: Show pictures of different cultural celebrations that take place in the city and ask students if they have ever participated in any of them. Discuss with students the importance of celebrating diversity.

Activity 1: Cultural Potluck

- Ask students to bring in a dish that represents their cultural background or a culture they are interested in.

- Have students share their dishes with the class and explain the significance of the food in their culture.

- Encourage students to try different foods and ask questions about each dish.

Activity 2: Cultural Crafts

- Provide students with materials to create crafts inspired by different cultures.

- Examples include making Chinese lanterns, Mexican papel picado, or African beaded jewelry.

- Display the crafts around the classroom to showcase the diversity of cultures in the city.

Activity 3: Cultural Dance Workshop

- Invite a guest speaker or dance instructor to teach students a traditional dance from a specific culture.

- Have students learn the dance and perform it for the class.

- Encourage students to discuss the importance of dance in different cultures.

Closure: Reflect on the different cultural experiences students had during the day and discuss the importance of embracing diversity in our city.

Homework: Ask students to write a reflection on what they learned about different cultures and traditions in the city.

Our City大班英语教案 篇三

Our City大班英语教案




戏巩固单词和句型(What do you like? I like……)







  一、热身运动——英语律动歌曲《One,two!Open the door》

  二、Happy English for a minute(快乐英语一分钟!)



  A幼儿问:“How are you?”(你好吗?)全班幼儿则回答:“Fine,thank you,and you?”(我很好,谢谢你的关心。你好吗?)

  A幼儿问:“I am fine,too!”(我也很好)价值取向:




  师问:“What do you like?”(你喜欢哪个地方?)

  生答:“I like bank.”(我喜欢银行)胸前挂有银行卡片的小朋友马上站起来说:然后马上交换不是自己的位子。




  2、师做火车头,伴随着音乐以开火车的游戏形式绕教室一周,中途了在任何一个建筑物面前停下问:“Where will you go?”幼儿回答:“I will go to the……”

  价值取向:在轻松的音乐游戏中复习常见的建筑名称,并巩固句型:“What do you like? I like……”








Our City大班英语教案【精选3篇】

