新标准英语 第二册教案6-10(优秀3篇)

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新标准英语 第二册教案6-10 篇一

Unit 6: My Day

In this unit, students will learn how to talk about daily routines and activities. They will be introduced to vocabulary related to time, such as morning, afternoon, and evening. Students will also practice using the present simple tense to describe daily activities.

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up: Start the lesson by asking students to talk about their morning routine. Encourage them to use the vocabulary they have learned, such as wake up, brush teeth, and have breakfast.

2. Vocabulary: Introduce new words related to time and daily activities. Use flashcards and pictures to help students understand the meaning of each word.

3. Grammar: Teach students how to use the present simple tense to talk about daily routines. Provide examples and have students practice forming sentences.

4. Speaking: Divide the class into pairs and have them interview each other about their daily routines. Encourage students to ask follow-up questions to gather more information.

5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their typical day. Remind them to use the vocabulary and grammar structures they have learned.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to confidently talk about their daily routines using the present simple tense and appropriate vocabulary.

新标准英语 第二册教案6-10 篇二

Unit 7: My Family

This unit focuses on teaching students how to describe their family members and relationships. Students will learn vocabulary related to family members, such as mother, father, and sibling. They will also practice using possessive adjectives to show ownership.

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up: Begin the lesson by showing pictures of different family members and asking students to identify them. Encourage students to use the correct vocabulary to describe each family member.

2. Vocabulary: Introduce new words related to family members and relationships. Provide examples and practice pronunciation with the class.

3. Grammar: Teach students how to use possessive adjectives to show ownership. Explain the different forms (my, your, his, her, our, their) and have students practice using them in sentences.

4. Speaking: Divide the class into small groups and have them discuss their own families. Encourage students to talk about the number of siblings they have, their parents' occupations, and any special traditions or customs in their family.

5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their family, using the vocabulary and grammar structures they have learned. Encourage them to be descriptive and include details about each family member.

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to confidently describe their family members and relationships using possessive adjectives and appropriate vocabulary.

新标准英语 第二册教案6-10 篇三

新标准英语 第二册教案(6-10)

Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend ? 一、教学目标: 学会四个科目单词Maths ,Science, Music, Chinese 能够灵活运用句子What do you have at school ? 二、教学重点: 教学难点以及突破措施 教学难点:单词及句子 三、教具准备:录音机 四、教学过程设计: (一): Greeting : 师生打招呼问好 (二): Warming up: 运用游戏复习以前学过的活动单词 (三): Presentation and practice: (四)Learn to say 1 、 出示课文图片,学生听录音。 学生看图了解课文意思,小组讨论交流完成老师提出的问题。 2、学生逐句跟录音读。 T:Try to say the sentence : I have …( English/ Maths /Science/Chinese) 3、Groupwork: Use your cards to make a dialogue . 4、Game : Choose cards T: Come here , please .What do you have at school ? You can choose two cards , read please ! S3: Maths , Science T: You can say Maths and Science .把所学知识融入到实际交往中。 5、Practice 创设情景1:教师出示一本日历,打开日历到今天的日期,强调突出星期几,随后翻阅日历到周末,用很愉快的口吻说: T:It’s the weekend. I like the weekend very much .I go swimming at the weekend .What do you do at the weekend? 引导学生运用“I …at the weekend .”的句型回答,如果学生有困难教师可用句型“Do you play football at the weekend ?”帮助学生回答:“Yes ,I do ./No ,I don’t.” 引导学生用完整句子回答:“I play football at the weekend .”最后学生两人一组进行操练。 What do you do at the weekend? (板书 ) (五)Consolidation 自己编写chants ,重点知识轻松巩固: Homework: 让学生自己编对话,编韵诗,结合以前的内容,自由发挥。 Design: Module 6 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend ? Maths ,Science, Music, Chinese What do you have at school ? Module6Unit2 What does she do at the weekend? 教学目标: 1、能听说读写单词:today,Music,Art,PE 2、能灵活运用句型进行对话:What does Lingling have at school today? She has Music, Art and PE. What does she do at the weekend? She plays basketball. 3、会唱本课的歌曲以及回写字母Ll,Mm,Nn. 教学重难点: 1、能听说读写单词:today,Music,Art,PE 2、能灵活运用句型进行对话 3、会唱本课的歌曲以及回写字母Ll,Mm,Nn. 教具准备: 单词卡片和教学挂图。 教学过程: Step1:Greetings and warmer. 1、Say hello each other. 2、复习上一节课学过的单词。T: What do you have at school? Ss: I have Music, Art and PE. T: What does she have at the school?引导学生说She has Music, Art and PE.板书句子,以及教读句子。(个人读、小组读) Step2:New teaching. 1、教师边出示Lingling的图片边说:“I go swimming at the weekend. How about Lingling? What does she at the weekend?”引导学生回答:“She _____at the weekend.”如果学生有困难,可以使用句型:“Does she play football at the weekend? 帮助学生回答Yes ,she does. No, she doesn’t.同时引导学生使用完整句子回答:She plays football at the weekend.然后学生两人一组进行回答,操练句型。 2、歌曲学习。先熟悉歌词和曲调,再跟唱。待学生熟悉后请学生边表演边演唱, 3、字母Ll,Mm,Nn.的教学。请学生认读,然后教师领读,注意纠正学生发音。板书这些字母的大小写,写字母时,在该字母的每一个笔画旁画上相应的箭头,并标上序号,说明该字母的笔顺。提醒学生书写注意正确的笔顺。 字母与单词相结合,编成歌谣:“L is for lion.M is for monkey.Nis for noodles.”再请学生进行单词的扩展练习,比比谁扩的'单词最多。 Step3:知识拓展。 Homework: 抄写单词及课文并背诵 板书设计: Module6,Unit2 :What does she do at the weekend? What does Lingling have at school tod

