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英语短篇故事范文 篇一

Title: The Lost Key

It was a sunny afternoon when Sarah realized she had lost the key to her house. She had been out running errands all morning and must have dropped it somewhere along the way. Panic set in as she frantically searched her pockets and purse, but the key was nowhere to be found.

Sarah retraced her steps, visiting each place she had been to that day. She asked the clerk at the grocery store, the barista at the coffee shop, and even checked the parking lot where she had parked her car. But no one had seen her key.

Feeling defeated, Sarah sat down on a nearby bench and tried to think of a solution. Just then, she remembered that her neighbor, Mr. Johnson, had a spare key to her house. She quickly made her way to his house and knocked on the door.

Mr. Johnson answered with a smile, "Hello, Sarah. What can I do for you?"

Sarah explained her predicament and asked if she could borrow the spare key. Mr. Johnson gladly handed it over and even offered to drive her back to her house.

Grateful for his kindness, Sarah thanked Mr. Johnson profusely and made a mental note to always keep track of her key in the future. As she unlocked her front door and stepped inside, she felt relieved to be back in the comfort of her own home.

From that day on, Sarah made sure to have a spare key hidden in a safe place, just in case she ever lost her key again. And she never forgot the kindness of Mr. Johnson, her helpful neighbor.

英语短篇故事范文 篇二

Title: The Magic Paintbrush

Once upon a time in a small village, there lived a young girl named Lily who had a special talent for painting. She loved to create colorful masterpieces that captured the beauty of nature and brought joy to those who saw them.

One day, an old man approached Lily and presented her with a magical paintbrush. He told her, "This paintbrush has the power to bring your paintings to life. Whatever you paint with it will come alive before your very eyes."

Excited by the prospect of such a gift, Lily eagerly accepted the paintbrush and began to experiment with its powers. She painted a beautiful flower garden, and to her amazement, the flowers bloomed and the butterflies fluttered around her.

Word of Lily's magical paintbrush spread throughout the village, and soon people from far and wide came to see her creations. They marveled at the lifelike paintings that seemed to come alive with each stroke of the brush.

But as time passed, Lily began to realize the responsibility that came with her gift. She had to be careful with what she painted, for the things she brought to life could not always be controlled.

One day, a mischievous boy snatched the paintbrush from Lily and painted a fierce dragon that began to wreak havoc on the village. The people cried out for help, and Lily knew she had to act fast.

With a steady hand and a determined heart, Lily painted a brave knight who stood up to the dragon and defeated it with his sword. The village was saved, and the people cheered for Lily, the hero of the day.

From then on, Lily used her magical paintbrush wisely, creating beautiful works of art that brought joy and wonder to all who saw them. And she learned that true magic lies not in the power of the brush, but in the kindness and courage of the one who wields it.

英语短篇故事范文 篇三

One day, her pet cat jumped on the tree and didn't come down. Molly was angry and said, xxxcut the tree down and catch the cat!xxx xxxThe attendant was frightened and said,xxx princess, this cannot be cut down! It is the sacred tree of the kingdom!xxx

xxxI don't care! Cut off quickly!xxx

The sorcerer cary heard, and the spell came to him, and a garland hat appeared on his head. Molly saw it and was attracted by it. xxxcan you give it to me?xxx she asked. Carrie hesitated.

xxxYou are so mean! Molly is getting angry again.

xxxPrincess, this is a magic hat, or... xxx

xxxI'm not afraid! Molly grabbed her hat and ran away.

Back in the room, she danced with excitement, and the wreath on her hat gave off a fragrance. All of a sudden, something strange happened: a cloud of white smoke came out, and a girl with the same appearance as Molly was emerging. xxxYou, who are you?xxx she screamed. Suddenly the girl screamed loudly, xxxI am princess jasmine!xxx Ah! She was so angry that she turned the table over. Molly was frightened and hid under the bed.

xxxYou, you go out! xxxSaid Molly nervously.

