最新高一英语上册《Unit 1 Friendship》教案教学设计

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高一英语上册《Unit 1 Friendship》教案教学设计


1.本单元的主题是“友谊”,贴近学生生活,所以大部分的内容都是围绕该主题展开的。本节课的课型为词汇课,新课标要求学生掌握与友谊、交友有关的词汇;本节内容旨在一方面扩展学生 的词汇量,一方面帮助学生学会审视自己,引导








1. 帮助学生学习更多有关“友谊”的知识;

2. 增加与本单元主题相关的词汇。


1. Understand the meaning of Friendship.

2. Learn some new words about Friendship and friends.


Step 1 Warming Up

Activity1: Doing a survey

1.Get the students to do a survey quickly and and add up the score

and then see how many points they can get.

2. Present some new vocabulary in warming up and the explanation on the screen.

(1)、survey n. 调查,概述;v. 测量,检查;

e.g. a. A recent survey showed most of those questioned were for the plan.


b. The governor surveyed the damage caused by the tsunami.


思维拓展: a.. make a survey of sth. 调查…

make a general survey of sth 纵观…

b. survey sth. 调查,评述,检查

survey the equipment 检查设备

(2)、add v. 增加,增添

e.g. a. Shall I add your name to the list? 我可以把你的名字写进名单吗?

b. A new wing was added to the building. 这座大楼新添了一座边房。

思维拓展: add up sth 把……加起来

add sth to sth 把……加到…… add to sth = increase 增加了…

add up to 合计;总共

指点迷津:a.. add sth to sth 是“把……加到……上去“,add to 不能分开用,意为“增加了……”, 相当于increase 或raise. 如:

e.g. a. He added some sugar to the coffee. 他给咖啡里加了些糖。

The bad weather added to our difficulty. 坏天气增加了我们的困难。

b. add还可表示“补充说“,后常接从句。

e.g. He added that he was satisfied with the talk. 它补充说他对会谈很满意。

词汇派生: addition n. 附加物 additional adj. 附加的

adding machine 加法机 in addition to 除……之外

(3)、upset v. 使不安,打乱adj. 心烦意乱的

e.g.a. His strange behavior upset his father. 他的奇怪行径困扰着他父亲。

b. I understand how upset you must be feeling. 我理解你心里有多难受。

思维拓展: a. upset sb. 使某人不安

upset the plan 搅乱了计划

upset the cup 打翻了杯子

It upsets sb that 让某人心烦的是……

It upsets sb to do sth 做……使某人不快。

b. be upset about 对……赶到心烦

指点迷津:(1). upset 指由于某事的发生而心烦意乱。

(2). nervous 在做某事的过程中紧张害怕的感觉。

(3). anxious 因担心某事的发生或不发生而焦虑不安。


(4.)、concern n. 担心,关心,关系;v. 涉及,有关

e.g. a. There is growing concern about violence on TV. 人们对电视上的暴力内容日见担忧。

b. Don’t be involved in what doesn’t concern you. 不要管那些与你无关的事。

思维拓展:a. show/express concern about/ for 对……表示关心/担心

b. concern oneself about/ for 担忧/关心……

concern oneself with 从事,参与……

concern sb./ sth 与……有关

词汇派生:concerned adj. 有关的;担心的

be concerned about/ over/for 关心;挂念

be concerned with/ in 牵扯进/参与……

as/so far as …be concerned 就……而言

e.g. As far as I’m concerned, the sooner, the better. 就我而言,越快越好。

(5)、 cheat v. 欺骗,作弊 n. 骗子, 作弊者

eg. He is accused of cheating the taxman. 他被控欺骗税务员.

eg. The two cheats set up tow looms. 这两个骗子支起两架织布机.

思维拓展: cheat sb. (out) of sth 骗取某人某物

cheat sb. into doing sth 骗某人做……

cheat sb. into the belief that 骗某人相信

catch sb. cheating in an exam 作弊被抓



Step 2 Vocabulary learning

Activity2: Guessing game

Find the words or phrases for each of the following meanings from unit1.

1.______not insidde a building

2.______feeling disturbed

3.______to be worried about

4.______free, not tied up

5.______to experience something

6.______to take no notice of

7.______staying close to and looking at somebody

8.______to become quiet after nervous activity

9.______number of things that happen one after another


Step3 Vocabulaary recitation

Sstudents will be asked to recite the following key words and try their best to set down them in the blanks.

