
时间:2017-05-09 07:22:38
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三年级英语上册第四单元教案 篇一

Title: Fun Ways to Teach Unit 4 in Grade 3 English Textbook


1. To introduce vocabulary related to daily routines and activities.

2. To practice using present simple tense in sentences.

3. To engage students in speaking and listening activities.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by singing a song related to daily routines, such as "This is the way we brush our teeth".

- Ask students to share their daily routines with the class.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Introduce new vocabulary words related to daily activities, such as "wake up", "brush teeth", "have breakfast", "go to school", etc.

- Use flashcards, pictures, and gestures to help students understand the meaning of each word.

- Model sentences using the new vocabulary in present simple tense.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of picture cards showing different daily activities.

- Students take turns asking and answering questions about the activities in the pictures using present simple tense, e.g. "What time do you wake up?" "I wake up at 7 o'clock."

- Encourage students to use the vocabulary words learned earlier in their conversations.

Production (15 minutes):

- Have students work in small groups to create a short skit about a typical day in their lives.

- Each group will perform their skit in front of the class, using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in the lesson.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the new vocabulary and sentence structures by playing a quick review game, such as a matching game or a fill-in-the-blank activity.

- Assign homework that reinforces the lesson, such as writing sentences about their own daily routines.


- Observe students' participation in class activities, their ability to use the new vocabulary and sentence structures correctly, and their overall understanding of the lesson content.

三年级英语上册第四单元教案 篇二

Title: Interactive Activities for Teaching Unit 4 in Grade 3 English Textbook


1. To reinforce vocabulary related to daily routines and activities.

2. To practice using present simple tense in questions and answers.

3. To promote speaking and listening skills through interactive activities.

Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Start the lesson by playing a memory game with flashcards of daily activities vocabulary words.

- Have students repeat the words aloud as they match the cards.

Presentation (15 minutes):

- Review the vocabulary words from the previous lesson and introduce new words related to daily routines.

- Use a PowerPoint presentation with pictures and sentences to illustrate the meaning of each word.

- Practice pronunciation and intonation by drilling the new words with the class.

Practice (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of task cards with questions about daily routines.

- Students take turns asking and answering the questions in their groups, using present simple tense, e.g. "What time do you have dinner?" "I have dinner at 6 o'clock."

- Circulate around the room to monitor students' progress and provide assistance as needed.

Production (15 minutes):

- Have students work in pairs to create a dialogue about their daily routines, using the vocabulary and sentence structures learned in the lesson.

- Encourage students to be creative and include as many new words as possible in their dialogue.

- Select a few pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):

- Review the key vocabulary and sentence structures by playing a game of charades.

- Students take turns acting out a daily activity while the rest of the class guesses the word.

- Assign homework that reinforces the lesson, such as writing a short paragraph describing their daily routine.


- Evaluate students' participation in group activities, their ability to communicate effectively using the new vocabulary and sentence structures, and their overall engagement in the lesson.

三年级英语上册第四单元教案 篇三


  一、Learning contents

  人教社三年级上册第四单元section A:

  1.Let`s play

  2.Let`s talk

  3.Let`s sing

  二、Learning aims

  1. Knowledge aims

  A.能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda、zoo”。

  B.会说句子“I have aan...”和感叹词“Cool、Super、Great、Wow”。

  2. Ability aims

  A. 能灵活运用“I have aan... ”表达自己什么东西。

  B. 能听懂、会说几个常用的感叹语Cool! Super! Great! Wow!并能够在实际情景中恰当地使用。

  3. Emotion aims

  A. 让学生知道如何将自己的心爱之物呈现于 人,以及如何对别人的呈现做出赞美、感叹的对话情景。


  三、Important points and difficult points


I have a … (我有……); 常见的动物单词monkey, rabbit, panda ,cat, dog; 感叹词语Wow! Cool! Great! Super!

  B.难点: 感叹语Great! 的发音中ea 组合发 [ei ], 需要多次练习;I have a … 一句与后面表示某物的单词的连贯朗读。

  四、Teaching aids

  1.准备动物玩具 rabbit, panda, monkey, dog, duck 等放置于一个篮子中。



  五、Learning procedures

  Step 1. Warming up and presentation

  1.Sing a song“How are you?”

  2.游戏“Show me your…”,让学生拿出自己的文具,教师拿出一支钢笔说“I have a pen”,学生模仿说I have a pen 学生出示钢笔,又快又正确的同学为小组赢得一分。用同样的方法找学生说其它文具单词的口令,继续游戏。


  Step 2. Learning and practise

  1.Learning words and sentences:

  教师拿出一个精美的玩具兔子说I have a lovely rabbit.学生们会自然而然的赞叹,引用单词“Great、Wow”,用同样的.方法拿出玩具“duck、panda”等,学习感叹词“cool、super”,最后教师拿出一篮子小动物玩具说I have a zoo.

  2.Look at Flash and guess:利用课件播放一些动物的头和脚,让学生猜测,练习四个感叹词cool、great、super、wow。

  3.Let’s practice in pair 让学生分组拿出自己的玩具练习对话。

  Step 3. Consolidation


  (让一个学生说I have a duck,其余学生很快找到duck的单词卡,迅速贴到黑板上并使用感叹词Cool、Great、Wow、Super,找的快的学生为本组赢得一颗星。)


  (教师模仿动物的叫声,让学生说出I have a…,例如“Mew、Quake、Woof”等。听Let’s sing,找出歌词里有那些动物。)

  Step 4. Project

  让学生拿出自己喜爱的玩具练习对话Hello,I’m+名字,I have a+玩具。It’s nice ,I like it.另一个学生用“Cool、Great、Super、Wow”发出感叹。


