新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案【精彩3篇】

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新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案 篇一

Unit 9 When was it invented?

Teaching goals:

1. Students will be able to understand and use vocabulary related to inventions and technology.

2. Students will be able to talk about the history and timeline of various inventions.

3. Students will be able to write a short paragraph about an invention and its impact on society.

Key vocabulary:

invent, invention, inventors, timeline, impact, society

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up: Begin the lesson by showing pictures of different inventions and asking students to guess what they are and when they were invented.

2. Vocabulary introduction: Introduce the key vocabulary words by showing pictures and explaining their meanings. Have students repeat the words and practice using them in sentences.

3. Reading comprehension: Have students read a short passage about the history of the telephone and answer comprehension questions to check their understanding.

4. Speaking practice: Divide students into pairs and have them discuss the timeline of inventions, taking turns to talk about a different invention each.

5. Writing activity: Ask students to choose an invention they find interesting and write a short paragraph about it, including when it was invented and its impact on society.

6. Group discussion: Divide the class into groups and have them discuss the most important invention of the 20th century, sharing their reasons and opinions with the class.


Assign students to research and write a short report on a modern invention and its impact on society, to be presented in the next class.


Students will be assessed on their participation in class discussions, their comprehension of the reading passage, and the quality of their written paragraphs about inventions.

新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案 篇二

Unit 9 When was it invented?

Teaching goals:

1. Students will be able to understand and use vocabulary related to inventions and technology.

2. Students will be able to talk about the history and timeline of various inventions.

3. Students will be able to research and present information about a specific invention to the class.

Key vocabulary:

invent, invention, inventors, timeline, impact, society

Teaching procedures:

1. Warm-up: Begin the lesson by asking students to brainstorm a list of inventions they use in their daily lives and when they think they were invented.

2. Vocabulary review: Review the key vocabulary words from the previous lesson by having students match them with their definitions in a worksheet.

3. Research project: Assign each student a different invention to research and present to the class, including when it was invented, who invented it, and its impact on society.

4. Presentation: Have students present their research projects to the class, using visual aids and engaging the audience with interesting facts and anecdotes.

5. Class discussion: Lead a discussion on the most important inventions of all time, encouraging students to share their opinions and debate the significance of each invention.

6. Reflection: Have students write a short reflection on the research project, discussing what they learned about the history of inventions and their impact on society.


Assign students to write a reflection on the most interesting invention they learned about in class and why they find it significant.


Students will be assessed on the quality of their research projects, their presentation skills, and their participation in class discussions and reflections.

新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案 篇三

新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案

When was he born?教案 教案 TITLE=新目标英语八年级上册第九单元   教学过程: process Students’ activities Teachers’ activities Before—class Remind of the first time in their childhood Think about the first time they did before and how old they were Suggest them to think about the first time in their childhood In—class Make an interview Group work: ask the group member about how old they were when they did something for the first time Give the useful expressions on the blackboard How long had they had? Give the useful expressions on the blackboard. Fill in the blanks Ask the questions and fill in the blanks Walk around and give some help if necessary Make some recommends to the rest of t

he students According to the results of the survey find the best students Ask them to choose the best students The week’s star Find the best students as the candidates Give some requirements about the week’s star Make a speech for their good habits Choose the week’s star Give them some guide about how to make a speech Reading Read the text and fill in the blanks Give the students two minutes to read it Answer the questions Check the answers After--class Self—introduction The week’s star write a composition Give the students homework Look at the composition and make some contents   附表: Name Achievement Age More information  课后反思:   作为班主任,在英语教学中我重视将德育教育与文化知识的教育结合在一起。在本节课的教学中我将日常管理中评选每周一星的活动在英语课上进行了评选。结合本单元的主题我将本周的一周一星确定为能持之以恒养成良好习惯的同学。   在教学过程中,为了避免出现混乱的课堂场面,我将评选工作的要求和过程都有条理的写在了黑板上,并且像正式的每周评选一样由班长主持,同时并且有专门的.人员统计票数。结合了日常实际的课堂内容很充实,学生在参与的过程中学生充满热情,积极参与并且评选的过程非常激烈。   总的来说,本节课内容符合实际和学生的生活密切相关。在教学的过程中,学生与老师,学生之间有了很好的交流,将老师所讲的内容和学生所学的内容通过实践的方式结合在一起,起到了比较好的效果。
新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案【精彩3篇】

