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外研版五年级下册英语期末测试试题 篇一

Title: The Importance of Practicing English in Everyday Life

English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is considered a global language. As such, it is crucial for students to practice English in their everyday lives. In this article, we will explore the importance of practicing English and provide some practical tips for doing so.

Firstly, practicing English helps to improve language proficiency. Just like any other skill, regular practice is essential for mastery. By using English in daily activities such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking, students can develop their vocabulary, grammar, and overall language skills. This will not only benefit them academically but also in their future careers where English proficiency is often a requirement.

Secondly, practicing English enhances communication skills. English is a universal language that allows people from different cultures and backgrounds to connect and communicate effectively. By practicing English, students can become more confident and proficient in expressing their thoughts and ideas. This will enable them to engage in meaningful conversations and establish connections with people from around the world.

Moreover, practicing English expands students' horizons. Through reading English books, watching English movies or TV shows, and listening to English music, students can gain exposure to different cultures and perspectives. They can learn about the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of people from various countries. This not only broadens their knowledge but also fosters a sense of global awareness and understanding.

Now that we understand the importance of practicing English, let's discuss some practical tips for incorporating English into daily life. Firstly, students can set aside a specific time each day for English practice. This can be done through activities such as reading English books, watching English videos, or even having conversations with friends or family members in English. Secondly, students can make use of technology. There are numerous language learning apps, online resources, and language exchange platforms available that can help students practice English in a fun and interactive way.

In conclusion, practicing English in everyday life is crucial for language development, communication skills, and global awareness. By incorporating English into daily activities and utilizing available resources, students can enhance their English proficiency and open doors to new opportunities. So, let's make English a part of our daily routine and reap the benefits it brings.

外研版五年级下册英语期末测试试题 篇二

Title: The Benefits of Learning English at a Young Age

English is a widely spoken language and is considered a global language of communication. Therefore, it is beneficial for children to start learning English at a young age. In this article, we will explore the benefits of learning English early and discuss some effective strategies for teaching English to young learners.

Firstly, learning English at a young age helps children develop cognitive skills. Research has shown that learning a second language at a young age enhances brain development and improves overall cognitive abilities. It improves memory, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. Children who learn English early also tend to perform better in other academic subjects.

Secondly, learning English early provides children with a competitive advantage. In today's globalized world, proficiency in English is highly valued by employers. By starting English education at an early age, children can become fluent in English by the time they enter the job market. This gives them a competitive edge over their peers and opens up more career opportunities in the future.

Moreover, learning English at a young age promotes cultural understanding and global awareness. English is not just a language but also a gateway to different cultures and perspectives. By learning English, children can explore and appreciate different customs, traditions, and ways of life. This fosters a sense of empathy, respect, and understanding towards people from diverse backgrounds.

Now that we understand the benefits of learning English early, let's discuss some effective strategies for teaching English to young learners. Firstly, teachers can make use of interactive and engaging activities such as songs, games, and role-plays. These activities make learning enjoyable and help children develop their listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills. Secondly, teachers can incorporate real-life situations and contexts into their lessons. This helps children understand how English is used in everyday life and makes the learning experience more meaningful.

In conclusion, learning English at a young age has numerous benefits, including cognitive development, competitive advantage, and cultural understanding. By implementing effective teaching strategies, we can make the English learning journey enjoyable and effective for young learners. So, let's start teaching English to children early and equip them with valuable skills for their future.

外研版五年级下册英语期末测试试题 篇三


  ( ) h d A, ur B,or C, ar

  ( ) hamb ger A, er B, ur C, ar

  ( ) st dy A, a B, o C, u

  ( ) ex ted A, si B, ci C, sa

  ( ) li r ay A, b, a B, a, b C, b, e


  ( )A, football B, basketball C, horse

  ( )A, small B, shoe C, heavy

  ( )A, sandwich B, breakfast C, lunch

  ( )A, gave B, learnt C, climb

  ( )A, she B, us C, him


  1.They go to the cinema t a mouth.

  2.I’d like a b of milk.

  3. It’s not Sunday today. It’sS

  4.Do you often get l from your friends ?

  5.A woman is r very fast around the road.

  6.Please tell Jack I will come a at eight tomorrow morning.

  7.Would you like to l a message .

  8.My grandma is a BeijingOpera f

  9.That’s a big bag, I can’tcarry it. C you help me?


  Foot(复数) do(单三)

  soft(反义词) run(现在分词)

  We(宾格) learn(过去式)

  easy(反义词) teach(现在分词)

  These(单数) put(过去式)



  ( )1.你应该对我的朋友说你好。

  A, You should say hello to myfriend.

  B, You should say my friendhello.

  ( ) 2.你在想什么?

  A, How are you thinking about?

  B, What are you thinkingabout?

  ( )3. 在英国他们在9点开始上课。

  A, They start school at 9o’clock.

  B, They walk to school at 9o’clock.

  ( ) 4. 这位老人不能坐下。

  A, This old man can’t sitdown.

  B, This old man can’t standup.

