九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计【精选3篇】

时间:2011-07-07 07:14:40
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九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计 篇一

Title: Fun Ways to Teach Vocabulary in English Class


Teaching vocabulary to ninth-grade students can sometimes be challenging, as students may find memorizing words boring and tedious. However, with the right approach, teaching vocabulary can be fun and engaging for both students and teachers. In this lesson plan, we will explore some creative and interactive ways to teach vocabulary in English class.

Warm-up Activity:

To start the lesson, have students play a vocabulary game called "Word Association." Divide the class into small groups and give each group a list of words related to the lesson. Ask students to take turns saying a word from the list and then the next student has to say a word that is associated with the previous word. This activity will help students activate their prior knowledge and get them thinking about the lesson vocabulary.

Main Activity:

For the main activity, introduce a vocabulary scavenger hunt. Give each student a list of vocabulary words from the unit and ask them to find examples of these words in different texts, such as newspapers, magazines, or websites. Students can work individually or in pairs to complete the scavenger hunt. Once they have found examples of all the words, have them share their findings with the class. This activity will help students see how vocabulary words are used in real-world contexts.

Extension Activity:

To reinforce the vocabulary words, have students create flashcards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. They can use these flashcards to quiz each other or play vocabulary games like "Memory" or "Go Fish." This hands-on approach to learning vocabulary will help students retain the words better and make the learning process more enjoyable.


Teaching vocabulary can be a fun and interactive experience for both students and teachers. By incorporating games, scavenger hunts, and hands-on activities into the lesson, students will be more engaged and motivated to learn new words. Remember to make the activities relevant to the students' interests and learning styles to ensure maximum retention of the vocabulary words.

Nine Grade English Lesson Plan Example Unit Fifteen Section B Teaching Design Article Two

Title: Using Technology to Enhance Reading Comprehension in English Class


In today's digital age, technology plays a crucial role in education. With the right tools and resources, teachers can enhance students' reading comprehension skills and make learning more engaging. In this lesson plan, we will explore how to use technology effectively to improve reading comprehension in ninth-grade English class.

Warm-up Activity:

To start the lesson, have students use online reading comprehension tools such as ReadTheory or Newsela. These platforms provide students with leveled reading passages and comprehension questions to test their understanding. Students can work independently or in pairs to complete the exercises. This activity will help students practice their reading skills and get them ready for the main reading comprehension activity.

Main Activity:

For the main activity, introduce a digital reading comprehension task. Provide students with an online article or blog post related to the lesson topic and ask them to read the passage and answer comprehension questions. Students can use tools like Google Docs or Microsoft Word to type their responses and submit them electronically. This activity will help students develop their critical thinking skills and improve their ability to comprehend written texts.

Extension Activity:

To deepen students' understanding of the reading material, have them create digital presentations or podcasts based on the article they read. Students can use tools like PowerPoint, Prezi, or Anchor to create visual presentations or audio recordings that summarize the main ideas of the text. This activity will help students engage with the material in a creative way and demonstrate their comprehension through multimedia presentations.


Using technology in the classroom can greatly enhance students' reading comprehension skills and make learning more interactive and engaging. By incorporating online reading tools, digital reading tasks, and multimedia projects into the lesson, teachers can help students develop critical thinking skills and improve their ability to comprehend written texts. Remember to provide guidance and support to students as they navigate the digital tools and resources to ensure a successful learning experience.

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计 篇三

九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计

Unit 15 Section B 教学设计 Part one Teaching arms Language goals: 1>Studying important words and phrases. 2>Learning target language . 3>Learning grammar. Ability goals: Review some grammars, for example: Present Progressive;Present Simple;"used to"+infinitive;Passive Voice;Present Perfect. Strategy goals: Direct and learning by oneself Culture and awareness goals: Let students know how to protect nature. Part two; Important point: 1> Important point: words,expression and grammar 2> Difficult point: How to use Passive Voice and Present Prefect correctly. Part three: Teaching way: Computer,studying by listening to tape. Part four: Teaching designing: The first lesson StepⅠ: Warm-up and Presentation: By computer let students guess these animals’s name,by the way ,let students study new words. StepⅡ: New lesson showing: Teaching and learning : 1a: point to the picture and ask students to describe what is happening. 2a,2b: let students listening the tapes and answer the question. 3a: studying useful phrases: 1> hear of +n "听说…… Hear from…  "收到……的来信" 2> build sth out of "用……修建/建造"  =build sth of/from = make sth out of make sth of/from: "由……制成" Step Ⅲ: Practice: Step Ⅳ: Homework Remember new words and useful phrases The second lesson StepⅠ: Revision; Teacher show some picture,and let students say the animal’s name. For example :T: What kind animals can you see in the picture? S: I can see…… StepⅡ: Presentation: Selfcheck: 1.Let students read by themselves. 2.Ask students to fill in the blanks on their own. 3.Ask students to make their own sentences with the words,Preferably sentences that are meaningful. 4.Ask a pair of students to model part of the sample dialog adding their own answers. Step Ⅲ: Pratice. 1.I have ------(听说)Mr Smith, but I have never seen him. 2.His house are------(由……制成)bamboo. 3.Everyone must ------(关心,爱护)the animals becaus

e they are friends of us. 4.Some students are ---------(赞成) the race,but some ------(反对) it. 5.Smoking is not allowed in-----(公共场所). Step Ⅳ: Homework Writing: Let students use “made from” and “used to be” to write a short writing.
九年级英语教案示例第十五单元 Section B 教学设计【精选3篇】

