
时间:2014-04-01 06:33:21
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英语听说课教案 篇一

Title: Engaging Activities for Improving Speaking Skills in English Listening and Speaking Class


In an English listening and speaking class, it is crucial to incorporate engaging activities that can help students improve their speaking skills. This lesson plan focuses on a variety of activities that can be used to enhance students' ability to speak confidently and fluently in English.

Warm-up Activity: Tongue Twisters

To start the class off on a fun note, begin with a few tongue twisters. This will help students loosen up their tongues and improve their pronunciation skills. Here are a few examples to get started:

- Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

- She sells seashells by the seashore.

- How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Main Activity: Role-Playing Scenarios

Divide the class into pairs or small groups and provide them with different role-playing scenarios. These scenarios can range from ordering food at a restaurant to negotiating a business deal. Encourage students to speak naturally and use the vocabulary they have learned in class. After each role-play, provide feedback and tips for improvement.

Listening Activity: TED Talks

Select a short TED Talk video related to a topic of interest to the students. Have the students listen to the talk and take notes on the main points. Afterward, encourage them to discuss the talk in small groups and share their thoughts and opinions. This activity not only improves listening skills but also promotes speaking fluency.

Wrap-up Activity: Debate

End the class with a debate on a controversial topic. Divide the class into two teams and assign them positions to argue for or against the topic. This activity encourages students to express their opinions confidently and persuasively in English.

Homework Assignment: Presentation

For homework, assign each student a topic to research and prepare a short presentation on. This will give students the opportunity to practice speaking in front of their peers and improve their presentation skills.


By incorporating these engaging activities into the English listening and speaking class, students will have the opportunity to practice speaking skills in a supportive and interactive environment. These activities will not only improve their fluency and confidence but also make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

英语听说课教案 篇二

Title: Utilizing Technology in English Listening and Speaking Class


In today's digital age, technology plays a significant role in education. This lesson plan focuses on how to effectively utilize technology in an English listening and speaking class to enhance students' learning experience and improve their communication skills.

Interactive Listening Activities: Podcasts and Audiobooks

Incorporate podcasts and audiobooks into the listening activities to expose students to different accents and speaking styles. Assign listening tasks related to the content of the podcasts or books, and have students discuss their thoughts and opinions in groups. This will not only improve listening skills but also encourage speaking fluency.

Online Speaking Platforms: Skype or Zoom

Utilize online platforms such as Skype or Zoom to connect with native speakers or other English learners around the world. Organize speaking sessions where students can practice conversing in English with their peers or receive feedback from a native speaker. This real-life interaction will help students improve their speaking skills and build confidence.

Language Learning Apps: Duolingo or Babbel

Encourage students to use language learning apps such as Duolingo or Babbel to supplement their learning outside of the classroom. These apps provide interactive exercises and quizzes to practice vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Assign specific tasks on these apps and have students report their progress in class.

Digital Storytelling Projects: iMovie or Storybird

Engage students in digital storytelling projects where they can create their own stories or presentations using platforms like iMovie or Storybird. This allows students to practice speaking in a creative and interactive way while incorporating technology into their language learning process. Encourage them to present their projects to the class and receive feedback.


By incorporating technology into the English listening and speaking class, students can enhance their learning experience and improve their communication skills in a digital age. These tools and platforms provide opportunities for interactive and engaging activities that can help students practice speaking confidently and fluently in English.

英语听说课教案 篇三



  ⑴ 语音训练

  语音训练包括对听音、重读、意群等的训练,增强学生的语音辨别能力,对于造成听力困难的语音应专项训练。如 :bed—bad, ship—sheep, chip—cheap, pin—pen, sit—seat训练应从词到句,再到文。

  ⑵ 听力技巧训练


  ⑶ 听力理解训练



  ⑴ 发音


  ⑵ 语法、词汇

  合乎语法的句子才容易理解,用词准确,有助于理解。缺乏必要的词汇常使说话者难以准确地 表达自己的思想。因此说的教学应包含一定的词汇和语法教学。

  ⑶ 交际功能


  ⑷ 释疑技巧


 释疑技巧是防止会话中断的必要手段。当听的一方未能听清楚对方的'意思时,应能有多种方式询问对方的含义,使会话得以继续进行,当不能明白个别单词短语的意思时,可问 “What does…mean?”,“Could you tell me what…mean?”如果有部分内容不能明白,比如没有听清楚怎么走,可问:“Do you mean I should turn left?”“Sorry, how far should I walk?”“You said the name of the street is...?” 如果不清楚自己是否真正明白对方的含义可以说:“Do you mean...?” 要求对方解释自己说过的话可以用升调重复对方的话,等等。

  ⑸ 文化知识



