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PEP小学英语四年级上册第五单元教案 篇一

Unit 5: At the Zoo

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to recognize and say the names of different animals in English.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about animals.

3. Students will be able to describe animals using adjectives.

4. Students will be able to use the present simple tense to talk about animals.

5. Students will be able to write a short paragraph about their favorite animal.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the class by singing the song "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" and have the students act out the different animals mentioned in the song.

- Show pictures of different animals and have the students guess their names in English.

- Play a game of charades where students have to act out an animal and their classmates have to guess what it is.

2. Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to animals such as lion, giraffe, elephant, etc. using flashcards.

- Have students repeat after you and practice saying the names of the animals.

- Show a short video or pictures of animals in a zoo and ask students to describe the animals using adjectives.

3. Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and have them ask and answer questions about animals. For example, "What is your favorite animal?" "My favorite animal is a tiger."

- Have students practice writing sentences using the present simple tense to talk about animals. For example, "Lions eat meat."

4. Production (15 minutes):

- Ask students to choose their favorite animal and write a short paragraph describing it. Encourage them to use adjectives and the present simple tense in their writing.

- Have students share their paragraphs with the class and discuss why they like that particular animal.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the names of the animals learned in the lesson and have a quick quiz where students have to match the animal with its name in English.


- Ask students to draw a picture of their favorite animal and write a few sentences about why they like it.

PEP小学英语四年级上册第五单元教案 篇二

Unit 5: At the Zoo

Teaching Objectives:

1. Students will be able to recognize and say the names of different animals in English.

2. Students will be able to ask and answer questions about animals.

3. Students will be able to describe animals using adjectives.

4. Students will be able to use the present simple tense to talk about animals.

5. Students will be able to write a short paragraph about their favorite animal.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the class by playing a game of "Guess the Animal" where students have to describe an animal without saying its name and their classmates have to guess what it is.

- Show flashcards of different animals and ask students to repeat the names in English.

- Sing a song about animals and have students dance and act out the animals mentioned in the song.

2. Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to animals using a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and words.

- Have students practice pronouncing the words and repeat after you.

- Show a short video of a zoo and have students describe the animals using adjectives.

3. Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into groups and give each group a set of animal flashcards. Have them take turns asking and answering questions about the animals in English.

- Play a game of "Animal Charades" where students have to act out an animal and their group members have to guess what it is.

4. Production (15 minutes):

- Ask students to choose their favorite animal and write a short paragraph about it. Encourage them to use adjectives and the present simple tense in their writing.

- Have students present their paragraphs to the class and explain why they like that particular animal.

5. Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the names of the animals learned in the lesson and have a quick quiz where students have to match the animal with its name in English.


- Ask students to write a diary entry about a visit to the zoo, describing the animals they saw and what they liked best.

