
时间:2013-02-03 02:38:40
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授权委托书英文 篇一

A power of attorney is a legal document that allows one person (the principal) to authorize another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to act on their behalf in financial or legal matters. This document is often used when the principal is unable to handle their own affairs due to illness, travel, or other circumstances.

The power of attorney can be specific, granting the agent limited powers to perform certain tasks, or general, giving the agent broad authority to make decisions on behalf of the principal. The agent must always act in the best interests of the principal and follow any specific instructions outlined in the power of attorney document.

In order for a power of attorney to be legally valid, it must be signed and dated by the principal in the presence of witnesses. Some states also require the document to be notarized. It is important to carefully consider who you choose as your agent, as they will have the authority to make important decisions on your behalf.

A power of attorney can be revoked at any time by the principal as long as they are of sound mind and able to make their own decisions. It is also important to review and update your power of attorney periodically to ensure that it accurately reflects your wishes and current circumstances.

In conclusion, a power of attorney is a valuable legal tool that can provide peace of mind and protection for individuals who are unable to manage their own affairs. By carefully selecting and authorizing a trusted agent, you can ensure that your financial and legal matters are handled according to your wishes.

授权委托书英文 篇二

A power of attorney is a crucial legal document that allows individuals to designate someone to act on their behalf in various financial and legal matters. This document is especially important for individuals who may be unable to handle their own affairs due to illness, disability, or other circumstances.

There are different types of powers of attorney, including a general power of attorney, which grants broad authority to the agent to make decisions on behalf of the principal, and a limited power of attorney, which only allows the agent to perform specific tasks. It is important for individuals to carefully consider the scope of authority they wish to grant to their agent when creating a power of attorney.

In addition to financial and legal matters, a power of attorney can also be used to make medical decisions on behalf of the principal. This type of power of attorney, known as a healthcare power of attorney or healthcare proxy, allows the agent to make healthcare decisions when the principal is unable to do so.

It is essential for individuals to choose a trustworthy and reliable agent to act on their behalf in a power of attorney. The agent must always act in the best interests of the principal and follow any specific instructions outlined in the document. It is also important to review and update the power of attorney as needed to ensure that it accurately reflects the principal's wishes and current circumstances.

In conclusion, a power of attorney is a valuable legal tool that can provide individuals with peace of mind and protection in times of need. By creating a power of attorney and designating a trusted agent, individuals can ensure that their financial, legal, and healthcare matters are handled according to their wishes.

授权委托书英文 篇三

  The Letter of Authorization (Power of Attorney)

  I, the undersigned Mr. /Ms. _____representing ___________(company name), a corporation duly established by and existing under the law of_________(region) and having its office at _________(address), hereby constitute and appoint the below-mentioned persons Mr./Ms. ______, to represent us with regard to the notifications, communication or demand required or permitted under the general frame cooperation agreement between _________ (company name)and __________(company name).

  Hereby warrant and certify that the signatory, whose signature appears below are genuine and authentic, has been and is on the date set forth below, duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate action to execute the agreement.

  [Signature to be authorized] [Date]

  [Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of authorized Peron] [Print Tel Number]

  [Print name of Company] [Company chop/seal as applicable] By [Signature] [Date]

  [Print signature in English] [Print E-mail address] [Print full title of executing officer] [Print Tel Number] [Print address]

授权委托书英文 篇四

  The undersigned hereby authorizes __________________________________________ as the undersigned's agent and attorney-in-fact (the “Agent”), with full power and authority to enter into contracts for the purchase, receipt, sale (including short sale) and delivery of, whether directly or indirectly through investments in managed investment products or otherwise, foreign currency contracts, options on foreign currency contracts, and other such forward contracts and options thereon, securities, equity, debt and related investments (collectively “Contracts”) on margin or otherwise, in one or more accounts (“Account”) with IFX Markets Inc. (“Commerce”).

  In all such transactions, as well as management decisions relating to the Account, Commerce is hereby authorized to follow the instructions of the Agent; the Agent is authorized to act on behalf of the undersigned in the same manner and with the same force and effect as the undersigned might or could with respect to such transactions, the making and taking of deliveries and with respect to all other things necessary or incidental to the furtherance and/or conduct of the Account.

  Commerce shall have no liability for following the instructions of the Agent, and the undersigned shall never attempt to

hold Commerce liable for the Agent's actions or inactions. The undersigned understands that Commerce does not, by implication or otherwise, endorse the operating methods of such Agent. The undersigned hereby releases Commerce from any and all liability to the undersigned or to anyone claiming through the undersigned with respect to damage, losses or lost profits sustained or alleged to have been sustained as a result of Commerce following the Agent's instructions or

  for any matter arising out of the relationship between the Agent and the undersigned and shall indemnify Commerce from any and all losses, damages, liabilities and expenses, of any kind or nature whatsoever, arising therefrom. The undersigned agrees to hold Commerce harmless and to indemnify it as to any expense, damage or liability sustained by it with respect to any and all acts and practices of the Agent and attorney-in-fact regarding this account, including all losses arising therefrom and debit balance(s) due thereof.

  This authorization is a continuing one and shall remain in full force and effect until revoked by the undersigned, or an authorized person on his behalf, by written notice given to Commerce, Attention: Director of Compliance. Such revocation shall become effective only upon the actual receipt thereof by Commerce but shall not affect any liability in any way

  resulting from transactions initiated prior to its receipt. This authorization shall inure to the benefit of Commerce, its

  successors and assigns. The provisions hereof shall be in addition to and in no way shall it limit or restrict any right that Commerce may have under any agreement with the undersigned. In addition, Commerce is further authorized and directed to deduct from the undersigned's account and pay the Agent the amount of all management fees, incentive fees, advisory fees and/or brokerage commissions to be paid to the Agent upon Commerce's receipt of invoices from the Agent.

  The undersigned understands that the Agent is solely responsible for the calculation of such fees and commissions and that Commerce has no responsibility or obligation to determine or verify the amount or accuracy of such fees and commissions. The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Commerce and its affiliates and employees from any loss, damage or dispute arising out of or relating to the calculation and payment of such fees and commissions.

  All statements, notices, correspondence and the like generated in this account shall be sent or given to the Agent at the address shown for this account and to the undersigned at the address indicated in the Customer's Account documents, or to such other person or address as the undersigned may hereafter designate in writing.

  In addition the undersigned has provided IFX Markets Inc. with a copy of any disclosure document, managed account agreement, or other such materials executed by and between Agent and the undersigned that concern the Agent's advice in regards to the Account.

  Management Fee: % per annum / monthly / quarter

  Incentive Fee’s: % of net profits per annum / monthly / quarter

  Commissions: $ (USD) per lot round turn (10,000 lot size)

  X Customer Signature

  Print Name


  X Agent Signature

  Print Name



