必修3 Unit 1 -词组及课文教案内容答案

时间:2016-01-03 07:36:18
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必修3 Unit 1 -词组及课文教案内容答案

◆Phrases◆ 这一新定单意味着(我们)得加班加点 This new order will mean (us) working overtime. mean doing sth. 意味着 花园里有各种各样的花 There are flowers of all kinds in the garden. all all kinds 各种各样的 因为我有很多钱,我能帮助她。 Because I have plenty of money I am able to help her. plenty of 大量; 充足 那一年数以千计的人都饿死了。 Thousands of people starved to death that year. starve to death 饿死 你应该守信用 You should keep your word. keep one’s word 这首歌让我想起了法国 This song reminds me of France. remind sb. of sth. 你打算明天几点钟启程? What time are you planning to set off tomorrow? set off 出发 你怎麽不把你的`想法写在纸上呢? Why dont you set your ideas down on paper? set down 你在今晚的晚会上一定会玩得很开心。 Youll sure to have fun at the party tonigh

t. have fun Passage Learning (答案写在右边空白区) 1. of all kinds 2. since ancient times 3. celebrations would be held 4. At that time 5. starve 6. especially during the cold winter months 7. origins 8. some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events 9. to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors 10. either to help or to do harm 11. For 12. in memory of their ancestors 13. in early November 14. On this important feast day 15. in the shape of 16. offer/to 17. had its origin in 18. dress up 19. ask for sweets 20. play a trick on 21. Festivals to Honor People 22. to honor famous people 23. honours 24. in memory of 25. the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain2 26. happy events 27. are grateful 28. over 29. decorate/with 30. get together 31. win awards for 32. admire 33. lucky money in red paper 34. take place 35. day and night 36 colorful clothing of all kinds 37. covered with cherry tree flowers 38. looks as though 39. get together 40. have fun with each other 41. be proud of 42. for a little while
必修3 Unit 1 -词组及课文教案内容答案

