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英语月考讲评教案 篇一


In this teaching plan, we will discuss the importance of conducting a thorough review and analysis of English monthly exams. By evaluating the test results and identifying areas of improvement, teachers can effectively enhance their teaching methods and help students achieve better academic performance.

Review and Analysis:

The first step in the review process is to carefully analyze the exam results. Teachers should look for patterns in student performance, such as common mistakes or areas where students consistently struggle. By identifying these trends, teachers can tailor their lessons to address specific weaknesses and provide additional support to students who need it.

Furthermore, teachers should also consider the difficulty level of the exam questions. If a large number of students struggled with certain questions, it may indicate that the material was not adequately covered in class. In this case, teachers should revisit the topic and provide more in-depth instruction to ensure that students have a solid understanding of the material.

Improvement Strategies:

Based on the review and analysis of the exam results, teachers can implement several strategies to improve student performance. For example, teachers can provide additional practice exercises on topics that students found challenging, offer one-on-one tutoring sessions for struggling students, or incorporate more interactive activities into their lessons to engage students and enhance their understanding of the material.

Additionally, teachers should communicate the exam results to students and parents, highlighting areas of improvement and providing guidance on how students can enhance their studying habits. By involving students and parents in the review process, teachers can create a collaborative learning environment that fosters academic success.


In conclusion, the review and analysis of English monthly exams are essential for improving teaching methods and helping students achieve better academic performance. By identifying areas of weakness, implementing improvement strategies, and involving students and parents in the process, teachers can create a supportive learning environment that promotes student success.

英语月考讲评教案 篇三


【教学心得档案 ——备课类】 英语月考讲评教案 课题:英语月考讲评教案 课型:讲评课 课时:第一课时 教学目标: 1.了解本次月考的成绩,与上次月考作比较,分析优缺点以及存在问题。 2. 查找试卷中存在的问题并解决。 3. 做矫正练习题。 4.制定期末考试目标。 教学重点: 帮助学生分析问题,查漏补缺,掌握良好的学习方法。 教学过程: 一、介绍考试情

况,每题得分和失分情况,答题中存在的问题。 二、学生自己阅读试卷,纠正错误。然后以组为单位讨论。 三、教师点评: 1.单项选择: 学生普遍存在的问题:缺乏基本的语法知识和分析句子结构的能力,不会在具体语言环境中应用。试卷讲评的重要一点是培养学生“举一反三”、“触类旁通”的能力。因此教师在讲评时应对试题做到从不同角度、不同变化形式进行分析讲评,同时培养学生的写作能力。 例如:单选4: 考察花费的几种表达, (主语)人+spend +时间、金钱+in doing sth./ on sth. (主语)物品+ cost+价钱。 It takes sb. Some time to do sth. Pay for / pay 价钱 for物品 2.书面表达题 要求学生抓住主旨大意,寻找主体句和关键词,用关联词进行句式衔接,翻译句子要合乎汉语表达习惯。 讲评方法: ①点评该篇作文如何审题及从何处入手。(内容要点及段落) ②说明学生普遍存在的问题。(时态、句子结构、人称、单词拼写等方面共性的问题) ③学生改错。(错在哪里? 为什么错?如何修改?) ④欣赏点评范文。 写作策略: ①明确写作要求,是图表型、图画型或说明议论型。(内容要点要全面) ②注意遣词造句。尽可能地运用较熟练又比较高级的词、短语或句式。在句式结构上,要注意句式的多样性。 ③语句之间的`衔接。引导学生多使用过渡性词或短语。 ④注意书写。 写作范例: 时下,很多学生带手机上学。为此,某英语报在你校组织了一场辩论。讨论的主题:中学生是否有必要带手机去学校。下面提供的信息供参考。给报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况并发表自己的意见。 大多数同学认为:可方便与家长、同学联系;是一种时尚; 大多数老师认为:中学生年龄尚小,还不能自控;用手机玩游戏、发短信浪费时间;容易引起攀比。 One possible version: Dear editor, I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we’ve had about whether it is necessary for middle school students to carry mobile phones to school. The majority of the students think that it is convenient for them to keep in touch with their parents and classmates if they have a mobile phone. And what’s more, it’s a fashion. However, most teachers think that middle school students are not old enough to control themselves. It is a waste of time for students to play games and send messages to each other by mobile phones. Also, it is easy to cause the students to vie with each other. Besides, they can make phone calls by using public phones on the compus if necessary. In my opinion, following the fashion is understandable. But as middle school students , we should put all our heart into our studies 四.强化练习 请根据表格中的提示内容写一封信给你的祖母,向她报告你的年终考试成绩。 要求:1. 词数60词以上。 2. 注意书信的格式。 Chinese teacher could do bettermath teacher hard-working English teacher speaking is goodphysics teacher lazy 【教学心得】 1.建立错题跟踪本。每次讲评后,要求学生对错题加以订正,做好记录。注明正确答案、解题思路及为什么选该答案,以便学生及时复习、有的放矢。 2.用投影展出试卷中出现的新词汇、新考点、好用法,并要求学生做好记录。 3.阅读理解中出现的长难句,要有意识地引导学生分析。 4. 阅读理解中出现的生单词,引导学生去根据上下文猜测并且在平常的学习中要介绍一些常见 的词缀。例: Thousands of vehicles have been reported unserviceable. serve ----service ---- serviceable ----- unserviceable 要求:准备生词本,把阅读中常见的生词积累起来。

