英语课教学设计模板 篇一
标题:Interactive Speaking Activity for English Language Learners
This teaching design is aimed at enhancing the speaking skills of English language learners through an interactive activity. The activity will encourage students to engage in meaningful conversations, practice vocabulary and grammar, and develop their fluency and confidence in speaking English.
- To improve students' speaking skills in English.
- To enhance students' vocabulary and grammar usage.
- To develop students' confidence in speaking English.
- To encourage students to engage in meaningful conversations.
- Pictures or flashcards related to various topics such as daily activities, hobbies, food, etc.
- A list of conversation starters or questions related to the pictures/flashcards.
- A timer or stopwatch.
1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
Begin the lesson by asking students to share one interesting thing they did over the weekend. This will help activate their prior knowledge and create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere.
2. Introduction of the activity (5 minutes):
Explain to the students that they will be participating in an interactive speaking activity. Show them the pictures or flashcards and briefly introduce the topics.
3. Pair or group work (15 minutes):
Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Distribute the pictures/flashcards and conversation starters to each group. Instruct them to take turns asking and answering the questions using the pictures/flashcards as prompts. Encourage them to use complete sentences and provide additional information or examples if possible.
4. Monitoring and feedback (10 minutes):
During the activity, circulate among the groups, monitoring their conversations and providing assistance when needed. Take note of common errors or areas for improvement to address during the feedback session.
5. Feedback and reflection (5 minutes):
Bring the class back together and provide feedback on their speaking performance. Highlight positive aspects such as fluency, accuracy, and use of vocabulary. Address any common errors or areas of improvement. Encourage students to reflect on their own speaking skills and set personal goals for improvement.
6. Extension activity (10 minutes):
To further reinforce the speaking skills practiced during the activity, assign a follow-up task such as writing a short paragraph or recording a dialogue based on the topics discussed. This will allow students to continue practicing their speaking skills outside the classroom.
7. Conclusion (5 minutes):
End the lesson by summarizing the key points covered and thanking the students for their active participation.
英语课教学设计模板 篇二
标题:Creative Writing Lesson Plan for English Language Learners
This teaching design focuses on developing the creative writing skills of English language learners. The lesson plan incorporates various activities that encourage students to think critically, express their ideas imaginatively, and improve their writing fluency and accuracy.
- To develop students' creative writing skills in English.
- To enhance students' vocabulary and grammar usage.
- To encourage critical thinking and imaginative expression.
- To improve students' writing fluency and accuracy.
- Prompts or pictures related to various creative writing topics.
- A list of vocabulary words or phrases related to the prompts or pictures.
- Writing materials such as paper, pens, and pencils.
1. Warm-up (5 minutes):
Begin the lesson by asking students to share a favorite book or story they have read recently. Discuss the elements that make a story interesting or engaging.
2. Introduction of the activity (5 minutes):
Explain to the students that they will be participating in a creative writing activity. Show them the prompts or pictures and briefly introduce the topics.
3. Brainstorming and vocabulary building (10 minutes):
Provide the students with the prompts or pictures and ask them to brainstorm ideas related to each topic. Encourage them to use the vocabulary words or phrases provided. Write the ideas on the board to create a visual reference for the students.
4. Individual writing (20 minutes):
Instruct the students to choose one prompt or picture and write a short story or descriptive paragraph based on their chosen topic. Encourage them to incorporate the vocabulary words or phrases into their writing. Remind them to focus on creativity, organization, and accuracy.
5. Peer review and feedback (10 minutes):
Pair the students or form small groups. Instruct them to exchange their written work and provide constructive feedback to their peers. Encourage them to comment on the strengths and areas for improvement in each other's writing. Monitor the peer review process and provide guidance if necessary.
6. Revision and editing (10 minutes):
After receiving feedback from their peers, instruct the students to revise and edit their own writing. Encourage them to make necessary changes to improve clarity, coherence, and grammar.
7. Sharing and reflection (10 minutes):
Ask a few students to share their revised and edited writing with the class. Provide positive feedback and encourage students to reflect on their writing process. Discuss the challenges they faced and strategies they used to overcome them.
8. Extension activity (10 minutes):
To further reinforce the creative writing skills practiced during the lesson, assign a follow-up task such as rewriting the story from a different perspective or creating a dialogue between the characters. This will allow students to continue practicing their creative writing skills outside the classroom.
9. Conclusion (5 minutes):
End the lesson by summarizing the key points covered and thanking the students for their active participation in the creative writing activity.
英语课教学设计模板 篇三
2、学习非整点的时间表达法,巩固句型What's the time?
3、学习How much is﹍and﹍?的句型。
2、 能用句型What's the time?询问时间并回答。
3、能用How much is﹍and﹍?的句型来表达数学加法算式。
用句型What's the time?/How much is﹍and﹍?询问并回答。
Step1 Warming up
3、揭示课题Numbers and Time。
Step2 Practice
1、用三分钟时间让学生用英语说出自己的号数(不懂说的学生请举手,让小组长上前指导帮忙),同桌互相检查,然后老师抽查。接着,老师用Who is No.﹍?提问学生,请听到号数的学生起立并与老师做自由对话。
2、用句型What's the time?询问时间并回答。老师出示教室里的时钟,询问学生:What's the time?引导学生用句型It's﹍.回答。接着介绍时间的表达方法:
1) 整点时间表达法
基数词 + o’clock
2) 非整点时间的表达法(其中一种)
Step3 Presentation
1) 让学生翻到课本第28页,全班学生一起说韵律诗:Come On.
2)教师告诉学生:“刚才说过,上节课乌龟和兔子进行了一场跑步比赛,结果兔子输了比赛。这节课,乌龟和兔子还要进行另一场竞赛。”教师把时钟拨至8:30,并问:“What's the time?”得到学生回答后,教师说:“Right,it's eight thirty.The monkey says﹍”引出Let's begin.的教学。
3)教师在黑板上边写边问:“How much is﹍and﹍?”进行60以内的加法操练。
1)请学生翻到课本第25页,回到文本Listen and follow,教师带读,然后小组或个别学生分角色学习对话内容。
2)教学句子The winner is rabbit.
Step4 Extension
Step5 Assessment
跟学生一起用英文数字点一下各个小组获得的红旗,说:“The winner is﹍,let's clap for them.”
Step6 Homework
1、 完成课本第27页的Learn to write.部分。
2、 完成《活动手册》24页第五、六题的练习。
Unit4 Numbers and Time
Three thirteen thirty thirty-three What's the time? It's﹍.
Four fourteen forty forty-four
five fifteen fifty fifty-five How much is﹍and﹍?It's﹍.
six sixteen sixty sixty-six