________________ vt. 增加;添加;补充说 vi. 加;加起来;增添

________________ n. 点;尖端;分数

____________vt.& vi. (_______ ______ ______) 使不安;使心烦

adj. 心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的

____________ vt. 不理睬;忽视


_____________ vt. 涉及;关系到 n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系

______________adj. 松的;松散的;松开的

_____________n. 欺骗;骗子 vt.&vi. 欺骗;骗取;欺诈;作弊

________________ n. 理由;原因

________________ vt. 列出

________________ vt. 分享;均分;分担 n. 一份;份额

________________ n. 感觉;感情

________________ n. 荷兰

________________ n. 德国人;德语 adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的

________________ n. 连续;系列

________________ adv. 在户外;在野外

________________ adj. 疯狂的;狂热的

________________ n. 自然;自然界

________________ n. 目的;意图

________________ vt. &v. aux 敢;胆敢

________________ n. 雷;雷声; vi. 打雷;雷鸣

________________ adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地

________________ n. 能力;力量;权力

________________ adv. 依照

________________ adv. 按照;依据

________________ vt. & n. 信任;信赖

________________ adv. 在室内;入室内

________________ vt.& vi. 遭受;忍受;经历

________________ n. 十几岁的青少年

________________ n. 忠告;建议

________________ n. 调查表;问卷

These words are new to students, so make explanations if necessary.

[设计思路] 通过此任务,旨在提高学生的瞬时记忆能力。

Step 4 Practice:

Activity3: Group competition (group work)

1.Divide the class into 3 groups, and students should guess the words from the picture as soon as they can (The quickest student who tells right will get one score)

2. Hold a Competition in groups trying to write down words related to Friendship as many as possible and the group which can set down more words than any other groups will be the winner.

[设计思路] 通过小组间的活动能够进一步激发学生的学习词汇的热情,这是一个很好的方法。

Step5 Summary

Get a group to sum up this class and the teacher can add something if necessary.

[设计思路] 通过小节,强调本节课的重要内容。

Step6 Homework

Try to remember the vocabulary that the students have learned in class.



Competition in groups

____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ _____________

____________ ____________ _____________



1. 从教学实践来看,学生乐于在小组中进行合作学习。但是任务设计以及其难度是开展小组合作的重点和难点。本堂课总共设计了3次活动,每一次都有所侧重,要求由浅入深,在保证大部分学生能按时按质完成任务的同时,又能体现选拔的效果,鼓励一部分学生积极的展现自我。避免了活动流于形式,单纯地追求


2. 课前做了大量的资料收集和整理,有选择的在教学中有效地使用图片和视频,大大提高了学生对学习的兴趣。

3. 不抛弃优秀的传统教法。在任务型教学中,也考虑融入传统的板书和语言形



高一英语上册《Unit 1 Friendship》教案教学设计

Unit 1 Friendship

Teaching Aims:

1. 能力目标:

a. Listening: get information and views from the listening material.

b. Speaking: express one's attitude or views about friends and friendship in appropriate words.

c. Reading: enable Ss to get the main idea and be familiar with reading skills.

d. Writing: write some advice about making friends as an editor.

2. 知识目标:

a. Talk about friends and friendship; how to make friends; how to maintain friendship.

b. Use the following expressions:

I think so. / I don't think so.

I agree. / I don't agree.

That's correct.

Of course not.


I'm afraid not...

c. Enable Ss to master Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.

d. Vocabulary:

add point upset calm concern careless loose cheat reason list share feeling thought German series outdoors crazy moonlight suppose dare thunder entirely power according trust indoors suffer teenager advice quiz editor communicate situation habit

add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in

3. 情感目标:

a. Arose Ss' interest in learning English

b. Encourage Ss to be active in the activities and make Ss be confident

c. Develop the ability to cooperate with others.

4. 策略目标:

a. Develop Ss' cognitive strategy: taking notes while listening.

b. Develop Ss' communicative strategy.

5. 文化目标:

a. Enable Ss to get to know different opinions about making friends from different countries.

Teaching design:

Period 1 Warming-up 1课时

I. Teaching objectives:

1. Have Ss learn how to describe their friends and friendship with new phrases and structures.

2. Have Ss learn to solve problems that may occur between friends.

3. Cultivate Ss to form the good habit of learning English in Senior Middle School.

II. Teaching important points:

1. Use the given adjs. and sentences structures to describe one of your friends.

2. Learn to evaluate friends and friendship.

III. Teaching difficult points:

1. Work together with partners and describe one of your good friends.

2. Discuss with partners and find out ways to solve the problems.

IV. Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Lead-in and warming-up

Before the lesson, T can arose Ss' interests by introducing oneself and get Ss to talk about their summer holidays, or whether they had made friends during holidays.

Free Talk: 3 mins

1. How did you spend your summer holidays? How did you feel? What did you do?

2. What do you think of your new school? Do you like it? Could you say anything about it?

3. Do you like making friends? How do you get in touch with your friends? Do you have many friends? Where are they now? Do you have any old friends in our school?

