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五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇一

Title: Review Lesson Plan for Grade Five English Unit Four


1. To review vocabulary related to animals and their habitats.

2. To practice using the present continuous tense in sentences.

3. To reinforce comprehension skills through reading and listening activities.

Warm-Up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by showing pictures of different animals and their habitats on the board.

- Ask students to name the animals and describe their habitats using adjectives.

- Play a short video or song about animals to engage students' interest.

Vocabulary Review (15 minutes):

- Review vocabulary words related to animals and habitats by playing a matching game or using flashcards.

- Have students work in pairs to create sentences using the vocabulary words in context.

- Encourage students to use adjectives to describe the animals and their habitats.

Grammar Practice (20 minutes):

- Introduce the present continuous tense using examples related to animals (e.g. "The lion is roaring").

- Have students practice forming sentences in the present continuous tense with verbs related to animal actions.

- Provide worksheets or online exercises for students to practice using the present continuous tense correctly.

Reading Comprehension (15 minutes):

- Read a short passage about different animals and their habitats aloud to the class.

- Ask students comprehension questions to check their understanding of the text.

- Have students work in groups to discuss the main ideas of the passage and share their answers with the class.

Listening Activity (10 minutes):

- Play a recording of a conversation between two characters discussing their favorite animals.

- Have students listen for key information and answer questions about the conversation.

- Discuss with students the importance of listening carefully to understand the main ideas of a conversation.

Wrap-Up (10 minutes):

- Review the key vocabulary words, grammar concepts, and reading comprehension skills covered in the lesson.

- Encourage students to ask any questions they may have and provide additional practice exercises for homework.

By following this lesson plan, students will have the opportunity to review key concepts related to animals, habitats, and the present continuous tense in a fun and engaging way.

五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇二

Title: Interactive Review Activities for Grade Five English Unit Four


In this lesson plan, we will focus on interactive activities to review key concepts related to animals, habitats, and the present continuous tense. These activities are designed to engage students in active learning and provide opportunities for meaningful practice and reinforcement of the target vocabulary and grammar.

Activity 1: Animal Charades (20 minutes)

- Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a different animal.

- Instruct students to take turns acting out the actions of the animal without speaking, while their group members guess the animal.

- Encourage students to use adjectives to describe the animal's habitat and behavior during the game.

Activity 2: Habitat Bingo (15 minutes)

- Create bingo cards with pictures of different animal habitats (e.g. jungle, ocean, desert).

- Call out vocabulary words related to animal habitats, and have students mark the corresponding pictures on their bingo cards.

- The first student to get a bingo calls out "Habitat Bingo" and wins a small prize.

Activity 3: Present Continuous Story (20 minutes)

- Provide students with a set of sentence cards containing present continuous sentences related to animal actions.

- Have students work in pairs to arrange the sentence cards in the correct order to create a story.

- Ask students to read their stories aloud to the class, focusing on pronunciation and intonation.

Activity 4: Animal Sounds Quiz (10 minutes)

- Play recordings of different animal sounds and ask students to match each sound to the corresponding animal.

- Encourage students to use descriptive language to explain their choices and share interesting facts about the animals.

Activity 5: Habitat Diorama Project (25 minutes)

- Assign each student a different animal and habitat to research and create a diorama.

- Provide materials such as cardboard, paper, and art supplies for students to build their dioramas.

- Have students present their dioramas to the class, explaining the habitat and behavior of their chosen animal.


By incorporating interactive and engaging activities into the review lesson, students will have the opportunity to practice and reinforce key vocabulary and grammar concepts related to animals, habitats, and the present continuous tense. These activities will not only enhance students' language skills but also foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking skills.

五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇三

  一. 教学内容:

  1. 话题:谈论正在进行的动作

  2. 课题:PEP第五(下)册第四单元B部分


  3. 教学时间:1课时

  4. 学生情况:小学五年级学生

  二. 教学设计:

  PEP Unit 4

  Part B What is he doing?


  1. Enable the students to use the following sentence patterns to talk about the things happening:(学生能用以下句型表述他人正在进 行的动作)

  What is he doing? What is she doing?

  He’s…… She’s……

  2. Learn to say the following phrases and spell them:(能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式)

  listening to music washing clothes

  clean the room writing a letter writing an e-mail


  重点掌握五个短语动词的ing 形式。

  三.Difficult points:(教学难点)

  以不发音的字母e 结尾的动词ing形式的变化。

  四.Teaching aids:(教学设备)

  CIA tape recorder pictures

  五.Teaching procedures:(教学步骤及说明)

  Step 1: Warm up

  1. Let’s chant:(通过说唱、唱歌等形式,引入课堂)

  What are you doing? What are you doing?

