PEP四年级英语教案UNIT 5 篇一
Our Amazing Solar System
In Unit 5 of our PEP fourth grade English class, we are learning about the solar system. The solar system is made up of the sun and all the planets, moons, asteroids, and comets that orbit around it. It is a fascinating topic that captures the imagination of students of all ages.
One of the most important things to know about the solar system is that the sun is at the center of it. The sun is a massive ball of hot gases that gives off light and heat. It is so big that it makes up about 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system. The planets, including Earth, orbit around the sun in elliptical paths.
There are eight planets in our solar system, in order from closest to farthest from the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Each planet is unique and has its own distinct characteristics. For example, Earth is the only planet known to support life, while Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
In addition to the planets, there are also moons, asteroids, and comets in the solar system. Moons are natural satellites that orbit around planets, while asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the sun. Comets are icy bodies that also orbit the sun and are known for their long tails of gas and dust.
Studying the solar system is not only interesting, but it also helps us to understand more about the world we live in. By learning about the sun, planets, moons, asteroids, and comets, we can gain a greater appreciation for the vastness and complexity of the universe. It is truly amazing to think about all the wonders that exist beyond our own planet Earth.
As we continue our studies in Unit 5, let's remember to keep our minds open to the endless possibilities of the solar system. Who knows what other incredible discoveries we may make in the future!
PEP四年级英语教案UNIT 5 篇二
Exploring the Planets of Our Solar System
In Unit 5 of our PEP fourth grade English class, we have been learning about the planets of our solar system. Each planet is unique and has its own characteristics that make it special. Let's take a closer look at some of the most fascinating planets in our solar system.
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun and is the smallest planet in the solar system. It has a rocky surface and no atmosphere, which means it gets very hot during the day and very cold at night. Venus is often called Earth's "sister planet" because it is similar in size and composition. However, Venus has a thick, toxic atmosphere that traps heat and makes it the hottest planet in the solar system.
Earth is the third planet from the sun and the only planet known to support life. It has a diverse range of environments, from icy polar regions to hot deserts, and is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. Mars is known as the "Red Planet" because of its rusty red surface. It has the largest volcano and canyon in the solar system and may have once had liquid water on its surface.
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is known for its giant storm called the Great Red Spot. It has more than 75 moons, including the four largest moons known as the Galilean moons. Saturn is famous for its beautiful rings, which are made up of ice and rock particles. It has more than 60 moons, with Titan being the largest and most interesting moon.
Uranus and Neptune are the two outermost planets in the solar system and are known as the "ice giants." Uranus is unique because it rotates on its side, while Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system. Both planets have rings and a variety of moons that orbit around them.
Studying the planets of our solar system is a fascinating journey that allows us to explore the wonders of the universe. Each planet has its own story to tell and offers a glimpse into the incredible diversity of the cosmos. As we continue our studies in Unit 5, let's remember to marvel at the beauty and complexity of the planets that make up our solar system.
PEP四年级英语教案UNIT 5 篇三
PEP四年级英语教案UNIT 5
Unit 5 How much is it? 学习任务 1.能力目标 (1) 能够简单描述衣服、鞋子的大小,评论价格、颜色和款式,如:Its expensive\colourful. (2) 能够询问价格并做简略评价,如:How much is it? It’s…. (3) 能够听懂并发出与各种鞋类相关的简单指令,如:Put on your sneakers. 2.知识目标 (1) 掌握A 、B 部分read and write 中的单词和句子并能做到会听、说、读、写。 (2)听、说、认读A、B部分Let’s learn . Let’s talk 中的单词和句子. (3) 理解Let’s do. Let’s chant 等部分的内容. (4) 了解story time. Good to know 等部分的 内容. 3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标 (1)情感态度:能以得体的方式与人交际。 (2)文化目标: 了解英美两国与我国的衣物尺码标记的不同。 第一课时 课题:Unit 5 How much is it? A Lets learn Lets chant 教学重点:单词:colourful pretty cheap expensive 句子:It’s cheapprettyexpensivecolourful.来描述价格和颜色。 教学难点:单词expensive的读音。 根据实际情景运用本课时的四个形容词 教具准备:1、本课生词的单词卡片2、衣服的实物3、配套的教学VCD 4、配套的教学录音带5、课文配套挂图 教学过程: (一)复习(Revision) 1、Talk about the weather What’s the weather like today? What do you want to wear? 2、Show us your clothes学生们走到台前,介绍一下自己的衣服的颜色,样子。 T:“How much is it?Oh, it’s cheap.It’s expensive.It’s pretty.It’s colourful.” (二)呈现新课 (Presentation) 1、教师出示几件衣服的实物,并标出价格,说:“Guess, how much is it?” 引导学生回答价格,教师追问:“Is it cheap?Is it pretty?” 引导学生自己表述:“It’s cheapexpensivecolourfulpretty.” 教师根据学生的回答适时的出示相应的单词cheapexpensivecolourfulpretty.并进行带读,让学生进行认读练习。 2、教师出示Let’s learn部分的挂图。 T:“Look at that dress. It’s pretty. I want to buy it. It’s …yuan.” Students try to say like this. 3、观看VCD展示,跟读练习 4、小组活动 学生两人一组。每个学生准备一些衣物单词的小卡片,在背面写出价格。 两人进行购物的对话练习。 教师先和一个学生进行示范(T: How much is that colourful dress? S: Very expensive. It’s …yuan. T: I want to buy it.) (三)趣味操练 (Practice) Guessing game: How much is it? 学生两人一组,运用一些衣物小卡片,猜测价格。 A: Guess, How much is it? B: It’s twenty yuan . A: No , too cheap. Guess again.