Unit 7 At a snack bar教案【精简3篇】

时间:2016-04-08 03:31:20
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Unit 7 At a snack bar教案 篇一

Title: Fun and Interactive Activities for Teaching Unit 7 At a Snack Bar


Unit 7 At a Snack Bar is an important unit in English language learning, as it teaches students how to order food and drinks in a snack bar. To make learning more engaging and effective, it is essential to incorporate fun and interactive activities into the lesson plan. In this article, we will explore some creative ideas for teaching Unit 7 At a Snack Bar in an engaging way.

Activity 1: Role-Playing

Role-playing is a great way to help students practice ordering food and drinks in a snack bar setting. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and assign each group a role (customer or server). Provide them with a menu and encourage them to act out different scenarios, such as ordering a meal, asking for the bill, or requesting a drink refill. This activity not only helps students practice their language skills but also boosts their confidence in real-life situations.

Activity 2: Menu Design

Another fun activity is to have students create their own snack bar menus. Provide them with templates or blank paper and ask them to design a menu with food and drink items, prices, and descriptions. Encourage creativity and allow students to come up with unique menu items. Once the menus are complete, have students present their creations to the class, explaining the items and prices in English. This activity not only reinforces vocabulary but also encourages creativity and critical thinking.

Activity 3: Vocabulary Games

Vocabulary games are a fun and effective way to help students learn and remember new words related to food and drinks. Play games like Word Bingo, Pictionary, or Memory Match using snack bar vocabulary words. These games not only make learning enjoyable but also reinforce vocabulary retention. Additionally, you can incorporate technology by using online vocabulary games or apps to make learning more interactive.


Incorporating fun and interactive activities into the lesson plan for Unit 7 At a Snack Bar can enhance students' learning experience and improve their language skills. By using role-playing, menu design, and vocabulary games, teachers can create engaging and effective lessons that help students master the language needed to order food and drinks in a snack bar setting.

Unit 7 At a snack bar教案 篇二

Title: Enhancing Listening Skills in Unit 7 At a Snack Bar


Listening skills are essential for language learning, especially when it comes to ordering food and drinks in a snack bar. In Unit 7 At a Snack Bar, students are introduced to vocabulary and phrases related to ordering in a restaurant setting. To help students improve their listening skills in this unit, teachers can incorporate various activities and strategies into the lesson plan. In this article, we will explore ways to enhance listening skills in Unit 7 At a Snack Bar.

Activity 1: Listening Comprehension Exercises

Listening comprehension exercises are a great way to help students practice their listening skills in a controlled setting. Provide students with audio recordings of snack bar conversations and ask them to listen carefully and answer comprehension questions based on the dialogue. This activity not only improves students' listening skills but also helps them understand the context and use of language in real-life situations.

Activity 2: Dictation

Dictation exercises are another effective way to enhance listening skills in Unit 7 At a Snack Bar. Play recordings of snack bar conversations and ask students to write down what they hear. This activity helps students focus on listening for specific words and phrases, as well as spelling and grammar. After the dictation exercise, review the dialogue together as a class to reinforce learning and correct any mistakes.

Activity 3: Role-Playing Listening Games

Role-playing listening games are a fun and interactive way to improve students' listening skills in a snack bar setting. Divide the class into pairs or small groups and assign each group a role (customer or server). Provide them with a scenario or dialogue to act out, and encourage them to listen carefully to their partner's responses. This activity not only helps students practice listening in a conversational context but also promotes teamwork and communication skills.


Enhancing listening skills in Unit 7 At a Snack Bar is essential for students to effectively communicate and order food and drinks in a snack bar setting. By incorporating listening comprehension exercises, dictation, and role-playing listening games into the lesson plan, teachers can help students improve their listening skills and become more confident in real-life situations.

Unit 7 At a snack bar教案 篇三

Unit 7 At a snack bar教案

一、教学内容 《义务教育课程标准实验教科书-牛津小学英语》4B第七单元 (A. Listen, read and say) 二、教学目标 1 学生能正确掌握食品饮料类单词。 2 学生能正确地掌握重点句型:What would you like? …, please. How much is it/are they? … yuan. 3 学生能正确理解对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。 4 在学习课文的基础上初步认识句型:How about you? Something to drink? Anything else?及其答语 5 通过操练掌握功能句型,达到在操练中进行询问和回答的交际目的。 6 创设语言情境,提供语言材料,培养学生的发散思维和灵活运用语言交际的能力。 7 在学习过程中,激发学生热爱生活,关心他人的情感。 三、教学重难点 1学生能正确理解对话内容,并能朗读,初步表演对话。 2 学生能正确地掌握重点句型:What would you like? …, please. How much is it/are they? … yuan. 四、教学准备 1 教具准备:图片 卡片 课件 纸币 服务员服装 托盘 食品 2 课前准备:预先写好课题《Unit7 At a snack bar》。 五、教学流程 Step1: Warming—up ⑴Greetings ⑵Freetalk: Hello, everyone!My name is Jim. I am a boy. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a teacher, my mother is a nurse. I like them very much. ⑶Sing a song:《Hot cross buns》(师生边唱边跳) 【设计意图:利用英语歌曲有利于在课前唤起学生的有意注意,同时在唱唱跳跳中,初步感受语言环境,不知不觉中进入到新课的学习中。】 Step2:Revision and presentation ⑴创设教学情境: Boys and girls, do you like hot cross buns. I like it and now I’m hu