ay? She has Music, Art and PE. What does she do at the weekend? Module7Unit1 We have a big family dinner. 教学目标: 1、能听说读写以下单词:for,about,spring festival, chinese,new year. 2、学会表达节日的问候:Happy new year! 3、能运用句型描述过节时的风俗习惯: 教学重难点: 1、学习节日问候的表达。 2、运用所学句型描述过节时的风俗习惯。 教具准备:教学磁带。 教学过程: Step1:Greetings and warmer. 1、Say hello each other.Sing a song together. 2、教师事先准备一些食物卡片,问学生:what do you like?引导学生回答: I like…….根据学生的回答将食物卡片发给学生。T:What have you got?引导学生回答:I have got……. Step2:New teaching. 教师拿一幅春节用的对联或福字,问学生:What is about?学生可以用中文说。T:Yes,Spring Festival.教授新单词,个别抽查。T:What do we say at Spring Festival?What do we have at Spring Festival?四人小组讨论,然后全班汇报。 在学生汇报的过程中,请发音标准的学生做小老师。如:We say Happy New Year,即教授Happy New Year.如果学生说不出来,教师则转入课文内容:Daming,Lingling and Tom is talking about Spring Festival.What do they have?Let’s learn the text.教师边出示图片边教授新句子:We have a big family dinner.We have peanuts and sweets.教师还可以引导学生说出其他他们知道的食物。 Step3:Practise & Game time. 1、教师事先准备春节时的歌曲和大红包。红包里装有许多有关食物的卡片。老师开始播放音乐,学生传红包。音乐停止,拿到红包的同学要从里面抽一张卡片,运用句型:At spring festival,we have…表达所抽到的食物内容,同时举起卡片,请其他同学判断是否正确。 2、请学生准备两张大纸,分别写上:ture,false.教师读一些与春节相关的句子,请学生边听边根据课文内容作出判断,并举起手中的纸牌表示正误。如:T:At Spring Festival,we go to school.S:False. Homework: 请学生收集有关其他节日的图片或者照片,了解其风俗习惯。将自己收集的知识向同学们做介绍。 Design: Module7Unit1 We have a big family dinner. for,about,spring festival, chinese,new year. Module7Unit2 We have Christmas in England 教学目标: 1、能听说读写单词:Christmas,sing,England,give,present,eat 2、学会表达节日的问候: Happy Christmas! 3、会描述过节时的风俗习惯:We sing songs.We give prensents. We eat peanuts and sweets. 教学重难点: 1、单词的听读和运用。 2、用简单的句子描述过节时的风俗习惯。 教具准备: 单词卡片 教学过程: Step1:Greetings and warmer. 1、Say hello each other. 2、请学生拿着课前准备的春节时的图片或照相向同学们描述自己是怎样过春节的。 At ……we say ….we have…… Step2:New teaching. 1、教师播放圣诞歌曲,请学生欣赏。欣赏歌曲后,T:What festival is it?引导学生回答:Christmas.教授新单词。教师扮演成圣诞老人,向同学们介绍西方过圣诞节的风俗习惯。 教师把挂图贴在黑板上,T:Where are they?引导学生说:England.T:What do they say on Christmas Day? What do they do on Christmas Day? 由图片引出新句型和单词。 2、歌曲学习。先熟悉歌词和曲调,再跟唱。待学生熟悉后请学生边表演边演唱, 3、字母O,P,Q的教学。请学生认读,然后教师领读,注意纠正学生发音。板书这些字母的大小写,写字母时,在该字母的每一个笔画旁画上相应的箭头,并标上序号,说明该字母的笔顺。提醒学生书写注意正确的笔顺。 字母与单词相结合,编成歌谣:“O is for orange.P is for panama.Q is for question.”再请学生进行单词的扩展练习,比比谁扩的单词最多。 Step3:Practise & Game time. 1、请学生看SB Unit2活动5的两幅图,比较图中的差别,并在短时间内记住图片里面的内容。请学生两人一组照例开展游戏,一个学生提出问题,另一个学生根据记忆做出回答。用Does ……?来提问。 2、老师事先准备好各种节日的卡片,请一个学生到教师前面来从中抽取一张,并根据图片内容对节日进行描述,全班同学猜是什么节日。比比谁的表达最流利。 Homework: 抄写单词及课文并背诵 Design: Module7Unit2 We have Christmas in England Christmas,sing,England,give,present,eat Happy Christmas! Module8 unit 1 Its hot in summer. 一、教学目标 1、能听、说、读、写本节课的新单词:spring,summer,autumn,winter,warm,hot,cool,cold. 2、在语言教学中培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然,积极乐观的生活情感态度。 二、教学重点: 学习认识有关季节和天气的单词spring, summer, autumn, winter, warm, hot, cool, cold. 四、教学准备:单词卡片 五、教学过程: StepOne: Warmup1、Greetings. What’stheweatherliketoday? Whatdoyoudoattheweekend? 2、Singasong----WewishyouahappyChristmas. Steptwo:New teaching.出示四季的单词卡片让学生看 StepThree:Presentation 1、看完后,提出问题:T:Now.Everybody,Who&nbs
新标准英语 第二册教案6-10(优秀3篇)

