
时间:2018-06-02 02:17:48
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象人读后感英文范文 篇一

Title: Empathy - A Journey Through the Eyes of an Elephant

In the novel "The Elephant Whisperer" by Lawrence Anthony, the author takes us on a heartfelt journey through the eyes of an elephant. The story revolves around the author's experience in rescuing a herd of troubled elephants and his efforts to establish a mutual understanding between humans and these magnificent creatures. This book deeply resonated with me, teaching me the importance of empathy and the profound impact it can have on our relationships with both humans and animals.

Throughout the book, Anthony emphasizes the power of empathy in building a connection with elephants. He spends countless hours observing and studying their behaviors, learning to understand their emotions and needs. By putting himself in their shoes, or rather, their feet, he develops a unique bond with the elephants, earning their trust and respect. It made me reflect on the significance of empathy in our own lives, reminding me that it is crucial to try and see the world from someone else's perspective in order to build meaningful relationships.

Moreover, the novel highlights the devastating consequences of human interference in the natural habitats of elephants. Anthony vividly describes the trauma experienced by these gentle giants when they are forced to leave their homes due to human activities. The pain and suffering endured by the elephants made me realize the importance of our responsibility to protect and preserve the habitats of all animals. It reminded me that our actions can have far-reaching consequences and that we must strive to coexist harmoniously with all living beings.

Furthermore, "The Elephant Whisperer" also sheds light on the resilience and intelligence of elephants. Despite the trauma they have endured, the elephants in the story display incredible adaptability and emotional depth. They form strong bonds with each other and demonstrate remarkable problem-solving abilities. This aspect of the novel taught me to never underestimate the capabilities of animals and to appreciate the uniqueness of each species. It encouraged me to advocate for animal rights and to promote conservation efforts.

In conclusion, "The Elephant Whisperer" is a powerful and eye-opening book that teaches us the importance of empathy, environmental conservation, and respect for all living beings. It reminds us that our actions have consequences and that we must strive to coexist harmoniously with the natural world. Through the author's journey with elephants, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the beauty and intelligence of these magnificent creatures. The book has left a lasting impact on me, inspiring me to be more empathetic in my interactions with both humans and animals.

Word Count: 446

象人读后感英文范文 篇二

Title: The Power of Connection: Lessons from "The Elephant Whisperer"

"The Elephant Whisperer" by Lawrence Anthony is a captivating memoir that explores the profound connection between humans and elephants. This book touched my heart in unexpected ways, teaching me the importance of trust, patience, and compassion in building meaningful relationships with both animals and fellow humans.

One of the key themes in the book is the power of trust. Anthony's journey with the troubled herd of elephants highlights the significance of trust in establishing a bond with these magnificent creatures. Through his unwavering commitment and dedication, he gains the trust of the elephants, proving that trust is the foundation of any relationship. This reminded me of the importance of trust in my own life and how it can positively impact my relationships with others.

In addition, "The Elephant Whisperer" emphasizes the importance of patience and understanding. Anthony's journey with the elephants is not without challenges, and he encounters numerous setbacks along the way. However, he approaches each obstacle with patience and understanding, recognizing that building a connection takes time. This aspect of the book resonated with me, serving as a reminder to be patient and understanding in my own relationships, whether with animals or with people.

Furthermore, the book explores the profound compassion that can be cultivated through connections with animals. Anthony's deep empathy for the elephants drives him to fight for their well-being, even in the face of adversity. This compassion extends beyond the elephants, as he recognizes the interconnectedness of all living beings. It made me reflect on the importance of compassion in my own life and how it can contribute to a more harmonious world.

"The Elephant Whisperer" also highlights the intelligence and emotional depth of elephants. Anthony's accounts of their interactions and problem-solving abilities showcase the remarkable capabilities of these animals. It challenged my preconceived notions about animal intelligence and reminded me of the importance of respecting and valuing all living beings, regardless of their species.

In conclusion, "The Elephant Whisperer" is a remarkable book that teaches us valuable lessons about trust, patience, compassion, and respect. Through Anthony's journey with elephants, I have gained a deeper understanding of the power of connection and the importance of empathy in our relationships with animals and fellow humans. This book has left a lasting impact on me, inspiring me to cultivate these qualities in my own life and to advocate for the well-being of all living beings.

Word Count: 423

象人读后感英文范文 篇三

  I looked a book in the summer holiday.The book called <>.

  This book tell about a poor and ugly peaple.No one like him,eveeryone all mock him.Because,he is very ugly.There are more bags of dirty skin on the front and back of his body.The right hand is like a marls foot.But the left hand is

  beautiful!A people close him in a cage.And show him.Until one day,a doctor looked him.He feel the Elephant Man very interested.And want to study him.So The Elephant Man

  famous,everyone want to visit him,even the Queen of England visit him.In the three and half years,he is very happy.On April 15th night,he died.

  After I read the book ,I knock a reason:Augly people,but his soul doesnt ugly.He will very happy.

  First,the Elephant Man is very poor,He lives a cold and dark room.After the doctor see him.He became happy.Because,he is simple,not bad.People little by little notice him.I think,the world has a lot of people like the Elephant Man ---- poor and ugly.But also has a lot of people like the doctor----ready to help others.So,I think the world will very beautiful!And the Elephant Man people will very happy!Mayle,They will became a

  usefut people.So,the world have a word: You cant judge a book by its cover.