ngry. Let’s go to a snack bar and buy something to eat or drink. (课件上出现一个快餐店,里面有各式各样的点心和饮料。) ⑵利用Flash课件复习学生已学的食品饮料类单词(cake hamburger egg bread juice coffee milk tea). ⑶利用Flash课件教学生词noodles, 并引导学生领读。 【设计意图:通过多媒体创设教学情境,一方面可帮助学生巩固与本课相关联的单词和背景知识;另一方面也使英语教学充满情趣,把外部的世界引进课堂,有助于改变学生的认知方式,提高学生的信息素养和交际能力。】 Step3:Pattern drills and dialogue teaching ⑴屏幕上出现食品柜,教师提问:“What would you like?”引导学生用“…, please.”来回答。当学生选中的事物为赠送食品时,教师将奖品送给说出答案的学生。 ⑵屏幕上出现饮料柜,教师请学生提问并操练(方法同上)。 ⑶教师邀请几位学生一起到快餐店,对其中一位学生说:“What would you like?”引导学生用“…, please.”又对另一位学生说:“How about you?”引导学生回答并要求学生分组操练。 ⑷屏幕上出现几种食品(下面有A、B、C三种价格),教师提问“How much is it/are they?” 让学生猜测其价格,猜对的学生可得到老师的奖品。 【设计意图:通过电脑模拟到快餐店购物,在带有虚拟色彩的情景中学习,学生的好奇心和求知欲得到激发,既活跃了课堂气氛,又使学生快速进入英语思维的状态。】 ⑸屏幕上出现麦当劳Mcdonalds总裁罗伯茨 (MikeRoberts), 教师电脑操作发出声音:“Now I’ll give you lots of money and you can open a snack bar. If you do well, I’ll give you a prize.” 教师穿上工作服,成为服务员,手持装有食品饮料的托盘说:“Something to eat/drink?”学生回答正确,则将食品饮料送出。教师紧接着问:“Anything else?”并引导学生回答。教师让学生用手中的食品饮料提问并操练。 【设计意图:通过创设真实情境来呈现新知识,为学生提供了较大的语言实践空间,充分发挥了他们的主动性和创造性,使学生在轻松的'语言活动中输入和输出信息。】 Step4:Consolidation ⑴交代任务 T: Our snack bar needs some waitresses or waiters, who wants to try? You should obey the following rules: 1 You should be polite all the time.(礼貌服务) 2 You should smile all the time.(微笑服务) 3 You should serve in a good way.(用语恰当) ⑵请几个学生扮演服务员,其他学生扮演顾客,比较几位应聘者所提供的服务,并评选出最佳“服务员”。 【设计意图:角色表演是为学生提供运用语言以达到巩固的最好机会。学生在扮演服务员和顾客的过程中不断地表现自我,树立自信,让英语课堂成为真正的语言交流场所和实战演习的阵地。】 ⑶屏幕出现课文内容,教师让学生跟读课文。 Step5:Summary Now you’ve learned how to ask if sb. want sth.to eat or drink, you can use sentences:“___”(请学生回答); You know how to pay for the money, you can use sentences:“___”(请学生回答). 【设计意图:通过总结本节课教学内容,让学生对所学知识在脑海中形成一个知识网络,也培养了其概括能力。】 Step6:Enjoy food culture between east and west There are so much food at a snack bar, but they are different between the east food and the west food. Let’s enjoy more together.课件播放中西方不同的饮食文化。 【设计意图:教师在教学中结合本节课内容向学生介绍中西方不同的饮食文化,满足学生了解世界的好奇心,以此增进学生对语言的理解,拓宽了学生的文化视野,也有利于学生融合性动机的形成。】 Step6:Homework 美国Mcdonalds 总公司要在本地开设一家快餐店,总部需要做一个市场调查,以了解当地人们热衷于哪些食品和饮料以及大致价格。现在请大家利用课余时间完成这份调查(要求利用今天所学句型)。 Mike noodles ¥9 【设计意图:英语课外作业是课堂教学的延续。本课布置的作业是做市场调查,这样的设计更能发挥学生的主动性,也使其更贴近生活,
Unit 7 At a snack bar教案【精简3篇】

