How Much is it?教案(精选3篇)

时间:2017-09-03 08:11:35
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How Much is it?教案 篇一

Title: How Much is it? Teaching Plan


In this teaching plan, we will focus on helping students learn how to ask and answer questions about prices in English. This is a practical skill that can be useful in real-life situations such as shopping, dining out, or discussing expenses. By the end of this lesson, students should be able to confidently ask and answer questions about prices using the correct vocabulary and grammar structures.


- To introduce vocabulary related to prices and numbers

- To practice asking and answering questions about prices

- To improve listening and speaking skills in English

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards with pictures of common items and their prices

- Whiteboard and markers

- Audio recordings of conversations about prices

- Worksheet with practice exercises

Warm-up (10 minutes):

Start the lesson by asking students to brainstorm different situations where they might need to ask about prices. Encourage them to think of examples from their own experiences, such as ordering food at a restaurant or shopping for clothes. Write their ideas on the whiteboard and discuss the importance of being able to communicate about prices in English.

Presentation (15 minutes):

Introduce the key vocabulary related to prices, such as "How much is it?" "It's ten dollars" and "It costs twenty euros." Use flashcards to illustrate different items and their prices, and practice pronunciation with the students. Model how to ask and answer questions about prices using the correct grammar structures.

Practice (20 minutes):

Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with pictures of items and their prices. One student will ask about the price of an item, and the other student will respond using the vocabulary and structures they have learned. Circulate around the room to monitor their progress and provide feedback as needed.

Listening (10 minutes):

Play audio recordings of conversations about prices, such as ordering coffee at a café or buying a ticket for a movie. Ask students to listen carefully and write down the prices they hear. Discuss the different ways that prices can be expressed in English, such as using words like "dollars," "euros," or "pounds."

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

Review the key vocabulary and structures covered in the lesson, and ask students to give examples of how they would ask about prices in different situations. Assign homework that reinforces the practice of asking and answering questions about prices, such as writing a dialogue or recording a conversation with a partner.


In this teaching plan, students will have the opportunity to practice asking and answering questions about prices in English. By building their vocabulary and grammar skills in this area, they will be better prepared to communicate effectively in a variety of real-life situations.

How Much is it?教案 篇三

How Much is it?教案

How Much is it?教案 ------------执教者:实现小学 芦 璐 一:教学目的:1.学会询问价格及应答。 2.能熟悉复数形式。 3.能听懂11——16的数字。 二:教学重点:1.学会询问价格及应答。 2.能熟悉复数形式。 三:教学难点:1.How much? 2.One dollar. 3.What are these? 4.They’re pineapples. 四:教学时间: 五:教学用具: 六:教学流程: 1Greeting : 2Singasong: 3Goover: 4NewLesson:How much is it? T: Class begin ! Hello everyone! Ss: Hello Teacher! T: Nice to meet you ! Ss: Nice to meet you too! T: Sit down please! Ss: Thank you! T:How are you? S1:I’m fine.Thank you,and you? T:I’m fine too. T:let’s sing a song “healthy num

ber exercise” T: Do you remember the last class,we learned numbers let’count them from one to twenty. T:what is this?it’s dollar (a pen /a desk/an eraser/an apple(以A,E,I,O,U开头的字母前面用an )/a banana /a pineapple) 教授 “apple” what’s meaning?苹果 how to spell?a-p-p-le,按字母发音规律练习拼读,read it one by one . apple---apples复数 (图片) “pineapple” “pine”松树“apple”苹果。pine-pine-pine ,apple-apple-apple, “ pineapple” “凤梨、菠萝” (教法同上) T: Here are groups. You are apple tree. You are orange tree. You are pineapple tree. You are banana tree. Group1: Apple Apple Go! Go! Go! Group2: Come on ! Come on! Orange Tree. Group3: Ready! Ready! Banana Tree. Group4: Study hard! Study hard! Pineapple Tree!(在黑板上贴出四组水果树图片,分为四小组用相应的水果为获胜奖励) T:what are these? Ss: they are pens /desks/apples/pineapples/bananas/oranges. T;谁能说一说what is this?和what are these? (询问一个近的事物什么的时候用what is this?,询问两个或两个以上近的事物的'时候用what are these?)(有可能加上what is that? 和what are those ?) T;(出示图片)how many ?/how many do you want? T: Now, who can tell me “How many do you want ” T: Now let’s spell it together. (师生共同拼写句子) T: practice the sentence in partner(利用手中的东西) T: who can show ? T:please,ask the sentence to me? Ss: “How many do you want ” T: Twelve apples,please. How much is it? (出示课题)多少钱?read the sentence together. Read it one by one .(one yuan / one dollar) T: dollar图片 doller按字母发音规律练习拼读单词 one doller two dollars 根据不同面值的美圆one dollar 、five dollars 、ten dollars、twenty dollars 及价格标签﹩ 14 、﹩20、﹩15、﹩8 、﹩13 进行单复数的see-say 练习。 T: Now, Let’s play a game. I have something ,who can guess How much is it? Guess one by one. (If you guess right you can get an apple or an orange or a pineapple.Let’s begin.) T: How much is it?(出示不同的实物,实物的下面标有价钱) Ss:Guess one by one. T;听读闯关 第一关:listen to the tape and answer the question. a. 售货员叔叔向杰克说“你要什么?”“需要帮忙吗?”用英语怎么说? 第二关:read after the tape and answer the question. b.What does Jack want to buy? c. How much? d. What does Tutu want to buy? e. How much? T:(一休的话:“累了吧!休息!休息一下吧!”那现在我们去逛逛超市买些东西吃吧) 练 T: Good morning . Can I help you ? S: Yes, Miss. I want a hamburger, please. T: Boys and girls , let’s do some shopping. You can buy something as you like. 同学们有的进行拍卖,有的进行购物(在购物的过程中,讨价还价) T:Let’s count how many fruits you got. T: one-two-three apple apple apple best,best,best! 作业: 1:和你的同学或好朋友分角色练习今天学习的句子。 2:仿照今天所学课文编排一个小段剧。
How  Much  is  it?教案(精选3篇)

