小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节【优秀6篇】

时间:2012-07-07 09:23:26
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小学英语作文:My favourite season 我最喜欢的季节 篇一

My Favourite Season: Spring

Spring is my favourite season. It is a time of renewal and growth. I love everything about this season, from the blooming flowers to the warm sunshine.

One of the reasons I love spring is because of the beautiful flowers that bloom. Everywhere you look, you can see colorful flowers such as tulips, daisies, and cherry blossoms. They make the world come alive with their vibrant colors and sweet fragrance. I enjoy taking walks in the park and admiring the different types of flowers.

Another reason why I love spring is because of the warm and sunny weather. After a long and cold winter, the arrival of spring brings with it a sense of warmth and happiness. I can finally go outside without wearing a heavy coat and enjoy the sunshine on my face. It feels so refreshing and rejuvenating.

Spring is also a season of new beginnings. It is a time when nature wakes up from its long slumber and starts to grow again. The trees start to bud, the grass turns green, and animals come out of hibernation. It is a magical time of transformation and growth. I love seeing the new leaves on the trees and hearing the birds chirping in the morning.

In addition, spring is a season of celebrations. There are many festivals and holidays that take place during this time, such as Easter and May Day. These celebrations bring people together and create a sense of joy and unity. I love participating in these festivities and spending time with my family and friends.

Overall, spring is my favourite season because of its beauty, warmth, and new beginnings. It is a time when nature comes alive and fills the world with color and life. I cannot wait for spring to come every year and experience the joy and happiness it brings.

小学英语作文:My favourite season 我最喜欢的季节 篇二

My Favourite Season: Autumn

Autumn is my favourite season. I love everything about this season, from the crisp air to the colorful leaves.

One of the reasons I love autumn is because of the change in weather. The hot summer days start to cool down, and the air becomes crisp and refreshing. It is the perfect weather for outdoor activities such as hiking and picnics. I enjoy breathing in the fresh air and feeling the gentle breeze on my face.

Another reason why I love autumn is because of the beautiful foliage. The leaves on the trees change color from green to shades of red, orange, and yellow. It is a magnificent sight to see. I love taking walks in the park and admiring the different colors of the leaves. It feels like walking in a painting.

Autumn is also a season of harvest. It is a time when farmers gather their crops and fruits ripen. I enjoy going to the local farmers market and buying fresh produce such as apples, pumpkins, and corn. It is a joy to taste the delicious fruits of the season and support local farmers.

In addition, autumn is a season of celebrations. There are many holidays and festivals that take place during this time, such as Halloween and Thanksgiving. These celebrations bring people together and create a sense of warmth and togetherness. I love dressing up in costumes for Halloween and gathering with my family for a Thanksgiving feast.

Overall, autumn is my favourite season because of its cool weather, beautiful foliage, and abundance of harvest. It is a time when nature transforms into a stunning display of colors and brings people together for celebrations. I look forward to autumn every year and cherish the moments spent in this magical season.

小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节 篇三

  We have four season;spring,summer,fall,winter.

  My fovourite season is summer.In summer,the weather is hot and sunny.I can swim in the sea.I like go swimming very much.I can eat my favourite foot-- ice-cream,too.Summer is sweet for me.

  I like summer.Do you like summer? What is your favourite season?

小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节 篇四

  There are four seasons in a year. Autumn is my favourite season.

  In autumn, the weather in my city is usually windy and cool. I always fly kite with my friend. sometimes, I go hiking, too. wind comes, I love to watch the leaves fall. Everywhere is golden in autumn. It so beautiful.

  I love autumn very much. Is autumn also your favourite season?

小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节 篇五

  I think everyone has a favorite season. Then today I will talkabout my favorite season.

  In this season, I can do what I what. Such as, I can eat ice-cream in the coffee shop, I can ride bike with my good friends,I can take a walk in the evening and so on.

  In this season, I can wear T-shirt. I also can wear dress. Ihave many beautiful dress. And I can put on my yellow sun hat,too! That’s so pretty. Isn’t it?

  In this season, I can drink less drinks. Such as, cola, juice andso on. Wow, when I think it, I will so happy. Because in otherdays, I can’t drink cold drinks. And I only can drink boiled water.Because my health isn’t good. My mother tell me it two yearsago.

  Do you know my favorite season is what? Right, that is summer! Ilove summer. Do you like summer, too? If you don’t like summer,then what season do you like?






小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节 篇六

  Every time, when the sun shining brightly, I know summer is coming. Though it is very hot, I still prefer summer. In hot summer, I like lying in the sunshine, sometimes. Because it's too hot, I always stay for fifteen minutes. Always, you can see lots of people swimming in the sea, or in the swimming pool, I like playing with my friends in the swimming pool and enjoy the happy time. Most people hate the sunshine in summer because it's too hot, but I just like it. It makes me feel happy, bright and warm .

  每当太阳光很热烈的时候,我就知道是夏天来了。虽然夏天很炎热,但我始终最喜爱夏天。在炎热的夏季,我有时喜欢沐浴在阳光下。因为太热了,我总是只待十五分钟。你总是可以看见有很多的人在大海里或是游泳池中游泳,我也很喜欢和朋友们在游泳池中嬉戏,享受快乐的时光。 大多数的人都因为炎热的缘故厌恶夏天毒辣的阳光,但是我却喜爱它。是它让我感觉到了快乐、光明和温暖。

小学英语作文:My favourite season我最喜欢的季节【优秀6篇】