PEP小学英语四年级上册第五单元教案 篇三


PEP小学英语四年级上册第五单元教案 四上Unit Five What would you like? 单位:郑山镇中心小学  主备人:张明英 2009.10.20 教材分析:本单元围绕“食品、饮料和餐具”展开教学,教学内容与日常 我的设计 生活密切相关,不难激起学生们的学习兴趣,milk, bread, ,water, egg等单词在三年级时听说读都已接触,老师重点让学生在“写”上下功夫,句型在回顾Can I have some ……,please ?的基础上,学习what would you like?句型,用来询问他人的需求,本单元八个四会单词,教师要严格要求,规范指导,为今后写的教学作个铺垫。 一、单元教学目标: 1.能力目标: ⑴能够询问一日三餐的食物及饮料。 ⑵会使用用餐时的基本用语,如:What would you like for ……?Help yourself等。 ⑶能够听懂并发出传递与使用餐具的一些指令,如:Pass me a plate, please .Use the chopsticks. 2.知识目标: ⑴掌握A、B两部分Read and write中,bread, egg, milk, water, rice, beef, fish, chicken 的拼写。 ⑵认读A、B两部分Let’s learn, Let’s talk 中的单词和句子。 (3)理解Let’s do, Let’s chant等部分的内容。 ⑷了解story time, Good to know等部分的内容。 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 ⑴情感、态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行交际实践。 ⑵学习策略:注重合作学习。 ⑶文化目标:了解中西方饮食文化方面的一些知识。 二、教学重、难点分析: 1.本单元教学重点是A、B两部分的食物、餐具名称以及就餐用语,其中难点是用餐时的基本会话,教师在教学词汇时,应结合过去所学的食物,饮料单词及句型,运用灵活多样的教学方法帮助学生理解、巩固、同时,在教学A、B部分Let’s learn 的词汇时,可适当铺垫渗透Let’s talk 中的句子,如:What would you like for ……?I can use …等,从而降低了对话教学的难度,然后通过朗读,操练,表演等方式使学生比较顺利地掌握用餐会话。 2.本单元主要学习与一日三餐相关的词汇与会话,引入 新课时,适当复习句型Can I have a/some…?Do you like…?等,同时利用新的句型, 如:What would you like for …?等滚动复习所学知识,新旧联系。交替复现。 三、课时分配: 第一课时:A Let’s learn Let’s play C. Let’s draw 第二课时:A Let’s talk Make a survey. 第三课时:A Read and write C story time 第四课时:B Let’s learn Let’s do C Good to know. 第五课时:B Let’s talk Let’s chant. 第六课时:B Read and write C Let’s check. 四上 U5A1(词汇课) 教学内容:A. Let’s learn Let’s play C. Let’s draw 我的设计 教学目标: 1、知识目标:认读本课中的单词和句子:rice ,noodles, fish, beef, soup ,vegetable, What would you like for dinner? I′d like some… 2、能力目标:能够听、说、认读单词rice, noodles. fish. beef. soup. vegetable.初步掌握What would you like for dinner ? I’d like some …. 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行实践。 (2).学习策略:注重合作学习。 教学重点:能听说,认读rice, noodles, fish, beef, soup, vegetable. 教学难点:能够正确读单词vegetable. 教学准备:1、教师准备食物、饮料的图片和一顶纸帽。 2、学生准备本课六个生词词卡。 教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1.Enjoy the song “An apple a day”,师播放歌曲,让学生在快乐的学习氛围中投入到本节课学习。 2.Free talk. :①T:(出示苹果图片)Do you like apples? ②T:(把图片给学生)I like apples, Can I have some apples? Ss: Sure. Here you are. ③老师出示不同的图片,让学生问,学生答(生生互动,师生互动)可采用集体和个别结合的'方式。 ④用以上方法,复习juice, bread, milk, chicken, hot dog, hamburger等单词和句型。 Step 2 Presentation 1、 单词导呈 ⑴教学单词 rice T出示图片,板书教读rice,注意升降调教学。指出“I”发字母读音「ai」“e” 不发音,渗透音标教学。 齐读说:rice rice I like rice (集体→个别) T: What do you like ? Ss: I like rice. What would you like for dinner? 帮助学生回答:I’d like rice. ⑵同样方法教学soup, fish, beef. ⑶教学Noodles (教师做饥饿状) T:You’re full ,But I’m hungry, because I had very little at breakfast. Guess , what did I have? T:(动作演示)They’re long, S:Noodles, T: 板书:hungry ,noodles,教读 B :Let’s sing and act. 唱歌曲:Noodle Noodle Dumpling. 配以动作。 ⑷ 教学 Vegetable, T:I like noodles very much.. Guess , What else do I like? Ss: Fish/…? T:No ,I like vegetables. T(拿出各种蔬菜实物图片) Look: I have many kinds of vegetables, Carrot is a kind of vegetables, Tomato is a kind of vegetable. T把图片发给学生, T:I like vegetables, Can I have some vegetables? S1:Sure, Here you are. S1→S2→S3…… 2、听读正音。 放录音,生指单词跟读。 2、 合作学习。 (1)全班齐读,小组齐读、个别读。 (2)小组内兵教兵,此时,教师辅导检查后进生。 Step3 Practice (1 )听音,找图片。 (2) 看口型猜单词。 Step4 Production. Let’s play. (1) 教师扮演一名顾客,请一名同学上台戴好纸帽扮演营业员,师生之间练习对话:Can I have some…please? Sure ,Here you are ,2/… yuan 。付钱时可象征性地拍一下对方的手。 (2) 同桌表演 (3) 个别展示。 Step5 Progress 一、配套练习P33 1、listen and number. 2、read and choose. 3、配套练习Read and answer. 二、Draw your own menu. 三、Homework:用 “what do you like?”调查小组内同学的喜好食物,不少于3人。 Name Rice Noodles Beef Soup Meat Fish Chicken Vegetable Mike √ √ √ √ 四上 U5A2(对话课) 教学内容:A Let’s talk Make a survey 我的设计 教学目标: 1.能力知识目标:1能听懂会说:What’s for dinner? Wait and see , What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …,please ,Everything’s ready. 2.能运用句型:What would you like for dinner? I’d like some …“进行相互调查。 2.情感、策略、文化目标:培养学生学习英语的积极态度,勇于进行交际实践的能力,同伴间合作的能力。 教学重点:能听懂、会说Let’s talk中的话。 教学难点

:能听懂、会说:What would you like for dinner? I’d like some…, please, Everything’s ready. 教学准备: 1、教师准备rice soup, fish, vegetable的图片。录音机、大磁带。 2、Ss 准备食物、饮料词卡。 教学过程: Step1 Preparation 1. Sing the song“ What would you like?” 2. Revision ①T:出示rice, soup, beef, fish, noodles, vegetables图片,让学生说出英语名称(集体→个别)。 (2)T出示以上实物的词卡,齐读、个别读的形式交替进行。 ⒊Free talk 借助刚才的图片和词卡互问互答:Can I have some……,please. Sure. Here you are. Step2.Presentation 教学What’s for dinner? Game:猜晚餐吃什么? T:(出示各张食物图片的背面) What’s for dinner? Guess! Ss:beef/…rice/…? T:Beef/…is ready,(把图片逐张贴在黑板上) 教学Everything’s ready T:(教师贴完图片后小结)Everything’s ready.让学生理解意思,操练由集体到个别,并板书领读。 教学What would you like? I’d like some… ,please。 (1) 紧接着上个环节问学生:What would you like?引导学生回答I’d like some…领读操练问句和答句并板书。 (2).Ask and answer in pairs. 4.教学wait and see. 师点拔,让学生理解。 5.Chant: What’s for dinner? What’s for dinner? What would you like for dinner ? Rice and soup , rice and soup. I’d like some rice and soup. Step3 Practice 1.听音答题 Q1:What would Mike like? Ss: listen and answer. Check the answer. 2.听音正音 师说:Open your books,turn to Page 59,listen,point and read aloudly. 3.合作共建: ⑴全班齐读 ⑵小组齐读,其他组注意听。 ⑶个别学生读,其他学生听,并纠正。 ⑷小组合作分角色读,师巡视全班,随时指导各个小组活动。 4.表演展示: 让学生分角色表演对话,检查两组。 Step 4.Production 见课本P59 Group work Name Rice Noodles Beef Soup Meat Fish Chicken Vegetable Mike √ √ √ √

