
时间:2012-06-01 03:30:23
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最新了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 篇一

The Great Gatsby: An Unforgettable Tale of Love and Loss

As I finished reading The Great Gatsby, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece had taken me on a journey filled with love, glamour, and tragedy. The novel's captivating storytelling and complex characters left a lasting impression on me.

One of the aspects that struck me the most about The Great Gatsby was its vivid portrayal of the 1920s Jazz Age. Fitzgerald skillfully depicted the extravagant parties, the opulent lifestyle, and the pursuit of wealth and pleasure that characterized the era. Through his rich descriptions and attention to detail, I felt transported to the glamorous world of Jay Gatsby and the New York elite.

However, beneath the glitz and glamour, The Great Gatsby also delved into deeper themes such as the American Dream and the emptiness of wealth. Gatsby, the enigmatic protagonist, epitomized the American Dream – a self-made man who rose from poverty to wealth in pursuit of his lost love, Daisy Buchanan. Yet, despite his material success, Gatsby was still plagued by a sense of emptiness and longing. This exploration of the hollowness of the American Dream resonated with me on a personal level, as it made me question the true meaning of success and happiness.

Moreover, the novel's exploration of love and obsession left a profound impact on me. Gatsby's love for Daisy was both passionate and tragic. His relentless pursuit of her, even after years of separation, showcased the power of love and the lengths one would go to for it. However, it also highlighted the destructive nature of obsession. Gatsby's inability to let go of the past ultimately led to his downfall. This portrayal of love and obsession as both beautiful and destructive was both captivating and heart-wrenching.

The complex characters in The Great Gatsby added another layer of depth to the story. Each character had their own flaws and desires, which often clashed with the expectations of society. Daisy, for example, was torn between her love for Gatsby and her societal obligations. Tom Buchanan, Daisy's husband, represented the corrupt and morally bankrupt upper class. Through these characters, Fitzgerald explored the complexities of human nature and the impact of societal expectations on individual lives.

In conclusion, The Great Gatsby is a timeless tale that explores themes of love, wealth, and the pursuit of the American Dream. Fitzgerald's beautiful prose and intricate storytelling drew me into the world of Jay Gatsby and left me contemplating the nature of love, success, and happiness. This novel is truly a literary masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers, reminding us of the complexities of human nature and the longing for something greater in life.

最新了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 篇二

The Great Gatsby: A Critique of the American Dream

F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is a scathing critique of the American Dream and the illusion of success and happiness that it promises. Through the tragic story of Jay Gatsby, Fitzgerald exposes the emptiness and corruption that lie beneath the surface of the 1920s Jazz Age.

One of the central themes of The Great Gatsby is the hollowness of wealth and material success. Gatsby, the self-made millionaire, is the embodiment of the American Dream – a dream that promises unlimited possibilities and happiness through hard work and determination. However, Fitzgerald challenges this notion by revealing the moral decay and shallowness that often accompany wealth. Gatsby's lavish parties and extravagant lifestyle may appear glamorous, but they ultimately mask his loneliness and desperation. This portrayal of the dark side of wealth serves as a critique of the American Dream, suggesting that true happiness cannot be found in material possessions alone.

Furthermore, The Great Gatsby explores the corrupting influence of money and the pursuit of pleasure. The characters in the novel are consumed by their desire for wealth, power, and pleasure, often at the expense of others. Tom Buchanan, for example, embodies the morally bankrupt upper class, using his wealth and privilege to manipulate and control those around him. The reckless behavior and moral ambiguity of the characters reflect the moral decay of society during the Jazz Age. Fitzgerald's portrayal of the corrupting influence of money serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of unchecked materialism and the pursuit of pleasure at all costs.

Another aspect of The Great Gatsby that stood out to me was the theme of the illusion of love. Gatsby's love for Daisy is built on a romanticized memory of their past and his relentless pursuit of her. However, this idealized version of love ultimately proves to be nothing more than an illusion. Daisy, too, is trapped in a loveless marriage and is drawn to Gatsby's wealth and status rather than genuine affection. Fitzgerald's portrayal of love as a fleeting and elusive concept challenges the romanticized notion of love often associated with the American Dream.

In conclusion, The Great Gatsby is a powerful critique of the American Dream and the illusions of success and happiness it promises. Fitzgerald's exploration of the hollowness of wealth, the corrupting influence of money, and the illusion of love serves as a stark reminder that true happiness cannot be found in material possessions or societal expectations. This novel continues to resonate with readers today, as it exposes the flaws and contradictions of the American Dream and encourages us to question our own pursuit of success and happiness.

最新了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 篇三

  The novel described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell "the American dream" which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy. Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story. But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as * the method pursue wealthy material life "the American dream".

  Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the m

oney to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost.

  He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society. He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall. The Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth. His bitter experience is precisely the happy song smiles the dance "knight the time" the portrayal.

  The author has designed for the novel "the dual leading character" Nick the Carrow prestige. His importance is not inferior to the leading character Gates ratio in many aspects. He not only is the story narration and commentary, also is in the novel a important personage. He both is having the very complicated relations with contradictory both sides. He is Gates compared to neighbor and friend, also is the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red cousin, Tom's schoolmate, but also is being in love black eyebrow coloring alizarin red good friend Jordan.

  He acted as Gates to compare after the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red distinguishes the go-between which 5 years remet, the sympathy which also became which the Gates ratio to revive an old dream the criticism and he suffers kills. He although advances into to the Long Island luxurious residential district, but he already is not "wilderness time" which Tom represents inner world citizen, also is not worships blindly the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red which Gates compares represents to be separated from the reality the illusion world fellow traveller. He represents the American mid-west the traditional ideas and the moral criterion. He happiness illusion which loses compared to the pursue has many critical criticisms regarding Gates, regarding was fastidious the semblance but innermost feelings vulgar Tom and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red has carried on fair whipping.

