
时间:2018-01-09 05:27:18
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高中英语说课稿 篇一

标题:Using Authentic Materials to Enhance Listening Skills in High School English Class


Hello everyone, today I am going to present a lesson plan that focuses on using authentic materials to enhance listening skills in high school English class. Listening is a crucial skill in language learning, and by using authentic materials, students can improve their listening abilities while also gaining exposure to real-life English usage. This lesson is designed for a class of high school students with an intermediate English proficiency level.

I. Objectives:

- Develop students' listening skills by exposing them to authentic English materials

- Increase students' comprehension of spoken English

- Improve students' ability to extract information from listening materials

- Enhance students' confidence and interest in listening to English

II. Warm-up Activity:

To engage students and activate their prior knowledge, I will start the lesson with a short video clip of a popular English song. Students will be encouraged to listen closely and try to understand the lyrics. After watching the video, we will have a class discussion about the song and their understanding of the lyrics.

III. Main Activities:

1. Authentic Listening Task:

For the main activity, I will provide students with a short audio clip of a native English speaker discussing a specific topic related to their curriculum. Before listening to the clip, students will be given a set of questions to answer based on the information they will hear. They will listen to the audio twice and then work individually or in pairs to answer the questions. Afterward, we will have a class discussion to check their answers and address any difficulties they encountered.

2. Follow-up Discussion:

To further engage students, I will facilitate a follow-up discussion based on the audio clip. Students will be encouraged to share their thoughts and opinions on the topic, using the information they gathered from the listening exercise. This activity will not only improve their speaking skills but also promote critical thinking and analysis.

IV. Extension Activity:

To provide additional practice and reinforce their listening skills, students will be assigned a homework task. They will be asked to find an authentic English video or audio clip of their choice and write a brief summary of what they understood from it. This will encourage independent learning and allow students to explore topics of their interest.

V. Conclusion:

By incorporating authentic materials into the lesson, students will have the opportunity to improve their listening skills while also gaining exposure to real-life English usage. This approach will not only enhance their comprehension abilities but also foster their interest in the language. Through engaging activities and discussions, students will develop confidence in their listening skills and become more motivated to continue their English language learning journey.

Thank you for your attention.

高中英语说课稿 篇二

标题:Using Project-Based Learning to Promote Speaking Skills in High School English Class


Good morning, everyone. Today, I am excited to present a lesson plan that utilizes project-based learning to promote speaking skills in high school English class. Speaking is a vital aspect of language learning, and project-based learning provides students with opportunities to practice speaking in real-life situations. This lesson is designed for a class of high school students with an intermediate to advanced English proficiency level.

I. Objectives:

- Develop students' speaking skills by engaging them in project-based learning activities

- Increase students' confidence and fluency in speaking English

- Enhance students' ability to express their thoughts and ideas effectively

- Foster teamwork and collaboration among students

II. Warm-up Activity:

To activate students' prior knowledge and create a supportive environment for speaking practice, I will start the lesson with a group discussion activity. Students will be divided into small groups and given a set of questions related to a specific topic. They will discuss the questions within their groups, sharing their thoughts and opinions. Afterward, each group will present a summary of their discussion to the whole class.

III. Main Activities:

1. Project Introduction:

For the main activity, I will introduce a project to the students. The project will involve creating a role-play scenario based on a real-life situation. Students will be divided into pairs or small groups and given a scenario, such as a job interview or a restaurant conversation. They will work collaboratively to develop a dialogue and perform their role-play in front of the class. This activity will allow students to apply their speaking skills in a practical and meaningful way.

2. Peer Feedback and Reflection:

After each role-play performance, students will provide feedback to their peers. They will be encouraged to provide constructive criticism and highlight the strengths of each presentation. This feedback session will promote peer learning and encourage students to reflect on their own speaking abilities.

IV. Extension Activity:

To further develop their speaking skills, students will be assigned a homework task. They will be asked to research a topic of their choice and prepare a short presentation. The following day, students will present their findings to the class, allowing them to practice speaking in a more formal setting.

V. Conclusion:

By incorporating project-based learning activities into the lesson, students will have the opportunity to practice and develop their speaking skills in authentic contexts. Through collaboration, feedback, and reflection, students will become more confident and fluent in expressing their thoughts and ideas in English. This approach will not only improve their speaking abilities but also foster teamwork and critical thinking skills.

Thank you for your attention.

高中英语说课稿 篇三



  本单元的中心话题是Good manners,这是一个亘古及今且永恒的话题,


。但在我们这一单元中,Good manners 都有些什么内容呢?中外文化中对Good manners 的理解、体现有什么异同?我们该怎么做、做什么才能成为一个受人欢迎、具有Good manners 的人呢?单元中十一个板块的相关话题的设计及语言材料的选编无不紧紧扣着这个中心。从日常生活中看似虽小但能触及心灵的情景及行为,如道歉、书面致谢;东西方餐桌礼仪;域外风俗礼节等,都作了详尽的诠释,所有这些为我们提供的不仅是充实的英语语言知识和综合语言运用技能训练的内容,更重要的是学生学习这一单元的整个过程也是他们陶冶情操、规范行为、发展心智的过程,这对他们身心的发展会产生较强的感染作用,有助于他们人文素养的整体提高和跨文化意识的加强。

  “热身”(Warming up)部分设计了学生学习生活中及日常生活中经常发生的四幅画面:上课迟到、打断别人说话、排队买饭时不小心雨伞戳着别人、商店里排队付款一男士推开两顾客从他们中间穿过,顾客生气质问男士。让学生学会道歉,学会讲礼貌。这部分的目的是,引出中心话题Good manners,帮助学生明白讲礼貌会使我们人际之间关系和谐融洽,甚至会化干戈为玉帛;同时复习或学习一些致歉语和必要的答语。

  “听力”(Listening)部分提供了一段两朋友间的对话,一朋友不打招呼骑走了另一朋友的自行车,并且把它弄丢了。怎么办?当然是道歉。这个听力练习要求学生通过听学会对发生了这种事情后的道歉表达和更高姿态的回响,使道歉者释然。以此了解英语国家人士语言的得体性、思维的方式与习惯表达方法,培养学生跨文化交际的意识。如 “I guess it wasn’t really your fault, was it?” , “ That’s OK. Forget it. It was an old bike anyway.”

  “口语”(Speaking)部分提供的是三组文字情景,要求学生在前面“热身”和“听力”的基础上,以双人对话的活动形式体现情景,训练学生在比较真实的情景中口头表达能力和丰富他们有关道歉的语汇,包括词和句型。充分展示具备Good manners者解决问题、处理尴尬场面的风采。

  “读前”(Pre-reading)部分设计了四个情景:1)At a dinner party, 2)Greeting your teacher, 3)Receiving your birthday present, 4)Paying a visit to a friend’s house, 以小组活动的形式讨论并写下在中国文化中以上情景有礼有节的一些规矩,这一活动的目的是不仅要调用学生已有的直接和间接的体现Good manners 的生活经验,加深对我们中国是文明礼仪之邦的认识,而且激活学生的思维,自然过度到下一步的 “Reading”--- 西方文化、餐饮礼仪。




