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小学英语老师教案 篇一

Title: Engaging Activities for Teaching English in Primary School

As a primary school English teacher, it is important to create engaging and interactive activities to help students learn the language effectively. Here are some fun and creative ideas for teaching English in the classroom:

1. Word Bingo: Create bingo cards with English words instead of numbers. Call out the words in English and have students mark them on their cards. This game is not only fun but also helps students practice their vocabulary.

2. Storytelling: Encourage students to create their own stories in English. This can be done individually or in groups. Have them present their stories to the class, which not only improves their speaking skills but also boosts their confidence.

3. English Songs: Use popular English songs to teach students vocabulary and pronunciation. Have them listen to the songs, read the lyrics, and sing along. This is a fun way for students to learn English while enjoying music.

4. Role-Playing: Assign different roles to students and have them act out scenarios in English. This activity helps students practice speaking and listening skills in a practical and interactive way.

5. English Board Games: Create English board games that focus on grammar, vocabulary, or comprehension. This will make learning English more enjoyable and help students retain information better.

By incorporating these engaging activities into your lessons, you can create a dynamic and effective learning environment for your students. Remember to adjust the activities based on the age and language proficiency of your students to ensure they are both challenging and enjoyable.

小学英语老师教案 篇二

Title: Using Technology in Teaching English to Primary School Students

In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of education, including teaching English to primary school students. Here are some ways in which technology can be used effectively in the English classroom:

1. Interactive Whiteboards: Interactive whiteboards can be used to display multimedia content, interactive games, and online resources to engage students in the learning process. Teachers can also use whiteboards to create interactive quizzes and activities for students to participate in.

2. Educational Apps: There are numerous educational apps available that are specifically designed to help students learn English. These apps can be used for vocabulary practice, grammar exercises, listening comprehension, and more. Teachers can recommend these apps to students for additional practice outside of the classroom.

3. Online Resources: The internet offers a wealth of resources for teaching English, such as educational websites, videos, and online courses. Teachers can use these resources to supplement their lessons and provide students with additional practice and reinforcement.

4. Virtual Field Trips: Take students on virtual field trips to English-speaking countries using virtual reality technology. This allows students to immerse themselves in the language and culture of English-speaking countries without leaving the classroom.

5. Online Collaboration: Use online platforms to facilitate collaboration and communication among students. This can include online discussion forums, group projects, and peer editing of writing assignments. Online collaboration encourages students to communicate in English and work together towards a common goal.

By incorporating technology into your English lessons, you can make learning more engaging, interactive, and effective for your primary school students. Remember to provide guidance and support to students as they navigate technology to ensure they are using it in a productive and responsible manner.

小学英语老师教案 篇三


  本模块教学内容,以超市购物为情境,让学生通过学习,用How many…?How much …?进行对可数名词与不可数名词数量的提问;能够用英语根据自己的需要制作购物单;能够在真实情境中,用How many…do you want? How much … do you want?对他人所需物品数量进行询问。




  (1)知识目标:掌握本单元新词need,food,shopping list,cheese,how much,kilo,juice;学会用How many…? How much…?来提问可数名词与不可数名词数量。








  一、课前热身:1.Greeting:goodmorning boys and girls.

  2.Sing the song of where did you go.

  3. Ask the students “what did you do yesterday?”


  1. Tell the children: I went shopping yesterday. I went to Qinglong Street.教师板书课题“shopping”,接着说:“I went to the supermarket. I bought lots of things.”请学生说出所在城镇一个比较有名的超市名称,教师板书“supermarket”并领读,然后让学生用英语说说超市中一些常用物品的名称。

  2. Tell the children that Lingling and Ms Smart will go shopping. Today we are going to learn how to buy things in a supermarket in English.


  1.学生带着问题观看Uint1活动1插图:Open your book then look at the pictures and ask them who they see and what they are doing?

  2.教师播放课文录音,学生初步理解课文。Then ask the children: Where are Ms Smart and Lingling? What need they buy?请学生找出Ms Smart和Lingling需要买的食物,根据学生回答,教师板书“bananas,cheese,noodles”,教学新单词cheese。

  3.教师出示shopping list一张,问学生:“what’s this?”如果学生不会用英语表达,则教学新词shopping list,指导学生的发音,采取多种方法练习:全班齐读、小组读、开火车读、个别读。

  4.教师讲解:“how many”和:“how much”都是用于询问“多少”的,但在用法上有所区别。“how many”用来提问可数名词的数量,而“how much” 用来提问不可数名词的数量。请学生回忆学过的名词,并个别回答。教师拿出各种文具、食品、服装、玩具和水果等卡片,让学生区别哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。教师用实例帮助学生理解这两个词组的用法。例如:“hou many apples do you want?how much milk do you want?”等。


  6.小表演:请学生一人扮演Ms Smart,一人扮演Lingling,练习朗读课文。然后请几组学生分角色将课文对话在全班面前表演,教师及时表扬,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。


  1.完成活动2:Ask the children to look at the shopping list and read the food and quantities correctly.

  2.完成活动3:Learn to buy things.


