
时间:2014-01-01 07:33:16
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盘点:公共交通的英文表达方式 篇一

Public Transportation Vocabulary: A Comprehensive Guide

Public transportation plays a crucial role in urban areas, providing a convenient and eco-friendly mode of transportation for millions of people every day. In order to better understand and navigate public transportation systems, it's important to be familiar with the vocabulary commonly used in this context. Here, we will take a comprehensive look at the key terms and phrases related to public transportation in English.

1. Bus: A large vehicle that carries passengers along a specified route, with designated stops for picking up and dropping off passengers.

2. Subway/Metro: An underground or elevated railway system that transports passengers within a city or metropolitan area.

3. Train: A series of connected railway cars that transport passengers over long distances, both within and between cities.

4. Tram/Streetcar: A rail vehicle that runs on tracks laid in the street, typically used for shorter distances within a city.

5. Light Rail: A type of urban public transportation that operates on tracks, similar to a tram, but with more capacity and higher speed.

6. Commuter Rail: A regional rail system that connects suburbs and outlying areas to a city center, typically used by commuters for daily travel.

7. Shuttle: A small bus or van that provides transportation between specific locations, such as airports, hotels, or tourist attractions.

8. Fare: The price paid for a ticket or pass to use public transportation services.

9. Transfer: The act of switching from one mode of transportation to another during a journey, often requiring an additional fare payment.

10. Schedule: A timetable or plan outlining the times and routes of public transportation services.

11. Platform: A designated area where passengers wait for and board trains or buses.

12. Ticket Machine: A self-service kiosk where passengers can purchase tickets or passes for public transportation.

By familiarizing yourself with these key terms and phrases, you can navigate public transportation systems with ease and confidence. Whether you're a daily commuter or a tourist exploring a new city, understanding the vocabulary of public transportation is essential for a smooth and enjoyable travel experience.

盘点:公共交通的英文表达方式 篇二

Mastering Public Transportation: Tips for Travelers

Navigating public transportation in a new city can be a daunting task, especially if you are unfamiliar with the language and customs of the area. However, with a few key tips and tricks, you can master public transportation like a pro and travel with ease and confidence. Here are some helpful suggestions for travelers looking to make the most of their public transportation experience:

1. Plan Ahead: Before embarking on your journey, research the public transportation options available in the city you will be visiting. Familiarize yourself with the routes, schedules, and fare prices to avoid any confusion or delays during your trip.

2. Purchase a Pass: Many cities offer daily, weekly, or monthly passes for unlimited use of public transportation services. Consider purchasing a pass that suits your travel needs to save time and money on individual fare payments.

3. Ask for Help: If you are unsure about which bus or train to take, don't hesitate to ask for assistance from a transit employee or fellow passenger. Most people are happy to help a traveler in need and can provide valuable information to ensure you reach your destination safely.

4. Be Aware of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings while traveling on public transportation, especially in crowded or unfamiliar areas. Keep an eye on your belongings and be mindful of any potential safety hazards to ensure a smooth and secure journey.

5. Stay Flexible: Public transportation can be unpredictable at times, with delays or changes to schedules. Stay flexible and patient when faced with unexpected disruptions, and be prepared to adjust your plans accordingly to reach your destination on time.

6. Enjoy the Ride: Public transportation offers a unique opportunity to experience the local culture and atmosphere of a city. Take advantage of your time on the bus or train to observe the sights and sounds around you, and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of your surroundings.

By following these tips and embracing the adventure of public transportation, you can make the most of your travel experience and explore new destinations with confidence and ease. With a little preparation and a positive attitude, you can navigate public transportation like a seasoned traveler and enjoy all the benefits it has to offer.

盘点:公共交通的英文表达方式 篇三


  1. 城市公共交通

  urban public transport


  2. 公共交通方式

  public transport mode


  3. 城市公共交通系统

  urban public transport system


  4. 大运量客运系统

  mass transit system


  5. 快速轨道交通

  rail rapid transit(RRT)


  6. 地下铁道,地铁



  7. 单轨运输系统

  monorail transit system


  8. 新交通系统

  new transport system


  9. 垂直运送系统

  vertical transit system


  10. 应急公共交通系统

  emergency public transport system


  11. 城市客渡

  urban ferry


  12. 索道缆车客运

  cableway transport


  13. 轨道缆车客运

  funicular railway transport


  14. 公共交通信息系统

  public transport information system


  15. 公共交通优先

  public transport priority


  16. 公共汽车优先通行系统

  bus priority system


  17. 城市公共交通企业

  urban public transport enterprise


  18. 城市公共交通标志

  urban public transport sign


  19. 公共交通工具

  public transport means


  20. 公共交通线路

  public transport line


  21. 公共交通线路设施

  public transport line facilities


  22. 公共交通线路网

  public transport network


  23. 公共交通车站

  public transport stop, public transport station


  24. 公共交通停车场

  public transport parking place


  25. 公共交通枢纽

  public transport junction


  26. 城市公共交通规划

  urban public transport planning


  27. 公共交通线路布局

  public transport network distribution


  28. 公共交通场站布局

  public transport yard and station arrangement


  29. 城市公共交通客流预测

  urban public transport passenger flow forecast


  30. 城市公共交通票价制

  urban public transport fare structure