Step II. Think it over

1. Give a brief description of one of T's friends. The following phrases and structures may be useful: (3mins)

His / Her name is...

He / She is...years old.

He / She likes .... and ...dislikes...

He / She is very kind / friendly / humorous...

When / Where we got to know each other...

Step III. Make a survey

1. List some qualities of a good friend or your ideal friend, have Ss get into groups of 4 to 5 to find out what each one has listed?

2. Add up the scores Ss got and show the explanations of every type.

3. Have Ss tell their partners the standards of good friends with the following structures:

I think a good friend should (not) be...

In my opinion. From my point of view. So far as I'm concerned. I suppose. A good friend is someone who...

Step IV. Talking and sharing (working in pairs)

1. If your best friend does anything wrong, what will you do?

What to do?






2. Proverbs: "What is a friend?"

A British newspaper once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. If Ss were the editors, they could choose the best one from the following entires, and explain why.

"A friend in need is a friend indeed."

"Friends are like wine, the older, the better."

"A friend is a second self."

"A friend to all is a friend to none."

Step V. Homework

1. Write a short passage about your best friend.

2. Review the language points.

3. Preview the new words and expressions.

Period 2 Reading 2课时

I. Teaching objectives:

1. Develop Ss ' reading ability, learn to use some reading strategies, such as skimming, scanning, and so on.

2. Get Ss to realize the importance of friends and friendship and learn how to tell true friends from the false.

3. Grasp some useful words and expressions in this passage.

4. Learn the writing style of this passage.

II. Teaching method:

Task-based teaching

III. Teaching procedures:


1. Have Ss discuss the following questions in group-work:

Who is your best friend? Does a friend always have to be a person? What else can be your friend?

Step II. Reading

1. Have Ss try to guess what Anne's friend is and what the passage is about by reading the title and having a quick look at the pictures in this passage without reading it through.

2. Skimming the 1st two paras to confirm the former guess.

a. What was Anne's best friend? Why did she make friend with it?

b. Did she have any true friends then? Why?

c. What is the difference between Anne's diary and those of most people?

d. Do you keep a diary? What do you think most people set down in their diaries?

3. Reading of Anne's diary

How did she feel in the hiding place?

Two examples to show her feelings then.

Step III. Post-reading

1. What would you miss most if you went into a hiding place like Anne and her family? Reasons support.

2. Group-work

Work in groups to decide what you should do if your family were going to be killed just because they did something the Emperors did not like.

"Where would you plan to hide?"

"How would you arrange to get food given to you every day?"

"What would our do to pass the time?"

Step IV. Talking about friends and friendship

Have Ss talk about friends and friendship, and write one or two sentences to express one's own understanding of friends and friendship in group-work.

Step V. Homework

1. Interview a student or a parent to find out their opinions about friends and friendship. Write a short report to share it with the whole class.

2. Describe one of your best friends, following the writing style of this passage.

Period 3 Grammar 1课时

I. Teaching objectives:

Learn to use Direct & Indirect Speech

II. Teaching important points:

Summarize the grammatical rules

III. Teaching difficult points:

The special cases

IV. Teaching procedures:


Last class, we learnt Anne Frank's story. She is telling her story to two of her friends--you and Tom. Tom has something wrong with his ears, so you have to repeat Anne's sentences, using Indirect Speech. Sometimes you explain Tom's sentences to Anne---

1. "Do you feel sad when you are not able to go outdoors?" Tom asked Anne---

Tom asked Anne if / whether she felt sad when she was not able to go outdoors.


Step II. Grammar focus

1. Have Ss summarize the rules when they changed Direct Speech into Indirect Speech, what should be changed?

2. Group-work for discussion.

3. Check out: sentence structure, tense, pron, adverbial of time or place, verb.

4. Rules focus:

a. 陈述句:

She said,"I am very happy to help you."---

She said she was very happy to help you.

b. 一般疑问句/ 选择疑问句:

He asked me, "Do you like playing football?"---

He asked me if / whether I like playing football.

She asked me whether he could do it or not.

c. 特殊疑问句:

My sister asked me,"How do you like the film?"---

My sister asked me How I liked the film.

d. 祈使句:

The captain ordered, "Be quiet!"---

The captain ordered us to be quiet.

e. 注意:

l 间接引语语序: 陈述语序.

l 客观事实,真理;时态不变.

l 指示代词,时间,地点状语做相应变化.

f. Summary

Direct Speech


一般将来时will do

现在进行时is doing


现在完成时have done

过去完成时had done

Indirect Speech


过去将来时would do

过去进行时was doing

过去完成时had done

过去完成时had done

过去完成时had done

Step V. Homework

l Exs 1 on p42

l Look up new words and expressions from dictionary and do the prevision.