  ( ) 5.你能很好地接住球吗?

  A, Can you catch the ball well ?

  B, Can you control the ballwell?

  ( ) 6.在这个包里有太多的苹果。

  A,There is too many apples in thebag.

  B, Three are too many applesin the bag



  You should my hand.


  Today I a chess game


  TV is very for us


  They want to be in ourfootball


  My sweater is


  We some apples



  ( ) 1.They didn’t enough food.

  A, has B, had B, have

  ( ) 2.Five years ago, he to school.

  Now he to school by bus.

  A, walked, goes B, Walk, went C, walks , went.

  ( ) 3. He Chinese ten years age.

  A, teaches B, taught C, teached.21*cnjy*com

  ( ) 4.He is English now.

  A, learning B, learnt C, learns

  ( ) 5.Circle A is bigger circle B.

  A, than B, for C, as

  ( ) 6.What did she have lunch.

  A, in B, with C, for

  ( ) 7.He had at six o’clock in the morning.

  A, breakfast B, lunch C, dinner.

  ( ) 8.Please bring back the book

  A, two weeks’ time B, in two weeks’ time C, in two weeks time

  ( ) 9. did you go there? ----- last week

  A, what B, When C, why

  ( ) 10.Her little son can chopsticks now.2-1-c-n-j-y

  A, uses B, using C, use

  ( ) 11.Yao ming is very good basketall.

  A, in B, for C, at

  ( ) 12.The girl is deaf . she can’t

  A, hear B, see C, find

  ( ) 13. I get up half past seven.

  A, in B, to C, at

  ( ) 14.Do you want to chess.

  A, think B, make C, play

  ( ) 15.You should look, then the road.

  A, cross B, walk C, run21*cnjy*com

  ( ) 16.Yesterday I lost my bag, I feel

  A, happy B, hungry C, sad

  ( ) 17.You are back China

  A, from B, in C, to

  ( ) 18. did you go to schoolyesterday.

  A, what B, How C. How many

  ( ) 19.Let’ s buy one kilo noodles.

  A, of B, for C, off

  ( )20. They walked one hour.

  A, about B,with C, for


  A, Her parents

  B, That’s a good idea.

  C, It’s in the north ofChina.

  D, Kite, ball………

  E, We ate hamburgers.

  F , No, I can see two heads.

  G, I will go to the library.

  H, No, there aren’t.

  I , Last Monday.

  J, I’m fine , thank you.

  ( )Where is Yinchuan?

  ( ) What about a picture ?

  ( ) What did you have last night?

  ( ) Who is going to go with her ?

  ( ) How are you ?

  ( ) What are you going to take?

  ( )When did Damingarrive ?

  ( ) Where will you go tomorrow?

  ( ) Can you see a vase?

  ( ) Are there some books on the desk? .


  A.He’s got chopsticks

  B.I’m going to go to America.

  C.How are you?

  D. What do you suggest?

  E.That’s a good idea.

  Sam: Hi, Daming!

  Daming: I’m fine, thanks. I’m very excited.

  Sam: That’s great. Daming.

  Daming: I want to take apresent for my cousin.

  Sam : What about chopsticks?

  Daming: . His mum and grandma areChinese.

  Sam: why don’t you give hima kite?

  Daming: Thank you. Sam.


  1.We have six classes in a day.

  2.We play hockey on the field.

  3.They can watch TV athome.

  4.We play the violinafter school.

  5.There are three girls in the room.

  6.Ican buy shoes in a shop.

  7,We can go to the park nextweek.

  8.The watch is seventy-twoyuan.

  9.I like science field trip very much.

  10,They do exercises at ten.


  Yesterday my father andwent to the park. On the road we saw a lot of people. There was a donkey in themiddle of the road. It didn’t go. The cars and buses can’t go , too.

  Then a policeman came. “whosedonkey is this?” He asked. “it’s mine”. Said a farmer. “But I can’t let it go”.The policeman and the farmer moved the donkey. But they can’t let it go. “giveit a carrot” my father said. “that’s ok” said the farmer. Soon he bought somecarrots and took them to the donkey. When the donkey saw the carrots, it jumpedup and walked after the farmer. All the cars and buses can go at last.

  ( )1, I went to the park

  A, with my friend B, with my father C, With Sam

  ( )2, father and I saw

  A, some animals B, some folwers C, a donkey

  ( )3, The buses and cars can’t go because

  A, The donkey was in themiddle of the road.21cnjy.com

  B, The policeman can’t letthem go.

  C, The farmer were not onthe road.

  ( )4, The donkey was 21·cn·jy·com

  A, mine B, the farmer’s C, the polimeman’s

  ( )5, took some carrots to the donkey.2·1·c·n·j·y

  A, My father B, I C, The farmer.


  Where my shirt, mother?

  Do you know?

  Is it in the boxes?

  Let’s me have a look.

  Where is mine new one?

  I don’t knew. What aboutthis one?

  Is it to small?

  I think it’s allright.

  Thanks you.


