小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》 篇一
第一篇内容:Hot Dogs
I. Teaching Objectives:
1. Knowledge Objectives:
- Students will be able to learn and understand vocabulary related to food, such as hot dog, bun, ketchup, mustard, etc.
- Students will be able to use the sentence structure "I like _____" to express their preferences.
2. Skill Objectives:
- Students will be able to listen and comprehend simple English sentences.
- Students will be able to speak and express their preferences using the target vocabulary.
3. Emotional Objectives:
- Students will develop an interest in learning English through fun and engaging activities.
II. Key Points and Difficulties:
1. Key Points:
- Vocabulary related to food (hot dog, bun, ketchup, mustard, etc.)
- Sentence structure "I like _____"
2. Difficulties:
- Pronunciation of the target vocabulary
- Differentiating between ketchup and mustard
III. Teaching Procedures:
1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
- Greet the students and introduce the topic of food.
- Show pictures of different types of food and ask students if they like them.
- Teach the sentence structure "I like _____" and have students practice with various food items.
2. Presentation (10 minutes):
- Introduce the target vocabulary (hot dog, bun, ketchup, mustard) using flashcards or real objects.
- Pronounce the words clearly and have students repeat after you.
- Show pictures of a hot dog and its components (bun, ketchup, mustard) and explain their meanings.
3. Practice (15 minutes):
- Play a listening game where students listen to descriptions of different foods and raise their hands when they hear the target vocabulary.
- Have students take turns describing their favorite food using the sentence structure "I like _____."
- Provide support and correction as needed.
4. Consolidation (10 minutes):
- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of flashcards with food items.
- Have students take turns picking a card and saying "I like _____" using the corresponding vocabulary.
- Encourage students to ask each other questions about their favorite foods.
5. Extension (10 minutes):
- Sing the song "Hot Dog, Hot Dog" and encourage students to dance and sing along.
- Show a video clip of how hot dogs are made, discussing the different ingredients and process.
- Have a class discussion about the students' favorite type of hot dog and toppings.
6. Assessment (5 minutes):
- Ask individual students to come to the front of the class and say "I like _____" using the target vocabulary.
- Evaluate their pronunciation and understanding of the sentence structure.
IV. Blackboard Design:
- Vocabulary: hot dog, bun, ketchup, mustard
- Sentence structure: I like _____
- Song lyrics: "Hot Dog, Hot Dog"
V. Conclusion:
Through this lesson, students will not only learn new vocabulary related to food but also practice expressing their preferences using the sentence structure "I like _____". The use of games, songs, and discussions will make the learning process engaging and enjoyable for the students.
(Note: The second article will cover the topic of "Donuts")
小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》 篇三
小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》
下面是小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》说课稿范文,仅供参考!
《Lesson 12: Hot Dogs and Donuts》说课材料
小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》
。本单元主要介绍了多种西式快餐的名称,在前面所学的基础上,继续扩大词汇量,学会新单词hot dog和donut,并操作练习句型Thank you和You’re welcome的礼貌对话。再将单词放入旋律动听的歌曲中进行巩固练习。2.教学目标:
1能正确说、认读和口头运用下列单词:Donut、hot dog。
2能理解和运用句型:You’re welcome 。
3学唱歌曲:Do You Know the Donut Man ?
(1)能熟练的掌握新单词donut, hot dog 。
(2)能用重点句型You are welcome.在情境中自由交流。
《小学英语说课稿《Hot Dogs and Donuts》》(https://)。力求做到:“开课能激趣,讲课蕴情趣,练习有兴趣,结束藏意趣。”(1)以“学生为主体,教师为指导”为主要教学思想。通过实物,多媒体课件创设真实情境,形成语言氛围,在具体的情境中学习新单词、新句型,使整个教学源于生活,用于生活,使学生学得有趣,学的有用,从而体验成功。
创设多种可以说Thank you的情景,学生自由发挥创编对话,并在真实的情景中巩固运用了日常交际用语You’re welcome .在师生,生生,及小组对活等活动中进一步让学生体验了对生活活泼的语言实践。
1. 以旧引新,形成氛围
(1) Greeting
(2) Review (播放课件展示圣诞树上各种食品,找学生扮演圣诞老人,问:What’s your favourite food?让每个学生用I like&hell
ip;…回答爱吃的食物,从复习了西方食物和中国食物,迅速将学生带入语言氛围中。)2. 学习新单词,词句结合
(1) 播放课件介绍donut/hot dog利用歌谣操练。
(2) 播放课件展示单词书写格式。
(3) Practice:上面同学戴食物图片头饰,下面说爱吃的单词,上面的同学举手。
3. 对话练习,学会使用You’re welcome .
通过借东西归还,得到帮助等情景,练习使用You’re welcome .在情景中检查理解运用情况。