Period 4 Words & Expressions 1课时

I. Teaching objectives:

Learn new words and expressions

II. Teaching important points:

1. Pay attention to the different forms of the words

2. Master the words and expressions through the Exs.

III. Teaching difficult points:

1. Emphasize the methods which can be useful and efficient to do the memory.

2. How to use the new words and expressions into Ss' own composition-writing.

IV. Teaching method:




V. Teaching procedures:


1. Check out the new words and expressions looked up from dictionary

2. Have Ss share their works, including the Chinese meaning, the form, the phrases, the examples, and the usage.

Step II. Practice

1. Do the words Exs in this unit

2. Discuss the answers in group-work

3. Check out the answers

Step III. Summary

1. Emphasize the key points of the words in this unit, esp some phrases and structures.

Step IV. Homework

l Recite the words and expressions.

l Preview the listening and speaking part.

Period 5 Listening & Speaking 1课时

I. Teaching objectives:

1. Practice Ss’ listening ability.

2. Practice Ss’ speaking skills of how to offer advice.

3. Improve Ss’ ability to help others to solve problems.

II. Teaching procedures

Step 1. Reading

1. Have Ss think about the questions on books, and then try to guess the brief content of the listening material according to the questions given in group-work.

Step 2. Listening

1. Have Ss get to know that besides you, Lisa also asks Miss Wang for help. What advice does she give her? Now, let Ss listen to what she says.

2. 1st-time listening: have Ss listen to the tape from the beginning to the end without any pause, ask Ss to take some notes while listening, and discuss the main idea of the listening material in group-work.

3. 2nd-time listening: have Ss listen to the tape again, and encourage Ss to repeat every sentence as best as they can after the pause. So Ss should pay attention to notes-taking, esp. the WH-Qs.

4. 3rd-time listening: the last time, have Ss listen to the tape and check out their answers according to what they heard before.

5. Check out the Exs.

Step 3. Post-listening & Speaking

1. Have Ss think about the Q:

“Do you think Miss Wang’s advice is helpful?”

2. Have Ss discuss the former Q in group-work, and have a free talk within 1min.

3. Now suppose Ss are editors of Radio for Teenagers, here are some problems for Ss to offer advice. (Give each group a problem and ask them to write their advice down.)

4. Have Ss come to the front and share their opinions with the whole class.

Step 4. Discussion

1. Ask Ss, “Do you think Anne should obey her father’s advice?”

2. Have Ss discuss the Q in group-work, and express their reasons to support their ideas.

Step 5. Homework

1. Have Ss review the listening material and consult the dictionary to deal with the words and phrases they encountered.

2. Preview the writing part.

Period 6 Listening & Speaking 2课时

I. Teaching objectives:

1. Practice Ss’ writing ability.

2. Improve Ss’ ability to write advice.

II. Teaching procedures


1. Have Ss read Xiao Dong’s letter on p7, and then discuss the Q in group-work within 2mins:

“What is Xiao Dong’s problem?”

2. Have every group make a list to set its own advice down for Xiao Dong.

Step II. Writing the draft

1. Have Ss get known that they should make the outline or the draft before writing.

2. Have Ss discuss how to write the outline in group-work within 1 min.

3. Have Ss pay attention to how to write a letter of advice. Here are some tips:

First, why not……?

If you do this, ……

Secondly, you should / can……

Then / That way……

Thirdly, it would be a good idea of……

By doing this, ……

Step III. Writing and Editing

1. Have Ss compose their writing within 30 mins.

2. Have Ss change their editing one another, and make the comments for others.

3. Choose the best one to share with the whole class.

Step IV. Homework

1. Have Ss summarize this unit and review new words, expressions, sentence structures, language points, grammar rules and examples.

2. Finish the Exs of this unit on workbook.

Period 7 Summary 1课时

I. Teaching objectives:

1. Develop Ss’ ability of how to make a summary.

2. Review unit 1.

II. Teaching procedures


1. Have Ss discuss how to make a summary and

what kinds of items they could sum up in group-work within 3mins.

2. Have Ss make a list, which includes the new words, expressions, sentence structures, language points, grammar rules, examples, and so on.

3. Check out the summary.

Step II. Exs practice

1. Have Ss finish the Exs of this unit.

2. Check out the answers within group-work.

Step III. Fill in the blanks

1. Have Ss fill in the blanks on p8; p47 to make the conclusion of the whole unit.

2. Change their summary one another and have Ss comment on others’ work.

Step IV. Homework

1. Prepare for the quiz for this unit.

[最新高一英语上册《Unit 1 Friendship》教案教学设计]

最新高一英语上册《Unit 1 Friendship》教案教学设计

