除此之外英语怎么说 篇一
In addition to that, how do you say "除此之外" in English? This Chinese phrase can be translated as "besides that" or "apart from that" in English. It is often used to introduce additional information or alternatives to what has been previously mentioned.
For example, if someone is listing a few options and wants to add another one, they can say "除此之外,还有一个选择" which can be translated as "Besides that, there is another option." This phrase is a useful tool for expanding on ideas and providing more context in a conversation or written text.
In English, there are many ways to express the idea of "除此之外" depending on the context. Some other possible translations include "furthermore," "additionally," "in addition," or "moreover." These words can be used interchangeably with "besides that" to convey the same meaning of adding on to a previous point or introducing new information.
So next time you want to express the idea of "除此之外" in English, remember that there are multiple ways to do so and choose the one that best fits the specific situation.
除此之外英语怎么说 篇二
Besides that, how can we say "除此之外" in English? This phrase is commonly used in Chinese to indicate something that is apart from or in addition to what has already been mentioned. In English, there are several equivalent expressions that convey a similar meaning.
One way to translate "除此之外" into English is to use the phrase "apart from that." For example, if someone is discussing a list of items and wants to mention something else, they can say "除此之外,还有一件事情" which can be translated as "Apart from that, there is one more thing." This phrase is useful for emphasizing additional information or options that are not part of the original list.
Another possible translation of "除此之外" is "in addition to that." This phrase is commonly used to introduce new information or ideas that are related to the topic at hand. For example, if someone is discussing a plan and wants to add another element, they can say "除此之外,我们还需要考虑这个方面" which can be translated as "In addition to that, we also need to consider this aspect."
Overall, there are multiple ways to express the idea of "除此之外" in English, such as "apart from that" or "in addition to that." These phrases can be used to introduce additional information, alternatives, or exceptions to what has been previously mentioned. So next time you want to convey the idea of "除此之外," remember that there are various ways to do so in English depending on the context.
除此之外英语怎么说 篇三
除此之外[chú cǐ zhī wài]
besides; in addition
He has no money beside this.
His ribs were damaged, but other than that he's in good nick
The state provided a basic quantity of food for daily sustenance, but little else.
There's nothing more they can possibly do right
But beyond that, I have some basic recommendations.
He's naughty, but otherwise a nice boy.
Beyond that, china now competes with the US and Europe for economic alliances in africa.
She must sacrifice herself; there was no other way.
Beyond that, you have a point.
For good measure, a few details of hotels were included.