Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案(通用3篇)

时间:2011-02-05 04:41:19
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Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案 篇一

Title: Learning to Tell Time in Third Grade English Class


- To introduce students to telling time in English

- To practice asking and answering questions about time

- To reinforce vocabulary related to time


- Clock

- Flashcards with different times written on them

- Worksheet with clock faces for students to practice telling time

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the class by reviewing numbers 1-12 with the students.

- Show the students a clock and ask them if they know how to tell time in English.

- Introduce the concept of hours and minutes on a clock.

Introduction (15 minutes):

- Show the students flashcards with different times written on them (e.g. 3:00, 5:30, 7:45) and ask them to practice saying the time out loud.

- Have the students practice asking and answering questions about time with a partner.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Distribute the worksheet with clock faces to the students.

- In pairs, have the students take turns telling each other the time shown on the clock faces.

- Walk around the classroom to provide assistance and guidance as needed.

Game (10 minutes):

- Play a game of "What's the Time, Mr. Wolf?" where one student acts as the wolf and the other students ask "What's the time, please?" The wolf then responds with a time (e.g. "It's 4 o'clock") and the students take that many steps towards the wolf.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the lesson by asking students to share something they learned about telling time in English.

- Assign homework for students to practice telling time with their family members at home.


- Observe students' ability to ask and answer questions about time during the practice activities.

- Assess students' understanding of telling time by reviewing their completed worksheets.

Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案 篇二

Title: Fun Activities for Learning to Tell Time


- To engage students in interactive activities to reinforce telling time in English

- To encourage students to practice asking and answering questions about time

- To promote teamwork and collaboration in the classroom


- Clock

- Flashcards with different times written on them

- Paper plates with clock faces drawn on them

- Stopwatch

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the class by reviewing the numbers 1-12 with the students.

- Show the students a clock and ask them to identify the hour and minute hands.

- Have the students practice counting by fives to help with telling time.

Activity 1: Time Race (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Have one student from each team come to the front of the classroom.

- Show a flashcard with a time written on it (e.g. 2:30) and have the students race to the clock and set the hands to the correct time.

- The first student to set the hands correctly wins a point for their team.

Activity 2: Clock Face Relay (20 minutes):

- Place paper plates with clock faces drawn on them at one end of the classroom and a stopwatch at the other end.

- Divide the class into teams and have them line up at the starting line.

- The first student in each team runs to the clock face, reads the time, and runs back to their team to tell them the time.

- The next student then runs to the clock face and repeats the process until all students have had a turn.

Wrap-up (10 minutes):

- Review the activities and ask students to share their favorite part of the lesson.

- Have a brief discussion on the importance of telling time in everyday life.


- Assign students to practice telling time with a family member at home.

- Encourage students to create their own clock faces and practice setting the hands to different times.


- Observe students' engagement and participation during the activities.

- Assess students' ability to tell time accurately and confidently during the relay race and time race activities.

Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案 篇三

Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案




  掌握Give it to…和询问及回答时间的基本句型“What’s the time?It’s…”





  2.学生学法:本课学习重点是对话,要认真反复跟读录音,做熟练朗读,能在相应情景下使用适当的句型对时间做出问答。在问时间时,可以用“What’s the time?”和“What time is it?”来表达,只是疑问词不同,一个是“what”另一个是“what time”,在表达时间时,用it表示时间,不用汉语逐字翻译成:The time is…

  给大家出个练习的方法,别怕难为情,到那些涉外饭店或外宾较集中的'地方,假装没戴表,追着老外问:Excuse me,what’s the time,please?大部分人一定会热情帮助你的,既练习了口语又练听力,快去试一试。




  Step1 Revision



  T:What colour is it?

  S:It’s red/blue/yellow/black…

  2)教师将准备好的包拿出来,包内装有几件颜色各异的衣物,分别搭在讲台边上,问:“Look at the clothes.The are on the clothes line.Whose clothes are they?What colour are they?”让同桌两人就此谈论1分钟,并叫2-3组起来表演问答。

  2.复习教室内物品名称及文具名称,然后让学生做谈论谁的物品的“Chain drill”,然后可让2-3组学生起来做,赛一赛哪组又对又快。

  :What’s this?

  :It’s a pen.

  :Whose pen is it?

  :It’s mine. (to SC) What’s that?

  :It’s an erase.

  :Whose eraser is it?

  :It’s hers.

  Step2 Presentation

  拿一个表,问学生 What’s this? 介绍新词“watch”。然后看着表说:What’s the time? 告诉学生几点了,并把时间的数字写在黑板上。接着指着自己的手表说,Look, I have a watch. It’s new. Is it nice? What colour is it? 把watch 这个单词写在黑板上,待学生会读这个单词后,对一个学生说,Can you look after my watch? 转而向另一个学生说,Please give my watch / it to 某某(刚才那个学生)。把give … to写在黑板上,通过动作让学生猜是什么意思。再用其它同学的手表或衣物、学习用具等,反复练习句型Can you look after … 和 give it to … 及其答语。

  Step3 Look,listen and repeat

  SB Part1 把书上的第一幅图用投影打在屏幕上,放录音,学生边看图边听,接着再投影其它几幅图。

  Step4 Read and act.


  Step 5 Practice

  复习数字1-60。然后在黑板上写出一些时间,如:7:10, 7:25, 8:30, 9:50, 11:45 等。(也可用钟表或卡片)然后提问:What’s the time? 或What time is it ?注意学生容易说成What’s time要反复练习。

  Step 6 Consolidation


  A:Whose watch is this?

  B:It’s mine.

  A:Oh. That’s nice. Is it new?

  B:Yes,it is.

  A:You must look after it, Give it to Mr Hu.


  2.Chain drill让每组第一名同学拿起后面一位同学的一样东西,模仿上述对话进行操练,并一直进行下去看哪组又快又正确。

  Sa:(to B)Whose is this eraser/ pencil/ book…?

  Sb:Is it a white / blue/ red…one?

  Sa:Yes,it is.

  Sb:I think it’s mine. Yes, it is.

  Sa:Here you are.

  Sb:Thank you very much. (to C) Whose is this book/ cup…?

  Sc:Is it a…?…

  3. Do workbook.

  Step 7 Exercises


  1. a nice new watch _____________2. 把它给胡先生_______________

  3. fifty – seven _______________4. 大约四点三十分_____________

  5. go and ask Li Lei. ___________5. 照看我的手表_______________

  7. Let me see. __________________8. 在家__________________


  A: ____________ me, what’s the __________, please?

  B: ____________ me, see. Oh, _________ seven forty – five

  A: I __________ go to school.

  Step 8 Homework


  2.依照Part 1的对话,口头建立一个对话。

  3.将Workbook Ex.l和Ex.2做在作业本上。



  Blackboard handwriting

  Lesson 57

  watch What’s the time?

  about What time is it?

  give it to … It’s about four thirty. (4:30)

Whats the time please小学三年级英语课教案(通用3篇)

