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小学五年级下英语教案下 篇一

Topic: My Favorite Animal

Objective: Students will be able to describe their favorite animal using adjectives and simple sentences.

Warm-up: Show pictures of different animals and ask students to describe them using adjectives.


1. Introduce the topic by asking students what their favorite animals are.

2. Model how to describe an animal using adjectives (e.g. "My favorite animal is a panda. It is black and white. It is cute and fluffy.")

3. Have students work in pairs to describe their favorite animals to each other.


1. Play a game where students take turns describing an animal and their partner has to guess which animal it is.

2. Give students a worksheet with pictures of different animals and have them write sentences describing each animal.


1. In groups, students will create a poster of their favorite animal. They must include at least three adjectives in their description.

2. Students will present their posters to the class and explain why they chose that animal as their favorite.

Wrap-up: Review adjectives and sentence structures used to describe animals. Ask students to share something interesting they learned about their classmates' favorite animals.

Homework: Students will write a paragraph describing their favorite animal using at least five adjectives.

小学五年级下英语教案下 篇二

Topic: My Dream Vacation

Objective: Students will be able to talk about their dream vacation using future tense.

Warm-up: Ask students to share where they would like to go for vacation and why.


1. Introduce the topic by discussing different types of vacations (e.g. beach, mountain, city).

2. Teach students how to form sentences in the future tense (e.g. "I will go to Paris for my dream vacation.")

3. Have students practice forming sentences about their dream vacation in pairs.


1. Play a game where students take turns sharing their dream vacation plans with a partner. The partner must ask follow-up questions using the future tense.

2. Give students a worksheet with prompts about their dream vacation and have them write complete sentences using the future tense.


1. In pairs, students will create a travel brochure for their dream vacation destination. They must include information about the location, activities, and accommodations.

2. Students will present their travel brochures to the class, using the future tense to talk about their dream vacation.

Wrap-up: Review the future tense and key vocabulary related to vacations. Ask students to share one interesting fact they learned about their classmates' dream vacations.

Homework: Students will write a diary entry about their dream vacation, using the future tense to describe their experiences.

小学五年级下英语教案下 篇三


Unit 5 How much is it? Lesson 25 一、知识和能力目标 1、能够听、说、读、写以下短语: how much , have a look以及单词:sure , here , much。 2、能够听懂问句:Can I have one , please? Can I have a look at this one ? Do you want anything else?并能回答问句。 3、能够理解Just speak对话部分的含义。 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是掌握Can I help you? How much is it? 及答语。 2、难点是对Here you are. 的理解和用法的掌握。 三、课前准备 1、单词和短语的ppt课件; 2、对话部分的flash视频课件。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)复习学过的一些与本单元有关的生活用品名称; (2)对话练习:Do you have a pen/bag… ? 2、新课呈现 (1)利用ppt课件学习Unit 5的单词和短语。 (2)用Do you have a … ?加深对所学重点生词的熟练程度。 (3)让学生根据自己的时间,对刚刚所学的单词进行练习。 (4)介绍重点句型:Can I help you ? Yes . I want a lamp. 及用法。 (5)组织学生模仿上列句型进行对话。 (6)利用flash课件演示对话,并让学生进行模仿练习。 (7)学生二人一组配合flash课件演示对话,逐步熟悉对话内容,重点掌握Can I help you ? Yes . I want a lamp. / Can I have a look at this one? Yes. Here you are. / How much is it? Fifty-six yuan. 句型和理解领会Can I have one , please? Do you want anything else?的含义。 (8)帮助和引导学生理解本部分内容。 Lesson 26 一、知识和能力目标 1、继续学习和掌握以下句型且能够较熟练地运用:Can I help you? Yes , I want a towel. Sure . Here you are. / Can I have a look at this lamp? OK. Here you are.进行对话练习; 能够听、说、读、写单词:soap , towel 。 二、教学重点、难点 是对Can I help you? Yes , I want a towel. Sure . Here you are.句型的理解与掌握。 三、课前准备 Just practise部分的flash视频课件; 四、教学步骤 1、热身 分组让学生用自己的的物品作商品扮作店员和顾客练习25课的对话。 2、新课呈现 (1)利用flash视频课件练习句型:Can I help you? Yes , I want a towel. Sure . Here you are. / Can I have a look at this lamp? OK. Here you are. (2)学生二人一组配合flash课件演示对话,熟悉和掌握课本中图片所示的对话内容,并注意comb,soap,towel的拼读。 (3)加强学生对所学的重点句型Can I help you? Yes , I want a towel. Sure . Here you are.的书写练习。 (4)根据所学句型,将学生分成小组,对第三部分的图片所示内容进行对话练习。 (5)利用flash视频课件展示第四部分的歌谣,并让学生重复跟唱至熟悉,提醒学生注意字母组合oo的发音。 Lesson 27 一、知识和能力目标 1、能够听、说、读、写以下单词:walkman , buy , eighty 。 2、能够听懂问句:What can I do for you? Can you pass me the blue one, please?并能回答问句。 3、能够理解Just speak对话部分的含义。 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是掌握What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman.句型。 2、难点是对How about …?结构的运用。 三、课前准备 Just speak部分的flash视频课件。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 对话练习:Can I help you? Yes , I want a towel/soap/…. Sure . Here you are. 2、新课呈现 (1)利用flash视频课件演示对话。 (2)让学生跟练熟悉上口。 (3)领读两遍。 (4)介绍重点句型:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. (5)组织学生模仿上列句型进行对话。 (6)学生二人一组根据flash课件演示的对话和上述重点句型对书中的重点句型进行练习,逐步熟悉对话内容,重点掌握What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman.句型和理解领会What can I do for you? Can you pass me the blue one, please? It looks nice.的含义。 (7)帮助和引导学生理解本部分内容。 Lesson 28 一、知识和能力目标 能够较熟练地运用:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.进行问答练习;能听、说、读、写以下单词:CD,VCD,sixty,seventy。 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是熟练运用What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.句型进行问答。 2、难点是对sixty,seventy,eighty等的拼读和构成法则。 三、课前准备 Just practise部分的flash视频课件; 四、教学步骤 1、热身 复习已经学过的对话练习:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan. 2、新课呈现 (1)利用flash视频课件练习What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.等句型。 (2)学生二人一组配合flash课件演示对话,熟悉和掌握对话内容。 (3)加强学生对所学的重点句型What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman.的书写练习。 (4)根据所学句型对第三部分的商店中所示商品进行对话练习。 (5)利用flash视频课件展示第四部分的歌谣,并让学生重复跟唱至熟悉,提醒学生注意字母w的发音。 3、作业布置: (1)课堂作业:练习册P.41 “听一听”、“涂一涂”P.42“连一连”。 (2)家庭作业:练习册P.42“写一写”、“译一译”。 Lesson 29 一、知识和能力目标 能够听懂句子:What about this pair? Can I try them on? How about this pair? 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是掌握句型: Can I do help you? I want a pair of sandals. / How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan. 2、难点是理解How much is it? 和How much are they?的含义和恰当运用。 三、课前准备 Just speak部分的flash视频课件。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 复习句子:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan. 2、新课呈现 (1)利用flash视频课件演示新课部分。 (2)让学生跟练熟悉上口。 (3)领读两遍。 (4)介绍重点句型:Can I do help you? I want a pair of sandals. / How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan. (5)组织学生模仿上列句型进行练习。 (6)学生二人一组根据flash课件演示的内容和上述重点句型对自己的'情况进行练习,逐步熟悉如何购物,重点掌握What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.或Can I do help you? I want a pair of sandals. / How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan.等句型和理解领会这些句子的含义并能正确运用。 (7)帮助和引导学生理解本部分内容。 Lesson 30 一、知识和能力目标