  I am doing the dishes. What are you doing?

  I am drawing pictures. What are you doing?

  I am reading a book. What are you doing?

  I am cooking dinner. What are you doing?

  I am answering the phone.

  2. Sing a song: What are you doing?(唱一首歌引入主题)

  Step 2: Revision

  1. Show students some photos ask and answer: -----What are you doing?(学生通过句型复习五个已学过的动作)

  -----I’m doing the dishes、drawing pictures、

  cooking dinner、answering the phone、reading a book.

  2. Students write down the phrases on the blackboard and read.


  Step 3. Presentation

  1. T: What do you usually do on the weekend?

  S: I usually……(通过对话,直接引出词组)

  T: But I usually listen to music. I like listening to music very much. Look I have a radio. Now I’m listening to music.

  2. Learn to say and spell “listening to music”.(学生跟读词


  3. Show the photos ask and answer: (从What are you doing

  句型引出What is he doing?句型)

  -----What’s he doing?

  -----He’s listening to music.

  4. Learn to say the following four phrases and write down the phrases on the blackboard:(继续引出其余四个词组,


  washing the clothes cleaning the room

  writing a letter writing an e-mail

  Step4. Drill and practice:

  1. Look at the photos ask and answer:(通过模糊画面,让


  Who’s that boy/girl? What is he/she doing?


  2. Look and guess: (每幅图片上三个动作,看谁记得最快)

  There are three actions in the pictures guess :

  Who’s that? What’s he/she doing?

  3. Do an action: Students are pided into several groups. One acts teacher and says “ Everybody. Do an action.”(做



  Practice the sentence patterns:

  “What are you doing?”

  “What is he doing?”

  Step 5. Consolidation and extension:

  1. Listen to a short story.(听猫和老鼠的故事,回答猫正在


  1) Listen to the story twice.

  2) Answer the questions:

  What’s the cat doing first、next…?

  2. Write and say: What a busy family!(仿造例子写自己一 家正在干什么,并以对话的形式表演出来)

  1) Choose the activities the family member’s doing.

  2) Write them down and read it out.

  3) Make a shout dialogue according to the chart.

  板书设计1: Unit 4 What is he doing?

  drawing pictures listening to music

  doing the dishes washing clothes

  cooking dinner cleaning the room

  answering the phone writing a letter

  reading a book writing an e-mail

五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇四


  1.能识别词汇:raincoat, 会书写单词:coat

  2.学会运用Why are we wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain .来询问和回答有关原因的语句。


  1.能识别词汇:raincoat, 会书写单词:coat

  2.学会运用Why are we wearing a raincoat? Because it’s going to rain .来询问和回答有关原因的语句。


  Step 1:Warm-up and show the learning aims

  1、Future tense with “be going to”

  2、Vocabulary and phrases: wear raincoat theatre go into be afraid of throw…out of

  3、T: Boys and girls, today we are going to learn Module 9 Unit 2Because it’s going to rain. (板书课题并齐读) First ,please look at our learning aims.(出示本课学习目标,教师慢慢读,学生仔细看、认真听。)

  Step 2: Show the guides (指导自学)

  1、Look at the pictures and listen to the tape carefully for “because”。

  2、Play the tape again and have the students to imitate.

  The teacher read the original text slowly.

  3、Look and say:Say the right, whole dialogues.

  4、 let make silly sentences.

  For example:

  I’m wearing a dress,because I’m going to go swimming.

  Step 3: Explain the knowledge. (点拨)


  2.Notice:“ why”and“ because”

  Step 4. Finish a task


  doXXXrunXXX takeXXX

  lookXXXX laughXXXXX makeXXX


  1. Why are you XXXX a hat?

  Because it’s going to be XXXX

  2. Why are you wearing a XXXXXX?

  Because I’m going to XXXfootball.

