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-初二上册英语期末测试题 篇一

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you some of the topics and questions that we covered in our English midterm test for the first semester of the second year of junior high school. This test aimed to assess our understanding of the English language and our ability to apply grammar rules, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills. Let's dive into the details of the test!

The first section of the test focused on grammar. We were asked to complete sentences by choosing the correct form of the verb, fill in the blanks with the appropriate prepositions, and identify the correct word order in a sentence. This section tested our knowledge of tenses, prepositions, and sentence structure.

Moving on to the second section, we encountered a variety of vocabulary questions. We were required to choose the correct synonym or antonym for a given word, match words with their definitions, and complete sentences by using the appropriate words from a given list. This section evaluated our grasp of vocabulary and our ability to use words correctly in context.

The third section assessed our reading comprehension skills. We were given a passage to read and had to answer multiple-choice questions based on the text. The questions tested our ability to understand the main idea, identify supporting details, and make inferences from the passage. This section challenged us to apply our reading strategies and comprehension skills effectively.

Lastly, we had a writing section where we were asked to write a short paragraph on a given topic. This section aimed to evaluate our ability to express ourselves in written form and apply the grammar and vocabulary rules we had learned throughout the semester.

Overall, the midterm test for the first semester of the second year of junior high school English was a comprehensive assessment of our language skills. It covered grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. It challenged us to apply our knowledge in various contexts and showcased our progress in English language learning. We worked hard to prepare for this test, and I am confident that we all did our best!

-初二上册英语期末测试题 篇二

Hello everyone! Today, I would like to share with you the second part of the English midterm test for the first semester of the second year of junior high school. In this part, we focused on listening comprehension and speaking skills. Let's take a closer look at what we encountered!

The listening comprehension section consisted of a series of audio recordings, including conversations, interviews, and short speeches. After listening to each recording, we had to answer multiple-choice questions to demonstrate our understanding of the content. This section tested our ability to grasp spoken English, understand different accents and speech patterns, and extract information accurately.

Moving on to the speaking section, we were required to participate in a short conversation with the teacher. The teacher asked us questions related to our daily life, hobbies, and interests, and we had to respond using complete sentences and appropriate vocabulary and grammar. This section aimed to assess our speaking fluency, pronunciation, and ability to communicate effectively in English.

During the speaking test, we were also given a picture or a topic and had to speak for a few minutes about it. We were expected to express our opinions, provide reasons and examples, and engage in a meaningful conversation with the teacher. This section evaluated our ability to organize our thoughts, express ourselves clearly, and use appropriate language structures.

In conclusion, the second part of the English midterm test for the first semester of the second year of junior high school focused on listening comprehension and speaking skills. It challenged us to understand spoken English and communicate effectively in English. We practiced listening to various audio recordings and engaged in conversations with the teacher to demonstrate our language proficiency. It was an exciting and challenging part of the test, and I believe we all did our best!

-初二上册英语期末测试题 篇三



  1.There are people in the park on the National Day.

  A one hundreds B. hundreds of C. hundred of D. one hundreds of

  2. There are days in a week and Tuesday is day of the week.

  A. seven, third B. seven, the third C. seventh, three D.the seventh, three

  3. There is elephant on the grass . It is playing with a ball .

  A.an B.a C.The D./

  4. This is song I have told you about . Isn’t it beauti ful one ?

  A. the the B. a a C .the the D a the

  5. _____some students , the teacher entered the hall .

  A. Following B. Followed C.Being followed D.Having followed

  6 . My mother often tells me ____ the teacher in class .

  A.listen B .listen to C .to listen D. to listen to

  7.----Why do we eat vegetables every day ,Mum?

  ----______healthy,my dear .

  A.To keep B.Keep C.Keeping D.Kept

  8.In the library , you keep quiet .

  A .may B. might C. must D. can

  9.----Is Jake on duty today ?

  ----It be him , it’s his turn tomorrow .

  A.mustn’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t

  10. ---- May I smoke here ?

  ----No, you . This is a no-smoking room

  A.needn’t B.mustn’t C.couldn’t D.wouldn’t

  11 ---- Where are you going this month ?

  ----We go to London , but we are not sure .

  A.need B.must C.might D.will

  12---Hurry up , the bus is coming .

