初中英语说课稿《A doctor for animals》(优秀3篇)

时间:2016-07-01 04:38:24
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初中英语说课稿《A doctor for animals》 篇一


Title: The Importance of Animal Doctors


Hello everyone! Today, I am going to talk about the topic "A doctor for animals". In this lesson, we will explore the important role of animal doctors and learn about their responsibilities in ensuring the health and well-being of animals. This topic is not only informative but also engaging for students as it involves their love for animals.


Animal doctors, also known as veterinarians, play a crucial role in our society. They are responsible for diagnosing and treating various illnesses and injuries in animals, just like human doctors do for us. Animal doctors work with a wide range of animals, including pets, farm animals, and even wildlife.


1. The role of animal doctors:

a. Animal doctors provide medical care for animals, just like human doctors do for us. They diagnose illnesses, perform surgeries, and prescribe medications to help animals recover from their health issues.

b. Animal doctors also play a preventive role by administering vaccinations and providing advice on nutrition and care for animals. This helps to prevent diseases and promote overall well-being.

c. Animal doctors may specialize in specific areas such as surgery, dentistry, or dermatology, depending on their interest and expertise.

2. Skills and qualities of animal doctors:

a. Animal doctors require a strong foundation in medical knowledge, as they need to understand the anatomy and physiology of various animal species.

b. Good communication skills are essential for animal doctors to effectively communicate with pet owners and educate them about their animal's health conditions and treatment options.

c. Animal doctors need to be compassionate and empathetic towards animals, as they often work with sick or injured animals who require care and comfort.

3. The challenges of being an animal doctor:

a. Animal doctors often work long hours and may be on call for emergencies. They need to be prepared to work in different environments and handle animals of different sizes and temperaments.

b. Animal doctors may face emotional challenges, as they sometimes have to make difficult decisions about euthanasia or deal with the loss of an animal patient.


In conclusion, animal doctors are vital in ensuring the health and well-being of animals. They are skilled professionals who diagnose and treat animal illnesses, provide preventive care, and educate pet owners on proper animal care. Their dedication and love for animals make them an important part of our society.

Thank you for your attention.

Word count: 431

(Continued below)

初中英语说课稿《A doctor for animals》 篇三


  a. 陈述句

  It is interesting to play with pets. 和宠物玩是有趣的。

  To do the job well is not easy. 做好这项工作是不容易的.。

  It’s better to give than to receive. 奉献总比索取好。

  To make a mistake is human. 犯错误是人之常情。

  b. 疑问句

  Is it easy to heal children? 给孩子治病容易吗?

  But isn’t it more important to help people than animals? 但是难到帮助人类不比帮助动物更重要吗?

  c. 否定句

  It is not easy to learn maths well. 学好数学是不容易的。




的用法。在学习对话的同时,复习归纳了现在完成时时态,强调现在完成时态不能使用过去的时间状语。进一步学习了动词不定式,学习用it 来充当形式主语的用法。 通过对课文The man who loved dogs和Cody saves the baby的学习, 来体会人与动物友好相处的和谐。 同时要掌握本单元的短语和习惯用语。



。The man who loved dogs讲述的是James Herriot做为兽医的艰苦历程和他对职业的奉献精神。Cody saves the baby讲述的是一只狗在地震时救了小主人的经过。两篇文章内容除了一些生词外,没有出现较难的语法项目。对于这样的语篇,可以通过教学设计,提高学生的阅读技巧和阅读速度。并在课堂练习或课后练习时,再阅读其他小短文,演练一下所学的方法,进而达到学会读大意,抓主题的快速阅读的目的。



  Long ago, dogs and horses were tamed to become man's helpers on land. Today some people believe that dolphins may become man's helpers in the sea Proof that a dolphin can be trained to assist man appeared in 1965. The U.S. Navy used the services of a seven-foot dolphin, Tuffy.

  Tuffy worked with pers at the Navy's Man-in-the-Sea station off the coast of California. He acted as messenger to a ten-man team whose underwater home was Sealab II, 205 feet deep.

初中英语说课稿《A doctor for animals》(优秀3篇)