  3. It’s going to be cold. I am going to wearing a XXXXX.

  4. I’m going to XXXX. So I take my swimsuit.


  Unit 1 Why are you laughing





五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇五



  本课是牛津教材5B第三单元第二课时, 本单元围绕“兴趣爱好”这个话题开展教学活动。主要是学习一般疑问句Do you have any hobbies? 及其答语Yes,I do. No, I don.t.和主语为第三人称单数动词的用法。本节课是本单元的重点,通过学习初步领会第三人称单数动词和第一人称单数动词的区别。同时通过课文重点句子的学习,听的懂、会说、会读课文,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写综合素质能力。



  (1)能进一步掌握本单元所学的有关兴趣爱好的词汇:take photos go shopping collect stamps collect coins grow flowers keep goldfish make model ships make clothes 。

  (2)能用He/She likes.... 的句型描述他人的爱好和活动。了解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。


















  1、 动手找一找

  课前老师将全班同学的兴趣爱好输入电脑:如1.Xu fang: I like collecting stamps. 2.Hu Mingqing: I like making clothes...这一步骤我主要是复习导入,引出新知。师生通过复习第一课时的内容后通过师生问答引出第三人称单数动词的用法,并学习课文中出现的Show...to...的句型结构。

  ① T:Hello,boys and girls.Do you have any hobbies?

  S1:Yes, I do.I like collecting stamps.

  T:Please show it to us .


  T:How beautiful.


  ② T:Do you know xxs hobby?

  S:Sorry. I dont know.

  T:Please search and tell us.

  任务很简单,学生在老师的课件中寻找同学的兴趣,汇报时,第一个同学老师强调纠正He likes.... 第二个同学很自然的用到了likes.老师不断的报名字,学生快速的寻找汇报,并在头脑中不断的将第一人称转化成第三人称。

  1、 在线测一测


  1.I____going shopping. ○like ○likes

  2.Tom _____collecting stamps. ○like ○likes.

  学生每选择一题,都马上即时反馈,如 Sorry,youre wrong. 或 Youre right.Very good。在几道测试中,学生对第一、第二人称、复数和第三人称动词的用法自然区分开来

  2、 自己学一学

  牛津小学英语5B 特点是着重训练听说技能,提高会话能力,如果按字按句分析,学生有可能会厌倦。把任务交给学生,让学生自主学习,是我这堂课的重点。根据课文围绕爱好中的“邮票”这一话题,我将“课文学习”这 一部分设计成两个主页面,邮票学习和全文学习。邮票学习分五个页面:ship stamp flower stamp; animal stamp; Chinese stamp; more stamp. 每个页面都有邮票图片和该词组的发音,学生自己控制学习的进度,简单的点击一次就可以了,不会的再点击一次,设计的页面中,不断渗透课文的重点难点:如: flower stamp 的页面中正式出现beautiful. 学生在学习过程中自己已经领会其含义,只要跟读几遍就可以了。在 Chinese stamp中放入一些英国邮票并插入一句话:These are not Chinese stamps. These are ? stamps. 这道题的设计目的是为了训练学生的语言运用能力。More stamps中放入人物、风景、建筑等邮票,丰富的`图片拓宽了学生的视野,激发了学生的兴趣,更为后面的学习打下了伏笔。


  3、 大家说一说

  刚才学习的过程完全是学生的自学过程,老师无法得知学生的掌握程度,所以在这一阶段我设计了一个交流讨论的内容,内容围绕刚才你所听到的和看到的展开,具体是重点句子的指名读 和几个问题的交流,大屏幕上先出示问题:




  Mike likes_____

  ○collecting stamps ○taking photos

  Bens brother likes_____

  ○collecting ship stamps ○collecting animal stamps

  Yang Lin ____nice food and _____beautiful flowers

  ○cook grow ○cooks grows




五年级英语下册第四单元复习教案 篇六

  Unit 1 We’re going to read stories

  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn neals.

  Period 2

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Review the words.

  2.Review the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  4.Can do the exercises.

  Teaching Point:

  Master reading skill.

  Teaching preparations:

  Exercises and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn Part D

  Let’s Read

  Read the text of Part D.

  Do the exercises of Part D.

  Talk about Part D.

  (2)Learn Part E

  Let’s Write

  There are four children in your group.There are four animals in

  the play.Which role are you going to play?

  David is going to play______________________

  Amy is going to___________________________


  And I___________________________________

  (3)Learn Part F

  a.Here is a paper box.

  b.Write words on four sides of the box.

  c.Put cards into the box.

  d.Play a game this way.

  Unit 2 We are going to do some research

  Period 1

  Teaching Goals:

  1.Learn new words.

  2.Learn the text.

  3.Know the sentence pattern: be going to….

  Teaching Point:

  Master the Third Person Singular.

  Teaching Preparations:

  Tape and pictures.

  Teaching Process:

  1.Warming Up



  2.Presentation and Drills

  (1)Learn new words.

  Research find information study think

  (2)Learn Part A

  Let’s listen and Say

  What are we going to do today?

  We’re going to do some research.

  We’re going to read and find information.