  ---- Oh , no. We cross the street until the traffic lights turn green .

  A..mustn’t B.may not C.needn’t D.have to

  13.The sports meeting will be held in half an hour, but they haven’t got everything ready_____ .

  A.ever B.already C.yet D.still

  14.—Have you ever heard of this hero ?

  —Yeah, he is a famous person now. He just appeared on TV last night and told us about his_____ experiences.

  A.amazing B.usual C.active D.serious

  15.Your brother isn’t so______ as usual. You should take him to see a doctor.

  A.well B.better C.badly D.worse



  I live in a small town near Xing’an in Guilin. You can’t see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many tall buildings in our town. The best building is our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.

  ( )1. The writer lives _______.

  A. in a small town B. in the city of Guilin

  C. in a village D. in a tall building

  ( )2. There is_______ in the front of our school.

  A. a river B. a tall building C. a playground D. a garden

  ( )3. The students often _______ in summer.

  A. play basketball B. plant trees C. grow flowers D. go swimming

  ( )4. People can hear

_______ singing here and there.

  A. students B. birds C. cows D. teachers

  ( )5. What is the best title of the passage?

  A. The garden B. A Small Town C. Our School D. The Best Building


  Jim was a young man in his early twenties who was studying to be a carpenter(木匠). He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so his boss was pleased w ith him. As he was such a likable man and easy to deal wi th, he was popular with his workmates, too. They also made fun of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only laugh.

  But Jim's one great shortcoming(缺点) was that he could never tell a lie, no matter how hard he tried, not even a little one. In fact, he was so honest and shy that he would blush(脸红) even when he was telling the truth. He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away.

  One morning, however, he didn't like going to work because he had been to a party the night before and it hadn't ended till the early hours of the morning. And then the first time in his life he decided to take the day off. He rang his boss, pretending to be a woman. He spoke in a high voice. "Hello," he said timidly. "I'm afraid Jim can't come to work today. He isn't feeling very well. "Poor Jim was thankful that his boss couldn't see him just at that moment because his hands were trembling(发抖) and his face was bright red.

  "Thank you for letting me know," said Mr. Woods, his boss, and then just as he was about to hang up, he said, " Just a moment, madam, who's speaking. "

  "Oh!", Jim stammered(口吃), and going all out for making a voice (尽量装出…的嗓音) like a woman, he cried in a loud voice: "This is my landlady speaking!"

  ( )6. Jim was .

  A.mid-aged B.a teenager C.over 25 D.between 20-25

  ( )7. His boss was_______ with him.

  A. displeased B. not pleased C. satisfied D. unsatisfied

  ( )8. His workmates used to_______.

  A. cheat him B. play with him C. play jokes on him D. beat him

  ( )9. Telling lies always made his face_______.

  A. blue B. white C. red D. green

  ( )10. At the end of the story, poor Jim _______.

  A. spilt(溢漏) the flaw B. caught the worm(蛀虫) like the early bird

  C. shouldn't put all the eggs in one basket D. became a great talker


  An old lady in a plane had a blanket over her head and she did not want to take it off. The air hostess spoke to her, but the old lady said, “I have never been in a plane before, and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again!”

  Then the captain came. He said, “Madam, I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine, there are no clouds in the sky, and everything is going very well.” But she continued to hide.

  So the captain turned and star ted to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said, “I am sorry, young man, but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. But I’ll say one thing,” She continued kindly, “You and your wife keep your plane very clean!”

  ( )11.The old lady _________.

  A.had been in a plane before B.was in a plane for her first time

  C.didn’t like to travel on a train D.enjoyed keeping a blanket over her head

  ( )12.She kept the blanket over her head because _________.

  A.she liked the blanket very much

  B.she wanted to sleep

  C.she was af raid of flying

  D.she didn’t want to be interrupted(打扰 )

  ( )13.Which is TRUE according to the story?

  A.The captain’s words made the old lady feel better.

  B.The old lady was making fun with the captain.

  C.The old lady was angry with the captain.

  D.The old lady was still worried after hearing what the captain said.

  ( )14.The old lady said she would _________.

  A.travel by plane from then on B.keep the plane clean

  C.not take off the blanket D.not fly any more

  ( )15.The old lady thought that the air hostess and the captain _________.