  4.模拟购物:Ask the students to go to different shops and buy different things. 把全班分成四个组,即四个“商店”, 每组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。(购买完一次轮换角色)顾客可以到任何一家“商店”“购买”自己喜欢的物品。教师到各组去指导,同时教师也当顾客购买物品。






小学英语老师教案 篇四


  1.能读并书写单词:station, train, up, hill, down, near, house.


  Where’s the train 1?

  It’s updown the XXXX.

  It’s near the houses.

  It’s at the station.


  1. 能读并书写单词:station, train, up, hill, down, near, house.

  2. 能掌握句型:问路并能准确指明方向

  ---Where ' s the … please?

  ---Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.




  一、Warming up.

  1. Greeting.ⅥⅦ

  2. Sing a song .


  1. Play a game: Do as I say: ---Go straight on.Turn left.Turn right.

  2. Drill: 用学生自己想出的动作来表达所学单词的意思,如: go straight on, turn left, turn right

  三、New concepts.

  1.Induction: 学习单词:station, train, up, hill, down, near, house

  2. Drill: 用形象动作来组成词组:up the hill, down the hill, near the houses, at the station

  3. Play a game: Do as I say.与学生一起玩这个游戏操练本课新内容:up the hill, down the hill, near the houses, at the station

  4. Listen to the tape: 放录音呈现SB UNIT2 活动1。学生对照书或看挂图听录音,熟悉故事内容和情节,然后再放录音,板书句型。

  Where’s the train 1?

  It’s updown the ---.

  It’s near the houses.

  It’s at the station.

  5. Answer the questions: 再放录音,学生跟读课文,理解课文,引导学生做出相应的回答。

  6. Do the exercises: 完成AB UNIT 2练习1、2、3、4。


  1. Listen and read: 听读课文20分钟。

  2. Write the new words: 默写本课新单词每个两行。

小学英语老师教案 篇五


  Talking about past activities

  Target Language: Did you…?

  Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.


  Vocabulary: dear, met (meet) ,ran(run)

  Pronunciation: /i:/, /I/, /e/, / /

  Song: Where did you go?



  1. Review verb phrases.

  2. Review Unit 1.


  1. Prepare a postcard with a picture of own city and ask the children: What’s this? What is the place? What can you see?

  2. Show the back of the postcard and tell the children that Lingling wrote a letter on it.


  1. Play the cassette and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat and tick the actions: went to the park, met John, bought ice creams, went home, ran to the bus, dropped.

  2. Play the cassette again and ask the children answer the following questions: Who wrote the postcard? Whom did Lingling send the postcard to?

  3. Write down the words: met, bought, went, ran, dropped and ask the children to guess the original form.

  4. Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs.

  四、Sing a song

  1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.

  2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.

  3. Teach the sentences of the song one by one.

  4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to sing along.


  1. Read the letter and sing the song.

  2. Finish activity 6: sentence relay.

小学英语老师教案 篇六



  words :when back those ice cream with finish hurry wp wait drop

  (2个词组2个过去式 came dropped)

  sentences: When did you come back

  We came back last Sunday.

  I dropped my ice cream.




  3.情感目标 运用过去式描述过去发生的事情




  1.一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时的区别




  T: Hello,boys and girls. How are you

  S: I'm fine thank you.

  T: Today Let's talk something about summer holiday, OK

  I have three questions.


  Where did you go

  S: I went to...

  T: Olny yourself And your mother and farther. Yes! So you can say. I went to...with...


  What did you buy

  I bought…。


  When did you come back

  1.用come here学come back帮助学生理解

  2.I went to Henan in Summer holiday.

  Now it's September.I came back last month.(利用日历学习)

  用last month帮助理解when,进一步学习

  3 对比学习come---came

  ask and answer in pairs(设计目的:不仅学会回答,也掌握问句)

  summary: 总结过去时

  go--went do—did

  come--came buy—bought

  二、以ice cream 引出所学内容,

  (1) T: Boys and girls are very clever,so today I bring some presents. Oh,look ,it's an...

  (板书ice cream并教授,教师拿着卡片问Do you like these ice creams S: Yes.

  T:look at those ice creams. They're nice.(板书those.并对比学习these-those

  (2)出现bus的图片,边做动作边讲hurry up,通过挥手讲wait for us


  1 教师先模仿,吃完手中的东西说:I finished my ..

  2 对一个学生说Please finish your..这个学生再对下一个学生重复同样的句子

  3 全班同学一起说"Please finish your.."

  drop-dropped 通过动作。

  I dropped my pen/book....

  三、review the words

  1. Look at the blackboard and read together

  2. Look at the word cards and read.

  3. Play a game: I say a word to a student quietly, let otherstudents guess.(设计目的:练习单词的发音)

  4.Play a game:用单词卡只露第一个字母。让学生猜单词(设计目的:练习单词的认识及拼写能力。eg:w:with,wait, when在这里可以通过比赛贴ice cream然后掉了一个。再练习dropped.

  四、Listen and point.

  1.Listen and point.

  2.Listen and repeat.

  Step V do the exercises.

  read and Choose T or F.

  1.Lingling is in London with Sam and Amy.

  2.They are back yesterday.

  3.They came back yesterday.

  4.john lives near Amy and Sam.

  5.John dropped his ice cream.



  Where did you go

  I went to XXXXXXXXX

  When did you come back

  I came backXXXXXXXXXX


  描述自己的假期旅行。包括(when where who what how)。


