英语:吵架篇3 篇一
How to Handle Arguments in English
Arguments are a common part of life and can occur in any language, including English. During an argument, it is important to remain calm and collected in order to effectively communicate your point of view. Here are some strategies to help you handle arguments in English:
1. Take a deep breath and stay calm: It is natural to become emotional during an argument, but it is important to stay calm and composed. Take a deep breath and try to control your emotions before responding.
2. Listen actively: The key to resolving an argument is to listen actively to the other person's perspective. Pay attention to their words and try to understand their point of view without interrupting. This will help you respond more effectively.
3. Use "I" statements: When expressing your own thoughts and feelings, use "I" statements instead of blaming the other person. For example, say "I feel hurt when you..." instead of "You always make me feel..."
4. Avoid personal attacks: It is important to focus on the issue at hand and avoid personal attacks. Stick to discussing the problem and avoid making hurtful comments about the other person.
5. Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement or common ground to build upon. This can help to ease tensions and find a compromise that satisfies both parties.
6. Use polite language: Be mindful of your language and tone during an argument. Avoid using offensive or aggressive language and instead, use polite and respectful language to express your thoughts.
7. Take a break if needed: If the argument becomes too heated or emotions are running high, it may be helpful to take a break. Step away from the situation for a few minutes or hours to regain your composure and perspective.
8. Seek a resolution: The goal of an argument should be to find a resolution or solution to the problem. Work together with the other person to find a compromise or agree on a way forward.
Remember, arguments are a normal part of life and can help to resolve conflicts and improve relationships when handled properly. By using these strategies, you can effectively handle arguments in English and maintain healthy communication with others.
英语:吵架篇3 篇二
Common Mistakes to Avoid During an Argument in English
Arguments can be challenging, especially when they occur in a foreign language like English. However, there are certain common mistakes that you should avoid during an argument to ensure effective communication and a positive outcome. Here are some mistakes to be aware of:
1. Interrupting: Interrupting the other person while they are speaking is a common mistake that can escalate the argument. It is important to listen actively and allow the other person to express their thoughts before responding.
2. Raising your voice: Yelling or shouting during an argument can make the situation more heated and difficult to resolve. It is important to maintain a calm and respectful tone of voice to ensure effective communication.
3. Making assumptions: Jumping to conclusions or making assumptions about the other person's thoughts or intentions can lead to misunderstandings and further arguments. Instead, ask clarifying questions to gain a better understanding of their perspective.
4. Ignoring the other person's feelings: Dismissing or invalidating the other person's feelings can make them feel unheard and escalate the argument. It is important to acknowledge and validate their emotions, even if you disagree with their viewpoint.
5. Bringing up past mistakes: Bringing up past mistakes or grievances during an argument can divert the focus from the current issue and make it more difficult to find a resolution. Stick to discussing the problem at hand and avoid digressing into unrelated matters.
6. Using offensive language: Resorting to offensive or derogatory language during an argument is a mistake that can damage the relationship and hinder effective communication. It is important to use respectful and polite language, even when expressing disagreement.
7. Focusing on winning: Arguing is not about winning or being right, but rather finding a resolution or compromise. Focusing solely on proving your point can make the other person feel defensive and hinder the progress towards a solution.
By being aware of these common mistakes and actively avoiding them, you can navigate arguments in English more effectively and maintain healthy communication with others. Remember, the goal of an argument is to find a resolution, not to win.
英语:吵架篇3 篇三
11. at each other's throats 吵架
A: I can't believe Sean and Keith. They were at each other's throats in front of the whole class yesterday.
A: 我真不敢相信 Sean 跟 Keith,
。他俩昨天当着整个班上互相叫骂起来了。B: They fight all the time. You didn't know that?
B: 他们经常在吵架, 你不知道吗?
每个人表达不满的方式, 常因他本身的个性及和对方的关系, 而有不同的选择。有些人「实话实说型」; 有些人是「默默抗议型」; 也有些人「(感情+表情)丰富型」- 可能一面开骂, 一面丢东西哩。像这种比较激烈型的吵架方式, 就是这里的 "at each other's throats" 喔!
12. Cool it! 冷静点!
A: I'm gonna kill Cliff for doing this crap to me.
A: Cliff 对我作这样的「好事」, 我要把他杀了。
B: Hey! Cool it!
B: 嘿! 冷静点!
"crap" 是原意是「排泄物」的意思, 有些人觉得"shit"这个字很粗, 就会用"crap"来代替它。
"Cool it." 是当一个人很冲动时, 用来劝他静下来的词语。除了"Cool it!"、 "Cool off!"外, "Cool out!"; "Chill out! 都是一样的意思。
13. act up 气得不得了(指行为上的`失态)
A: Man, it was only a joke. You didin't have to act up like this.
A: 老兄, 那只是开玩笑的, 你用不着气成这样,
《实用英语:吵架篇(3)》(https://)。B: Joke? You thought that was funny?
B: 开玩笑? 你觉得那样好笑啊?
"act up" 是指一个人因为像受到刺激或生气等等, 在行为上表现地很夸张, 比如开始卷袖子, 准备揍人之类的样子。
14. have a chip on one's shoulder 心存芥蒂
A: Blanche's already apologized and asked for your forgiveness. Why do you still have a chip on your sh
A: Blanche 已经(跟你)道歉过, 也请你原谅她。你为什么还是心存芥蒂呢?
B: I don't know. I guess I never really got over it.
B: 我不知道。也许我对这件事从来没有真正释怀吧!
或许你也曾经有过类似上面的经验; 以为自己经对一件别人做错的事释怀了, 当你再度面对这个人时, 那种气气的感觉又回来了。也许没说到几句话, 你又忍不住地责备对方一顿。这种感觉就是这里所说的"have a chip on one's shoulder"。
15. make up 和好
A: Are you and Eileen still talking at all?
A: 你和 Eileen 还有没有说话呢?
B: Yeah, we've made up.
B: 有啦! 我们和好了。
"make up" 除了当「化妆」外, 也是「和好」的意思。"Let's make up." 就是「我们和好吧!」的意思。