
时间:2012-06-07 01:39:38
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Holes英文读后感 篇一

After finishing the novel "Holes" by Louis Sachar, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the author's storytelling prowess. The book is a captivating blend of mystery, adventure, and redemption that kept me hooked from beginning to end.

One of the aspects that struck me the most about "Holes" is the intricate plot. Sachar weaves together multiple storylines, spanning across different time periods, effortlessly connecting the past and present. The story follows Stanley Yelnats, a young boy who is wrongfully accused of stealing and sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center. At the camp, Stanley and the other boys are forced to dig holes in the desert as part of a supposed character-building exercise. However, as the story unfolds, we learn that there is more to these holes than meets the eye. Sachar skillfully reveals the hidden connections between the characters and their pasts, creating a rich and layered narrative.

Another aspect that stood out to me was the well-developed characters. Each character in the book is unique and memorable, with their own distinct personalities and motivations. From the determined and resourceful Stanley to the enigmatic and wise Zero, Sachar crafts characters that feel real and relatable. As the boys at Camp Green Lake dig their holes, we learn about their backgrounds and the circumstances that led them to this point. Through these revelations, Sachar emphasizes the power of empathy and understanding, showing that everyone has a story worth telling.

One of the underlying themes of "Holes" is the idea of fate and destiny. The characters in the book often find themselves in seemingly hopeless situations, but through their actions and choices, they are able to change their own destinies. Stanley, in particular, embodies the idea of breaking free from the constraints of fate. Despite his initial misfortune, he perseveres and ultimately finds redemption. This message of hope and resilience is both inspiring and thought-provoking.

In conclusion, "Holes" is a remarkable novel that captivated me from beginning to end. Sachar's skillful storytelling, intricate plot, and well-developed characters make for an incredibly engaging read. Through the themes of fate, redemption, and the power of empathy, the book leaves a lasting impact, reminding readers of the importance of perseverance and the potential for change. I highly recommend "Holes" to anyone looking for a thrilling and thought-provoking read.

Holes英文读后感 篇二

Upon completing the novel "Holes" by Louis Sachar, I was left with a profound sense of admiration and reflection. This book is a masterclass in storytelling, intertwining multiple narratives and exploring complex themes such as justice, friendship, and the power of personal transformation.

One of the most remarkable aspects of "Holes" is the author's ability to create a vivid and immersive setting. Camp Green Lake, the juvenile detention center where the story takes place, is described in such vivid detail that it becomes a character in itself. The barren desert landscape, the scorching heat, and the oppressive atmosphere of the camp all contribute to the sense of isolation and despair felt by the characters. Sachar's rich descriptions allow readers to feel as if they are right there alongside Stanley and the other boys, experiencing the harsh realities of their daily lives.

Another aspect that struck me about "Holes" is the exploration of justice and injustice. The novel not only highlights the flaws of the criminal justice system but also delves into the idea of personal responsibility and the consequences of one's actions. Stanley's wrongful conviction and his subsequent journey of self-discovery serve as a powerful commentary on the importance of fairness and the potential for redemption. Through his interactions with the other boys at Camp Green Lake, Stanley learns the value of friendship, trust, and standing up for what is right.

Additionally, the theme of personal transformation is prevalent throughout the book. As the characters dig their holes day after day, they are also digging deep within themselves, uncovering their own strengths, weaknesses, and hidden truths. The growth and development of the characters, particularly Stanley and Zero, are incredibly moving and inspiring. Sachar reminds us that change is possible, even in the harshest of circumstances, and that our past does not define our future.

Ultimately, "Holes" is a powerful and thought-provoking novel that explores a wide range of themes and emotions. Sachar's masterful storytelling, immersive setting, and well-developed characters make for a truly unforgettable read. This book serves as a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the potential for redemption and personal growth. I highly recommend "Holes" to readers of all ages, as it is a timeless tale that will continue to resonate long after the final page.

Holes英文读后感 篇三



  这本小说曾荣获1999年纽柏瑞儿童文学奖的金牌,作者是路易斯.萨奇尔,是一部引人入胜的儿童文学作品,迪斯尼电影公司于2003年将其改编为电影,中文影名《别有洞天》。 Alex很喜欢这本小说,看来这是比较适合这个年龄段孩子的读物,今天是元旦假期,一口气把剩余部分全都读完了。晚上草草写了一篇读后感,写完后又检查修改了一遍,总体感觉最近在语法方面有所进步,词汇量也有较大提高,短文里运用的很多单词我已经不认识了。

  从去年暑假至今,Alex已经听读了大量英文原版书籍,目前《暮光之城3》也已经读了一百多页。 如果要说近期最痴迷的小说,非金庸的《笑傲江湖》莫属!昨天是学校放假的第一天,这小子居然大清早六七点就爬起来躲在自己的房间里读了一个多小时,把厚厚的一本上册全看完了,我们还以为他在睡懒觉。今天已经在读下册,看来,地球人已经无法阻止他要看完全本《笑傲江湖》的.冲动了。

  Book review of Holeswas famous during 2004, but soon the wave ceased. I had the opportunity to know this book is all due to my English classes. This book fascinates me by giving many enigmas, I think: Louis Sa the author) must have thought so many things! It also teaches me a lesson: dont be so fastidious (because in camp Green Lake, it was really such worse than a slum)! Stanley and Zero, the protagonists, had many things in common. Zeros real name is Hector Zeroni, his great-great-great-great grandmother has relationships with Stanleys great-great-great-great grandfather. Zero was an abandoned child from his mother. He wasnt educated, and he stole ones shoe and was arrested to the camp Green Lake, just then the shoes fell onto Stanleys head and the police took him to the camp too. As the book said: all was destiny. When time went by, Stanley became friends with Zero.

  Zero dug holes for Stanley, and Stanley taught Zero to read and write. Actually Zero was very wise, even wiser than Stanley... A fight between Zigzag and Stanley led to the escape of Zero, and Stanley found him. They lived in the mountains for one week only drinking dirty water and eating onions. Finally they got back to the holes where Stanley used to find a lipstick. Something I like to see is that the antagonist in this book, the Warden, is actually so bad, and the badness is abnorm

al. But finally all went well and they found the treasure: cheap jewelries.