能够较熟练地运用:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.或Can I do help you? I want a pair of sandals. / How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan. 句型行问答练习,四会掌握单词:ninety , hundred 。 二、教学重点、难点 (1)重点是How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan.的理解与掌握。 (2)难点是Can you show me those trousers?的理解和运用。 三、课前准备 Just practise部分的flash视频课件。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)抽查学生购物的能力; (2)对话练习:What can I do for you? I want to buy a walkman. / How much is it? It’s eighty-five yuan.或Can I do help you? I want a pair of sandals. / How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan. 2、新课呈现 (1)利用flash视频课件练习句型How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan./ Can you show me those trousers? (2)学生二人一组配合flash课件演示对话,利用课文中的图片熟悉和掌握对话内容。 (3)加强学生对所学的重点句子How much is it? It’s ninety yuan.和单词:ninety , hundred 的书写练习。 (4)根据所学句型和第三部分的图片所示内容对图中所示商品进行谈论。 (5)利用flash视频课件展示第四部分的歌谣,并让学生重复跟唱至熟悉,提醒学生注意字母ty的发音。 (6)利用flash视频课件展示Revision六组对话,让学生跟读上口。 Unit 6 What’s wrong with you ? Lesson 31 一、知识和能力目标 1、能够听、说、读、写以下短语: thank you , have a cold, go to school, don’t worry以及单词:ill , bad , cold , thank , head 。 2、能够听懂问句:May I speak to Miss Liu? Do you have a cold? 并能回答问句。 3、能够理解Just speak对话部分的含义。 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是掌握I’m ill today. I have a bad cold. Thank you. 句子的含义及用法。 2、难点是对This is Liu speaking. 的理解和用法的掌握。 三、课前准备 1、单词和短语的ppt课件; 2、对话部分的flash视频课件。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)复习学过的一些与日常生活有关的生活用品名称; (2)对话练习:When do you go to school/have breakfast/go to bed… ? 2、新课呈现 (1)利用ppt课件学习Unit 6的单词和短语。 (2)用Do you have a … ?加深对所学重点生词的熟练程度。 (3)让学生根据自己的时间,对刚刚所学的单词进行练习。 (4)介绍重点句型:May I speak to Miss Liu? This is Liu speaking. Do you have a cold? Yes , I have a bad cold. 及用法。 (5)组织学生模仿上列句型进行对话。 (6)利用flash课件演示对话,并让学生进行模仿练习。 (7)学生二人一组配合flash课件演示对话,逐步熟悉对话内容,重点掌握I’m ill today . I have a headache. Do you have a cold? Yes , I have a bad cold.句型和理解领会May I speak to Miss Liu? This is Liu speaking. Take good care of youself. 的含义。 (8)帮助和引导学生理解本部分内容。 Lesson 32 一、教学目标与要求 1、继续学习和掌握以下句型且能够较熟练地运用