最新了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 篇四

  I have heard of the famous novel The Great Gatsby for many years. However, until recently have I got the time and mood to read it. As soon as I finish reading, I find my previous unwarranted assumption of it totally wrong.

  This is a story about Gatsby and his pursuit for the ‘American dreams’。 During the World War One, the poor soldier Gatsby fell in love with an upper class girl named Daisy. But due to the wide gap between them, Daisy decided to marry Tom, a man of her class, instead of Gatsby. Broken-hearted Gatsby then held the conviction that money was of the greatest importance. He strongly believed in the ‘American dreams’, which as we all know, advocates that one can achieve whatever he or she likes through continuous efforts. He strived for five years to become a millionaire and bought a villa near Daisy’s to attract her. He was too addicted to his fantasy to realize that Daisy was no longer the lovely girl she used to be. Eventually, he was killed because of her crime.

  After reading it, something reverberates in my heart. I can’t help thinking of the theme Fitzgerald trying to convey. One thing may be the lonely void of people’s spiritual world. I am deeply impressed by chapter 3, where a vivid description of a party is given. There were beautiful girls, drunk men, and boisterous crowds there, but none of them perceived the pointless of their lives and the barren of their minds. To see this phenomenon deeper, there were two circumstances underlying it. The first is the lack of dreams. Some people, especially the people of the upper class, lived an aimless life. They wasted their time and money and took an indifferent attitude towards life. They chased for temporary ecstasy but lost their identity in eternity, namely Daisy and Tom. The second is the misleading of dreams. Some others like Gatsby, bravely pursued their dreams, yet going to a perged way unconsciously. They might mix up the concept of a richer life and a happier life, viewing a higher social state and a peaceful fulfilled life as equality. Unfortunately, when they were busy chasing their dreams, everything changed with time. When they were anxious about the to-gets, they ignored what they had already had and lost the alert to the constant changes. The excellent use of symbolization illustrates this idea perfectly. The imagery of ‘green light’ is the most important symble which occurred three times in the novel. The green-light’s obscure in the mist indicates the dim of Gatsby’s dreams.

  As far as I am concerned, this story can serve as a reminder for us. To live a meaningful life, we should carefully choose some dreams to pursue. And in the process of fulfilling our dreams, we should always be concious about what we really desire. Anyhow, only by pursuing the proper dreams can we finally get to the deep springs of happiness.

最新了不起的盖茨比英文读后感 篇五

  At the beginning of the review, I am afraid but I need mention that I read The Great Gatzby from my paper book, not online, so it might be a little strange in the record of my reading history and also the lack of comments.

  After reading the novel, I sympathized deeply for Gatzby, who dedicated almost his whole life into pursuing Daisy, but eventually was shot down for Daisy’s fault, and also Nick, who narrate this heart-broken story to us. But I believe that all is destined, not only his success, but also his miserable, dramatic ending.

  First, Gatzby meant to be succeed, which was determined by his personality. He was such an absolute perfectionist, fairly speaking, a paranoiac, that he never accept he was inferior to others in all kinds of aspects. He scheduled his life when he was young in order to achieve his goal. He couldn’t live like Tom who dissipated his time on women, also couldn’t like Wilson live so meaninglessly, and his ambition made it impossible for him to be content with common life. After the moment he denied his poor family background, changed his name into Jay Gatzby, he either succeed, or die.

  No matter how, he will succeed. I always believe it because his characteristic promised.

  And I also believe Gatzby would fall in love with a lady with a celebrated background. Because he was a perfectionist , he must long for a charming, wealthy, graceful aristocracy. Daisy was just a representation of perfection, a concrete thing in his dream.

  However, Daisy falls far short of Gatzby’s ideal. She is beautiful and charming, but also fickle, shallow, and hypocritical. She is careless person who smashes thing up and then retreats behind her money. She allows Gatsby to take the blame for killing Myrtle ever though she herself was driving the car. Finally, rather than attend Gatsby’s funeral, Daisy and Tom move away, leaving no contact address.

  Gatzby knew exactly what kind of person she was. And the very beginning of the novel, he said “Her voice is full of money”. But how can it matter? His puzzle of life would be incomplete without Daisy, and as we know, he was such a paranoiac that never let it happen. It’s impossible for him to restart.

  Gatzby’s obsession about Daisy and Daisy’s characteristic determined the trend of plot.

  So, it is destined.

  And not only from the plot development we can say Gatzby’s fate was destined, but also from the writer himself. Technically, Gatzby wasn’t a only fictional character, but also the reflection of writer, Fitzgerald himself. He also had a complex relationship of his own. His own experience made him believe that there’s a huge gap between the “natural” rich and the ”new” rich.

  In rich boy, his another novel, he showed his attitude directly:

  Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.

  They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves. Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different.

  Because of the poverty and adversity they had been through, they always cherish the first glamorous thing dropping in their life. Some of them even take it as the highest goal in life, like Gatzby who considered Daisy as his whole world. When their dream faded out gradually, they might behave like Gatzby, deceive themselves to protect their “little green light” in their heart until their hearts are beaten to pieces by reality.

  At last, I want to use the final sentence in The Great Gaztby as the end, which I consider as the most profound ending I have ever read and inspire me a lot. Gatzby’s dream was always behind him, from the moment he met Daisy and fell in love with her. So what he did was just striving hard back into the past against the current of time, like the ending says:

  So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.


