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英语8册第二课教案 篇一

Title: Lesson Plan for English 8 Unit 2


- Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to family members.

- Students will be able to describe their own family members using possessive adjectives.

- Students will be able to ask and answer questions about family members.


- Begin the lesson by asking students to brainstorm different family members in English.

- Play a quick game of charades where students act out different family members for the class to guess.

Vocabulary Introduction:

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to family members, such as mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, etc.

- Have students repeat the words after you and write them down in their notebooks.

Grammar Focus:

- Teach students how to use possessive adjectives (my, your, his, her) to describe family members.

- Provide examples and practice exercises for students to complete individually or in pairs.

Speaking Practice:

- Divide students into pairs and have them ask and answer questions about their family members using the new vocabulary and possessive adjectives.

- Encourage students to use complete sentences and correct grammar.

Writing Activity:

- Ask students to write a short paragraph describing their own family members using the vocabulary and possessive adjectives learned in class.

- Circulate around the room to provide assistance and feedback as needed.


- Review the new vocabulary and grammar concepts with the class.

- Allow students to share their writing with the class if time permits.


- Assign students to create a family tree using the vocabulary and grammar concepts from the lesson.

- Encourage students to practice using possessive adjectives in sentences about their family members.

By following this lesson plan, students will have a solid understanding of family-related vocabulary and grammar concepts in English.

英语8册第二课教案 篇二

Title: Lesson Plan for English 8 Unit 2


- Students will be able to identify and use vocabulary related to daily routines.

- Students will be able to describe their own daily routines using present simple tense.

- Students will be able to ask and answer questions about daily routines.


- Begin the lesson by asking students to share their morning routines with a partner.

- Have students create a list of verbs related to daily routines on the board.

Vocabulary Introduction:

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to daily routines, such as wake up, brush teeth, take a shower, eat breakfast, go to school, etc.

- Have students repeat the words after you and write them down in their notebooks.

Grammar Focus:

- Teach students how to use the present simple tense to describe daily routines.

- Provide examples and practice exercises for students to complete individually or in pairs.

Speaking Practice:

- Divide students into small groups and have them create a dialogue about their daily routines using the new vocabulary and present simple tense.

- Encourage students to use a variety of verbs and adverbs in their dialogue.

Writing Activity:

- Ask students to write a diary entry describing their daily routine using the vocabulary and present simple tense learned in class.

- Circulate around the room to provide assistance and feedback as needed.


- Review the new vocabulary and grammar concepts with the class.

- Allow students to share their diary entries with the class if time permits.


- Assign students to keep a daily diary for one week, describing their daily routines in English.

- Encourage students to practice using the present simple tense in sentences about their daily routines.

By following this lesson plan, students will have a better understanding of vocabulary and grammar related to daily routines in English.

英语8册第二课教案 篇三


课堂教学设计 2011年 2 月 课题 Lesson 1 总( 2 )课时第( 2 )课时 主备教师 林丽丽 使用教师 教学目标 知识目标 1.熟练朗读韵律诗,正确认读音标/ I:/,I /,/t/。 2.会读、听懂并理解Read and think中的内容。 能力目标 完成教材中的Look,read and write。 情感态度与价值观 培养学生可上大胆发言的意识。 任务定位 教学重点 韵律诗中的/ I:/,/I /,/t/的发音。 教学难点 第五部分Look,read and write 教法学法 听说法 总结法 课程资源开发 (1)音标卡片。 (2)录音机及课文磁带。 (3)教学挂图。 教学过程设计 一、热身 1. Sing an English song。 2.Greetings. 3.学生间互相回答形容词如,S1①:Big。S2②:Small。也可进行大组之间的比赛。 4.T(拿自己的一本书和学生的一本书进行比较):My book is thick。Yours is thin。让学生就此情境练习对话。 5.让学生创设情境表演Learn to Say中的对话。 二、新课教学 a。Listen and find the rhyme T:Now,boys and girls。 Let’s listen to a rhyme。 1.听录音,视学生掌握情况可多听两遍。 2.请学生跟录音反复朗读。 3.让学生总结这首韵律诗中含有的共同音素。 4.出示含有/ I∶/,I /,/t/发音的音标词,练习拼读。 5.做活动用书上语音题:Read and wrlte A,B,or C。 b。Read and think 1.指导学生看书上的图片,熟悉短文背景。 2.阅读文章,理解短文内容,回答问题。 3.学生听录音朗读短文,然后齐读。 4.师生讨论有关动物的话题:What animal is tall?What animal is short?… c。Look, read and write 1.出示教学挂图。 2.练说句型。 T:The big ball is lighter than the small one s:The small ball is heavier than the big one。 3.在

