小学英语说课稿《I was two》【实用3篇】

时间:2016-04-08 08:10:48
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小学英语说课稿《I was two》 篇一


Title: "I was two"


Hello, everyone! Today, I am going to introduce a story called "I was two". This story is about a little girl named Lily who tells us about her life when she was two years old. Through this story, students will learn about basic vocabulary related to numbers, ages, and daily activities. They will also practice speaking and listening skills through interactive activities.

Warm-up activity:

To start the lesson, I will show the students pictures of different ages and ask them to guess how old the children in the pictures are. This will help activate their prior knowledge and introduce the concept of age.


After the warm-up activity, I will read the story "I was two" aloud to the students. While reading, I will use gestures and facial expressions to make the story more engaging and comprehensible. I will also encourage the students to repeat after me and answer simple comprehension questions to ensure their understanding.

Vocabulary and structure:

Next, I will introduce new vocabulary words related to numbers and ages, such as "one", "two", "three", and "four". I will use flashcards and real objects to teach and reinforce the meaning of these words. I will also teach the structure "I was (number) years old" to describe age. For example, I will say, "When I was two years old, I could crawl and say a few words."

Interactive activities:

To practice the vocabulary and structure, I will divide the students into pairs and ask them to take turns telling each other what they could do when they were a certain age. For example, one student might say, "When I was three years old, I could ride a tricycle." The other student will respond, "That's great!" This activity will encourage students to use the target language in context and foster peer interaction.


To wrap up the lesson, I will ask the students to create a simple timeline of their own lives. They will draw pictures or write sentences to describe what they could do at different ages. This activity will provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their own development and practice using the vocabulary and structure learned in the lesson.


Throughout the lesson, I will assess the students' understanding through their participation in the activities, their ability to answer questions, and their use of the target language. I will also provide feedback and reinforcement as needed.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you and your students enjoy learning about "I was two" and have fun practicing English together!

小学英语说课稿《I was two》 篇二


Title: "I was two"


Hello, everyone! Today, I am excited to present the story "I was two". This story is about a little girl named Lily who shares her memories of when she was two years old. Through this story, students will learn vocabulary related to ages and daily activities. They will also practice listening and speaking skills through interactive activities.

Warm-up activity:

To start the lesson, I will play a short video clip showing children of different ages engaging in various activities. After watching the video, I will ask the students questions such as "What can a two-year-old do?" and "What can a four-year-old do?" This activity will stimulate their curiosity and activate their prior knowledge.


After the warm-up activity, I will introduce the story "I was two" to the students. I will show them the cover of the book and ask them to predict what the story might be about based on the title and the illustrations. This will generate interest and prepare them for the upcoming reading.

Vocabulary and structure:

Next, I will teach new vocabulary words related to ages and activities, such as "two", "crawl", "speak", and "play". I will use flashcards, gestures, and real objects to demonstrate the meaning of these words. I will also introduce the structure "When I was two, I could (activity)" to describe past abilities. For example, I will say, "When I was two, I could crawl and say a few words."

Interactive activities:

To reinforce the vocabulary and structure, I will divide the students into groups and give each group a set of picture cards depicting different activities. The students will take turns picking a card and describing what they could do when they were two years old. For example, if a student picks a card showing a picture of a child playing with blocks, they might say, "When I was two, I could play with blocks." The other students in the group will listen and respond with positive feedback.


To conclude the lesson, I will ask the students to draw a picture of themselves doing an activity they could do when they were two years old. They will then share their drawings with the class and explain what they could do at that age. This activity will encourage creativity, self-expression, and oral communication.


Throughout the lesson, I will assess the students' understanding through their active participation in the activities, their ability to use the target vocabulary and structure, and their engagement in the discussion. I will provide feedback and encouragement to support their language development.

Thank you for your attention. I hope you and your students enjoy exploring "I was two" and have a great time learning English together!

小学英语说课稿《I was two》 篇三

  Look ! I have a photo, who is the little girl ? Can you guess ? Yes , it’s me . In this photo , I was ten then , I was short . (板书) Now , I am 21 , I am tall.(教学单词who , me , was )

  讲解:在讲述过去的状况使用was , 在讲述现在的'状况使用am / is

  Today , we ‘re going to learn module 8 changes I was two (板书课题并读一读)

  Please take out your photos and say it with your partner .

  Eg:I was---then , I was---. Now , I am ----


  Look , this is (grandpa) ,this is (grandma), we also called grandparents


  板书:They were young then , They are old , now .

  小结:在讲述过去的状况使用“were” 而在讲述现在的状况时使用“are”

  Pracites: show a picture , say it .together.


  介绍课文背景:Amy goes to Lingling’s house .She is interested in some old photos , let’s look who are they ? and what’s the changes .(First , read the books by themselves

; then, listen to the tape .)Answer some questions :

  1. Were they Lingling’s parents or grandparents?

  2. Were they old or young?

  3. Was Lingling’s hair short or long ?

  4. Was Lingling cute or naughty?

  Step4:Practice ( look and say )

  Show a picture,ask some students to say .


小学英语说课稿《I was two》【实用3篇】

