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新标准英语三年级起点第六册教案6-10 篇一

Unit 6


1. Review the vocabulary words related to feelings and emotions.

2. Introduce the new vocabulary words: angry, bored, scared, and surprised.

3. Practice using the new vocabulary words in sentences.

4. Review the grammar structure of present continuous tense.

5. Introduce the new grammar structure of simple past tense.

6. Practice using the simple past tense to talk about past events.


- Review the vocabulary words related to feelings and emotions by playing a matching game.

- Ask students to describe how they are feeling today using the vocabulary words.


1. Introduce the new vocabulary words: angry, bored, scared, and surprised. Use pictures and gestures to help students understand the meanings of the words.

2. Practice using the new vocabulary words in sentences. Encourage students to come up with their own sentences using the new words.


1. Review the grammar structure of present continuous tense by having students complete sentences with the correct form of the verb.

2. Introduce the new grammar structure of simple past tense. Explain the rules and exceptions of using the simple past tense.

3. Practice using the simple past tense to talk about past events. Have students share stories about what they did yesterday or last weekend.

Unit 7-10


1. Introduce new vocabulary words related to family members, daily routines, food, and hobbies.

2. Practice using the new vocabulary words in conversation and writing.

3. Review the grammar structures of possessive pronouns, present continuous tense, and simple past tense.

4. Introduce the new grammar structure of comparatives and superlatives.

5. Practice using comparatives and superlatives in sentences and conversations.


- Review the vocabulary words related to family members, daily routines, food, and hobbies by playing a memory game.

- Ask students to talk about their family members, daily routines, favorite foods, and hobbies.


1. Introduce the new vocabulary words for each unit. Use flashcards and realia to help students understand and remember the words.

2. Practice using the new vocabulary words in conversation and writing. Encourage students to ask and answer questions using the new words.


1. Review the grammar structures of possessive pronouns, present continuous tense, and simple past tense through various activities and exercises.

2. Introduce the new grammar structure of comparatives and superlatives. Explain the rules and exceptions of forming comparatives and superlatives.

3. Practice using comparatives and superlatives in sentences and conversations. Have students compare different family members, daily routines, foods, and hobbies using the new grammar structure.

By the end of these units, students should be able to confidently use the new vocabulary words and grammar structures in both spoken and written English. The activities and exercises in this lesson plan are designed to engage students and help them retain the information effectively.