书上填空,然后小组间交流答案。 4.完成活动用书中的练习Listen and judge,Listen and completethe sentences。 板书设计 Lesson 1 / I:/,/I /,/t/ 教学反 思 游戏复习形容词及名词性物主代词yours. 师生共同听录音,总结归纳发音,教学效果好。 课堂教学设计 2011年2 月 课题 Lesson 2 总( 2 )课时第( 1 )课时 主备教师 林丽丽 使用教师 教学目标 知识目标 1、听、说、读、写单词big, small, long, short及其比较级。 2、能理解、掌握、运用句型:My…is…than yours. Your…is…than mine. 能力目标 1、能理解、掌握、运用句型:My…is…than yours. Your…is…than mine. 2、能熟练地朗读Learn to say部分的`内容。 3、能根据Learn to say 部分创设相应情境进行对话表演。 情感态度与价值观 培养学生的合作意识。 任务定位 教学重点 Learn to say 部分的课文,要求学生在理解课文的基础上 流利、有表情地朗读课文并能创设相应的情境进行对话表演。 教学难点 通过观察了解形容词比较级的构成,借助实物或图片理解并掌握“My…is…than yours. Your…is…than mine.”这两个句型。 教法学法 比较法 小组合作法 课程资源开发 (1)一些图片和实物,一把可伸缩的尺,一组俄罗斯套娃,一张教学挂图。 (2)句型卡片:My…is…than yours. Your…is…than mine. (3)录音机及课文磁带。 教学过程设计 一、热身 1、Sing an English song. 2、Free talk. 二、新课教学 a.Try to use 1、T:(出示一折叠尺,暂不拉长)Look, what’s this? S:It’s a ruler. T:Yes. It’s my ruler. My ruler is long.(再拿一把学生的尺作比较)Oh, your ruler is longer than mine. Yours is longer than mine. (可借助手势帮助学生理解)然后教师把折叠尺拉长再与学生的尺作比较:Look, my ruler is longer than yours now. 使学生加深印象。 2、借助图片或实物,教师再兴趣例帮助学生理解,教说than, longer than your/bigger/…than yours 然后将句型贴在黑板上,教师带领学生朗读数遍。 3、教师将俄罗斯套娃拿出一个,发给一个学生:My doll is small. Yours is bigger. My do is smaller than yours. Your doll is bigger than mine. 然后将套娃再一个个地发给更多的学生,引导更多的学生加入到练习的行列。 S1:My doll is bigger than yours. S2:My doll is smaller than yours. …… 4、教师将句型写在黑板上,学生齐读几遍。 5、教师借助图片或实物替换句型,学生进行替换练习。(教师将一些写有形容词的比较级的卡片贴在黑板上,供学生替换使用) 6、学生用自己所带实物练习句型。 7、翻开书本,师生共同看图讨论Try to use部分内容。 8、同桌间进行对话练习,然后在书上写句。 9、完成活动用书上练习Compare with your partner, fill in the form then write sentences。 b. Learn to say 1、出示教学挂图,让学生看图说话。 2、T:(出示一条绳子)Now boys and girls. Let’s skip rope. Look, this is my jumping rope. It’s ling. Do you like skipping rope? Ss:Yes. T:David and Li Ming like skipping rope, too. What are they talking about ? Let’s listen. 3、学生听课文录音,可适当多听两遍以便让学生理解对话内容。 T:Whose rope is linger/shorter? S:… 4、学生听录音,跟读课文。 5、分角色朗读课文。 三、巩固和延伸 体会Try to use 中的有关内容。引导学生创设情境,进行对话表演。 [作业建议] 1、听录音,朗读课文。 2、对话练习:My…is…than yours. 3、完成活动用书上有关练习。 板书设计 Lesson 2 (1) big, small, long, short My…is…than yours. Your…is…than mine. 教学反思 歌曲营造学习英语的气氛,让学生在轻松的氛围内更好的学习英语,教师出示图片或实物学习比较级句型,通过反复操练达到熟练掌握句型的目的,learn to say 部分通过看挂图、听录音学习,在此过程中培养学生的听说读的能力。

