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五年级译林英语第四单元练习及答案 篇一


Unit 4: My Family

Exercise 1: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. My sister is __________ (help) me with my homework right now.

2. I have two __________ (brother).

3. My grandparents live in a __________ (big) house.

4. My uncle is a __________ (doctor).

5. My aunt is __________ (cook) dinner for us tonight.

Exercise 2: Circle the correct answer.

1. My ________ is a teacher. (father / father's)

2. I have ________ sisters. (two / two's)

3. ________ your grandparents live near you? (Does / Do)

4. My brother has ________ hair. (long / long's)

5. ________ you have any pets? (Are / Do)

Exercise 3: Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct words.

1. This is my ________ brother. He loves playing soccer.

2. These are my ________. They are swimming in the pool.

3. That is my ________ sister. She likes painting.

4. Those are my ________. They are playing the guitar.

5. These are my ________. They are eating ice cream.

Exercise 4: Read the passage and answer the questions.

My Family

I have a big family. There are six people in my family. My father's name is John and he is a teacher. My mother's name is Lisa and she is a nurse. I have two brothers. Peter is the older brother and he likes playing basketball. David is the younger brother and he enjoys drawing. I also have a sister. Her name is Emily and she loves singing. We all live together in a big house.

1. How many people are there in the writer's family?

- There are six people in the writer's family.

2. What does the writer's father do?

- The writer's father is a teacher.

3. What does the writer's mother do?

- The writer's mother is a nurse.

4. What does Peter like doing?

- Peter likes playing basketball.

5. What does Emily love doing?

- Emily loves singing.

Exercise 5: Write five sentences about your family.


I have a small family. There are four people in my family. My father's name is Michael and he is an engineer. My mother's name is Sarah and she is a dentist. I have one brother. His name is Jake and he is a student. We all live together in a cozy apartment.


1. My family is big. There are seven people in my family. My father's name is Robert and he is a businessman. My mother's name is Anna and she is a housewife. I have two sisters. Emma is the older sister and she enjoys playing the piano. Lily is the younger sister and she likes dancing. We all live together in a spacious house.

2. My family is small. There are three people in my family. My father's name is James and he is a lawyer. My mother's name is Emily and she is a teacher. I have no siblings. We all live together in a cozy apartment.

3. My family is medium-sized. There are five people in my family. My father's name is Michael and he is a doctor. My mother's name is Jessica and she is a chef. I have two brothers. Alex is the older brother and he loves playing football. Ben is the younger brother and he enjoys playing the guitar. We all live together in a modern house.

4. My family is extended. There are eight people in my family. My father's name is William and he is a farmer. My mother's name is Laura and she is a nurse. I have three sisters. Sarah is the oldest sister and she likes reading books. Lucy is the middle sister and she enjoys painting. Mia is the youngest sister and she loves playing the violin. We all live together in a farmhouse.

5. My family is multicultural. There are six people in my family. My father is from China and he is a chef. My mother is from Japan and she is a fashion designer. I have one sister. Her name is Mei and she is a student. We all live together in a multicultural neighborhood.

五年级译林英语第四单元练习及答案 篇三




( )1. A. year B. yellow C. family

( )2. A. put B. but C. sun

( )3. A. some B. mother C. box

( )4. A. use B. under C. excuse

( )5. A. yellow B. show C. flower


第一文库网 同类的一项。

( )1. A. school B. pen C. pencil

( )2. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. playground

( )3. A. skate B. wet C. dance

( )4. A. piano B. football C. basketball

( )5. A. Chinese B. Science C. subject


1、喜欢跳舞 2、read stories

3、在公园里 4、watch a film

5、擅长踢足球 6、a good idea

7、篮球打得好 8、a lot of ducks

9、弹钢琴 10、in winter


1、—Do your brothers have any h , Mary?—Yes, they like reading.

2、I likes on the ice.

3、—What do you like d in spring? —I like fishing

4、I like pandas. I a like bears.

5、They are t sisters. They look the same.


1、—Are there (some) rabbits in the zoo?—Yes, there are.

2、Mr Green is good at (play) the guitar.

3、We all like (climb)the mountain very much.

4、Let’s (go)shopping this afternoon.

5、— she (have) yellow shoes? —No, she doesn’t.


( )1、—What does Lily like ?

—She likes .

A. doing;dancing B. doing;runing C. do;running

( )2、—Let’s go skating this afternoon.

— .

A. Great B. No, thank you C. No, I don’t

( )3、There any books on the desk.

A. isn’t B. aren’t C. are

( )4、 ! There’s a hole in the ground.

A. Look out B. OK C. Great

( )5、—Are you good at ?

—Yes, I like .

A. drawing;drawing B. draw;drawing C. drawing;draw

( )6、—What’s your father’s hobby?

—He likes .

A. play chess B. plays chess C. playing chess

( )7、Jim likes playing football, but he like playing basketball.

A. do not B. does not C. is not

( )8、— Su Hai and Su Yang like growing flowers?

—Yes. They have the same hobby.

A. Do B. Does C. Are

( ) 9、Jim is good at English and he speaks Chinese .

A. good B. fine C. well

( ) 10、Don’t in the reading room.

A. shout B. read C. write



( )1、What does your mother like? A. At six.

( )2、What does he have? B. All right.

( )3、Let’s go and play table tennis. C. Yes, he can.

( )4、Do you like dogs? D. Yes, there are.

( )5、Where’s my toy plane? E. I like skating.

( )6、Happy New Year! F. No, I don’t.

( )7、Are there any pictures on the wall? G. She likes singing.

( )8、Can he run fast? H. Happy New Year!

( )9、What’s your hobby? I. He has a lovely parrot.

( )10、What time do you get up? J. It’s behind the door.



Her father pictures, and he is also at football.



— Miss Li have any hobbies?

—Yes,she the .


My brother a books. He .


We are . I like ,but she swimming.




三、like dancing;读故事;in the park;看电影;be good at playi

ng football;一个好主意;play basketball w许多鸭子;play the piano;在冬天


五、any;playing;climbing;go;Does have



八、likes drawing good playing

Does likes playing piano

has lot of likes reading

twins dancing likes