Who knows, that girl again angry: xxxI why want to go out, this is my home!xxx Rumble! The room vibrated.

xxxOh -- somebody! xxxCried Molly, crying and running out the door.

xxxTake back the devil in your hat!xxx Molly is to the sorcerer's card.

xxxOh? That's not the devil, she's you!xxx

xxxHow funny! I'm not that big of a temper!xxx Molly didn't believe it.

xxxThis is you in a few years! Don't believe it, you see --xxx Carrie took out the crystal ball, and Molly saw a shaggy, angry girl in it, and it was a crazy mess! She was startled and a little frightened.

xxxBad temper is not only bad for you, but you won't have any friends around you!xxx xxxSaid Carrie.

xxxThat...... Is there any way to not be like that?xxx xxxAsked Molly nervously.

xxxThat, there is a bottle here, and there are many seeds in it, and you plant all the seeds, and when they bear fruit, the temper will be gone!xxx Take out a magic bottle with the name of the flower on the label: sincere, kind, friendly, smile. The end marked: water with the heart. Molly was glad to accept it, when she was surprised to find that the irascible girl in the crystal ball had disappeared and could not see anything.

xxxI'm afraid to go inside... xxxMolly remembered that there was a scary woman in the house.

xxxHa, she's been locked up by me. You don't have to be afraid.xxx Carrie said.

Molly nodded happily.

From then on, Molly was careful to do the work every day, according to the words on the label. Before long, she changed, became a very good and good princess, one day, her flower seed finally blossomed, the fruit, at that time, she has grown into a big girl!

英语短篇故事范文 篇四

Unit 1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins.

托尼: 玲玲, 10月1日是中国的国庆节,对吗?

玲玲: 是的。 xxx成立于1949年10月1日。从那时开始,中国人(每年)都庆祝国庆节。(国庆节时)到处都有鲜花和国旗,我们休假3天。

托尼: 这个国庆假期你有什么计划吗?

玲玲: 有。我和爸爸妈妈准备去山东省拜访一些朋友。我们会一直待在那里,直至假期结束。和朋友们在一起期间,我们会去青岛玩一天。贝蒂,你们的国庆节是什么时候呀?

贝蒂: 我们的国庆节叫独立日,在7月4日。从1777年以来,我们一直庆祝这个节日。独立日是一个公共假日,但我们只放一天假。那一天有各种各样的节日活动。这个时间是休假季节的开始,大多数人都会在七月或八月的某段时间休假。

玲玲: 那天有什么特别的事情吗?

贝蒂: 嗯,到处都可以看到美国国旗。我们通常会去一些好地方野餐。孩子们玩得可开以了。我们也可以在公园里观看乐队演奏乐曲。

大明: 托尼,你们英国也过国庆节吗?

托尼: 不,我们没有。我们放假两天庆祝圣诞节。假期一开始,我们一家就会去某人好玩的地方。

Unit 2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America .






英语短篇故事范文 篇五

Good friend

I have a good friend. She is a beautiful girl. She has long black hair, two big black eyes and a red mouth. Her voice is better. She is good at singing.

She is a clever girl. She likes reading books, playing computer games and chess. She is also nice. She often helps us. Our classmates like her very much.

英语短篇故事范文 篇六

Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.

李老师: 大明,谁是你的英雄?你要选择谁来讲述呢?

大明: 邓亚萍!她是我的英雄,因为她是世界上最棒的乒乓选手之一,而且我喜欢打乒乓球。

李老师: 那就给我们讲讲她!

大明: 嗯,她五岁开始练球。她训练刻苦,所以后来成了一名伟大的乒乓球选手。

李老师: 她赢过哪些比赛呢?

大明: 她获得过许多次世界冠军,包括四枚奥运会金牌。她24岁时退役。



大明: 是的。邓亚萍说她并不比任何人聪明,但她拥有非常坚强的意志。


大明: 是的。而且北京奥运会成为世界体育运动的一次胜利,也有她的功劳。她就是最棒的!

李老师: 她是一位真正的英雄。

Unit 2 There were few doctors, so he had to work very hard on his own.








