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一起三M7教案 篇一






一起三M7教案 篇二






一起三M7教案 篇三


第31课时 学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第 周 月 日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 7 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? 教 学 目 标 1.知识目标: 能听、说、读单词play football, watch TV, go swimming, play the flute, where, park. 听懂、会读句子What do you do at the weekend? I play football. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 2.技能目标:学习用英语询问他人周末的安排。 3.情感目标:培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。    教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 1.单词play football, watch TV, go swimming, play the flute, where, park. 2.句子What do you do at the weekend? I play football. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 教学难点: 1.单词play football, watch TV, go swimming, play the flute, where, park. 2.句子What do you do at the weekend? I play football. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 3.用英语询问他人周末的安排。 教学方法与手段 直观教学法,情景教学法,游戏法 通过听说等方法来学习英语,在学习中帮助学生掌握学习的重难点,多表扬,多鼓励。 教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,贴贴等 教 学 过 程 设 计 I. Warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning… II. Lead in. T:I do the actions and you say. T does the actions. S:play football, play basketball, go swimming, watch TV, play the flute… T shows a picture to Ss and learns “park”. Ok, let’s learn some anther new words. III. Presentation Show out the new words and teach the words one by one. play football, watch TV, go swimming, play the flute, where, park. IV. Drills 1. Let’s learn some new words. Show cards one by one and teach Ss to read. 2 Listen then repeat the words. V. Practice. Game: 1. Loud and low voice; 2. Teacher points word, Students say words. VI. Extension Ask Ss to make dialogs in groups with the sentence patterns we learnt today. Eg: S1:What do you do at the weekend? S2:I play football. S1:Where do you play football? S2:I play at the park. Ask Ss to show the dialogs out in front. Ⅶ Summary Teacher makes a summary. 二次备课 课堂练习设计 Read together. Ask Ss to read part 3 together. Ask and anwer picture by picture. 课外作业设计 1. 听读今天所学单词句型5遍。 2. 预习P26。 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? A B C D What do you do at the weekend? I play football. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 每日词句 Does he listen to CDs?---No, he doesn’t. 他听CD吗?---不,

他不听。 教 学 反 思 参考资料 第32课时 学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第 周 月 日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 7 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? 教 学 目 标 1.知识目标: 能听、说、读单词too, want, us, goal, footballer. 懂、会读句子What do you do at the weekend? I play football, too. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 2.技能目标:让学生在日常生活中能运用英语交流周末的活动安排。 3.情感目标:培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,积极参与说英语、做游戏等实践活动。    教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 1.单词too, want, us, goal, footballer. 2.句子What do you do at the weekend? I play football, too. Where do you play football? I play at the park. 3.能熟练使用新学句型并结合以前学过的句型用英语进行描述。 教学难点: 1.单词too, want, us, goal, footballer. 2.句子 Do you want to play with us? Yes, I do. You are a good footballer, Sam. 2.能熟练使用新学句型并结合以前学过的句型用英语进行描述。 教学方法与手段 直观教学法,情景教学法,游戏法 培养学生浓厚的英语学习兴趣,积极参与说英语、做游戏等实践活动。 教学准备 贴贴;图片;录音机 教 学 过 程 设 计 I. Warm up T: Good morning, boys and girls. S: Good morning… T: How are you? Ss: I am fine, thank you. II. Lead in. 1. Review the words play football, watch TV, go swimming, play the flute, where, park. 2. Review the sentence paterns: What do you do at the weekend? I play football. Where do you play football? I play at the park. T: Now, let’s learn Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? IV. Presentation Do you want to play with us? Yes, I do. You are a good footballer, Sam. V. Drills 1.T writes the sentences on the blackboard. Then ask Ss to read the sentences three times. 2.Listen to the tape and repeat. VI. Practice. 1. Read together. 2. Have a competition between the two groups. 3. Game Pass the ball. The one who gets the ball should read the text. VII. Extension Make a survey Interview their classmates what they do at the weekend. Finish the table. name do play football, watch TV… Ⅶ Summary Teacher makes a summary. 二次备课 课堂练习设计 Exercises. 1.--What do you do at the weeekend? --_____. A. I watch TV. B. At the park. 2.—Where do you play football? --_____. A. I watch TV. B. At the park. 课外作业设计 1.Read page 26-27. 2.预习P28。 板 书 设 计 Unit 1 I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. A B C D I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I go to school at 8 o’clock. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. 每日词句 He plays the drums. 他打鼓。 (read books读书 play foodball踢足球 go swimming 去游泳 watch TV看电视 listen to music听音乐 play the flute吹笛子 plays the drums 敲鼓) 教 学 反 思 参考资料 第33课时 学 科 英 语 一年级起点 (第3册) 主备教师 裴培 授 课 时 间 第 周 月 日 使用教师 裴培 冼丽英 课 题 Module 7 Unit 2 Where do you live? 教 学 目 标 1.知识目标: 能听、说、读单词live, city. 听懂、会读句子Where do you live? What school do you go to? 2.技能目标:通过听说等方法来学习英语,在学习中帮助学生掌握学习的重难点,多表扬,多鼓励。 3.情感目标:培养学生的`英语学习兴趣,并乐于同他人交流,能进一步形成开放的文化态度。 教学重点 教学难点 教学重点 : 1.单词live, city. 2.句型 Where do you live? What school do you go to? Is it a big city? 3.谈论居住地点以及简单介绍个人的情况。 教学难点: 1.单词live, city. 2.句型 Where do you live? What school do you go to? Is it a big city? 3.谈论居住地点以及简单介绍个人的情况。 教学方法与手段 游戏法,任务教学法,学生中心教学法 通过听说等方法来学习英语,在学习中帮助学生掌握学习的重难点,多表扬,多鼓励。 教学准备 单词卡片,录音机,贴贴等 教 学 过 程 设 计 I. Warm up T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: … T: How are you? Ss: … T: Let’s say the chant. S: A is for apple… II. Lead in. T:What’s your name? S:My name is…. T: What do you do at the weekend? S:I play football. T: Where do you play football? S:I play at the park. T: Where do you live? (show a card “live”) T: Now, let’s learn some new words about Unit2. III. Presentation Show out the new words and teach the words one by one. live, city IV. Drills 1. Listen then repeat the words. Show cards one by one and teach Ss to read. V. Practice. Read the text follow the tape. VI. Extension Ask and answer with their patterns. S1:Where do you live? S2:I live in…. S1: Is it a big city? S2:Yes, it is. S1:What school do you go to? S2:I go to