新标准英语三年级起点第六册教案6-10 篇三


Module 5 Decisions UNIT 2 It’s too big for you. Teaching objectives: 1. Words and phrase: hard has got have got 2. Sentences: It’s …for…; It’s too big for you. 3. Grammar: Describe objectives. A. Songs: Mangoes and rice, B. Free talk: Talk about your photo (or yourself). C. New concepts: Step1.Warmer and leading (Look at the screen) Can you use it? Review the words and make sentences with them. I you we she he they it me you us her him them it Step2. Words Take out a picture of a coat, and say: I have got a red coat and a blue coat. Point to the picture and: The red one is too big for me, the blue one is too small for me. Have the students make sentences with you, we, she, he, they, it. They can use have got and has got .Explain hard is difficult (hard = not easy). What does Lingling want to buy? Step3.Test. Play the tape. Listen and answer the questions (Show ppt) 1. What does Lingling want to buy? 2. What can you see on it? 3. What color does Lingling buy at last? 4. What color does Lingling like? 5. Why does she change her mind to buy another color? At last, please the students act the dialogue. Step4. Practice 1. Show the pictures. Have the students look, say and write. Make sentences with: It’s … for…. Draw it on the board. Show the ppt. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the same pronounce, and then do the AB. Step5.Game: Show many cards of fruit Students guess it. Is it … (color or shape)? Step6. Learn to sing. Listen to the tape for several times. Try to sing and do the actions. Homework:Describe your bag. 第六模块教学分析 Module Teaching Suggestions Theme: Parents Day Language Functions:Talking about ones performance at school or his/her personality ;talk about the study results and performances描述他人的性格特点和学习表现等;谈论学习成绩和表现Learning Task学习任务:Target Language: Is he/she/…? Yes, he/she/… is. No, he/she/… isnt. He/She/… works hard. … is good at … Module 6 Travel UNIT 1 I went there last year Teaching objectives 1. Words and phrases: photo .stay week 2. Sentences: where/when/what/who did you ? Teaching procedures: A: songs: mangoes and rice B: free talk: Where did you go? C: Step 1: leading (Introduce the English Where is Beijing? /London /New York /Tokyo /Moscow) Say the names of famous places in China and England Step 2: Take out many photos Introduce: This is a photo( 举一张 ). These are photos (举全部,多张照片) Then have the students try to describe the photos. The teacher can say: I stay there for one /two weeks. Explain: ‘stayed’ is the past tense of stay Week: from Sunday and Saturday is one week. Step 3: Playing the tape So that the students can listen to the conversations and follow in the books Tell each pupil to get a piece of paper and draw a question on it. Ask the students to close their books Play the dialogue part by part and have to listen. If they have a question, they have to hold up their pieces of paper and say questions . Now tell the students to open their books and underline all the questions in the dialogue Have the students answer the questions Do Activity book Exercise 1 Step 4: Show the pictures and have the student try to say and write. Use the drills. At last give them answers Who has got some photos? Where is Lingling? When did Lingling go there? Who did she go with? Where does her uncle live? Steps 5: Activity book Exercise 3 Homework: Talking about where you went? And write down Module 6 Travel Unit 2 It is in the north of China Teaching objectives 1. Words and phrases: parent rode horse climb 2. Sentences: It is in the north of China Where is ? It is in Teaching procedures: A: Songs: mangoes and rice B: Free talk: Where did you go? C: New concepts Step1. New words Show the cards of the new word. Have the student read and remember them Then explain the word: parent means mother or father; Holiday means the day that you do not work or study, you are free. Step 2. Test Play the tape, have the students open their books listen and read then answer the questions 1. Where did Lingling go? 2. When did she go? 3. Who did she go with? 4. Where is Xinjiang? 5. What did she ride? 6. What mountain did she climb? 7. What lake did she visit? 8. Did she have a good time? At last give answer to the students Step3. On the blackboard, mark north at the top, south at the bottom, west on the left, east on the right. Read and point Show a map of China on the blackboard and ask: Where is Haikou? /Yinchuan/Shanghai/Hetian /Hong Kong Practice: Have the students talk about their holiday. If they did not go anywhere, imagine. Step4. Listen and repeat again, then do Activity book Exercise 4 Step5. Sing a song Play the tape and the student learn to sing Game: Draw a picture (in the south draw some mountains, in the north draw a river, in the east draw a road, in the west draw a kite ) Homework: Write and draw 1. Where is your favourite place? 2. When did you go there? 3. What did you do there? 4. Who did you go with? 第七模块单元分析 Module Teaching Suggestions Theme: Changes Language Funtions:Describing changes;Describing the features and the state of the past things,Comparing the present with the past说明过去的特征与状态,比较现在和过去;Learning Task学习任务:Target Language: … was/were … then. Now … is/are … Module 7 Communications Unit 1 Let’s send an email. 教学目标:1、单词及短语:message,another,idea,office,busy 2、重点句子:Let’s send an email to dad. Click on ‘email’. Write your message. 3、情景运用:学习如何发送电子邮件。 4、教学用具:录音机,单词卡片,多媒体 教学程

序: 一、 一首英文歌曲:my home’s the place 二、 自由讨论:描述方位 三、 新课教学; 1、 问候与复习;请学生分小组讨论各自同亲朋好友保持联系的方式,教师引导他们说出电话,书信等方式,学生可能会说出电子邮件这种方式,由此引出本课教学主题。 2、 课文导入:利用多媒体课件展示一幅电脑图片,询问学生我们可以用它来做什么,然后告诉学生我们可以用它来和别人交流,今天我们就来学习如何发送电子邮件给你的亲朋好友。 3、 课文教学: (1)、板书单词“email”,同时向学生讲解什么是电子邮件:“它是从一个电脑到另一个电脑的信息。”用课件展示动画从一个计算机到另一个计算机的过程。并出示图片。请学生读单词,可以齐读,分小组读,或者男女生分组读。 (2)、播放录音,呈现活动1,请学生听录音熟悉课文内容。 再放录音,请学生找到问题的答案:What’s an email? Where is the email from? (3)、 教师将重点句子板书在黑板上: Let’s send an email to dad. Click on ‘email’. Click on ‘write’. Write your message. Click on‘send’. (4)、 请学生回答上面的'问题,教师 进行总结。继续提问;怎样发送电子邮件? 展示发送电子邮件全过程的图片,打乱顺序,请学生再听录音,按正确地顺序把 图片排列好。然后再听一遍录音,让学生熟悉发送电子邮件的过程。 (5)、领读重点句子,让学生重复,找单个学生复述句子,然后自由练习如何发送电子邮件。教师将图片打乱顺序贴到黑板上,找学生将图片与句子连线。 (6)、再放一遍录音,请学生跟读课文。再让学生复述如何发送电子邮件。对复述好的学生给予奖励。 (7)、完成活动手册练习1,练习2,先让学生听录音,再找学生说出自己的答案。并找学生对错误的论断进行改正。 4、 任务完成 (1)、听一听,画一画 请每位学生准备一张白纸,教师发出指令请学生画画:draw your friend,write some words on your poster,put the poster on the wall!让学生课后将自己的海报粘贴到墙上,并描述一下自己的作品,评选出好的作品给予奖励。 (2)、完成活动

