九年级英语学教案Unit 2第二课时

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人教版九年级英语学教案Unit 2第二课时

Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark. 第二课时SectionA 3a--4 学习目标 1、知识目标: 单词及短语: airplane,terrify,on,be alone, speak in front of a group,be afraid of, go to sleep, be terrified of, with sth on 句子: I used to be afraid of dark. 我过去害怕黑暗。 I’m terrified of the snakes. 我害怕蛇。 —Did you use to be afraid of being alone? 你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗? —Yes, I did. 是的,我怕。 I used to walk to school. 我过去走着上学。 I used to go to sleep with the bedroom light on. 过去我亮着卧室灯睡觉。 2、能力目标: 能够谈论自己过去与现在的情况,使用句型I used to be… 3、情感目标: 人是发展变化的.,兴趣爱好也会较以前不同。我们应该正确对待发展变化。 教学重难点 一般现在时与一般过去时的区别;be afraid/terrified of 的用法 教学过程 (一)预习展示 1.独自一人呆着 在众人面前说话 ___________ 害怕1 ____ 害怕2 呆在家 _______ ……开着 2.填空 ①---Did your sister use to have straight hair? ---No, she used to have c__________ hair. ② Mr Green is really s__________, for he never smiles. ③Amy used to be quiet, but now she is very o__________. ④---Did you u________ to play the piano? ---Yes, I did. ⑤ I used to be__________(real) quiet. (二)导入设计 展示一些学生熟悉并且喜欢的明星,他们童年与成人时的照片,然后让不同的学生口头描述他们的不同的变化。如: Jack Chen used to be shy, now he is outgoing. He used to be fat, now he is thin. He used to have short hair, but now he has long hair. (三)合作学习 Task 1.(师生合作,完成3a) 1.教师指着第一幅图画(黑暗的夜空)和一位女生对话: 2.运用上面的方法教师对其他图片对其他学生提问: 3. 教师要求学生独立完成表格,根据自己的实际,最后向全班同学报告结果。 Task 2. (同桌互动完成3b) 1.叫一组发音较好的学生分角色朗读对话,然后叫他们利用 3a中b-f句子任选一个对话练习。教师巡视,提供语言支持及纠正发音。 2.小组长检查多少学生害怕同一事物并向全班汇报。 Task 3. (小组互动完成4) 1.解释任务要求,然后叫一位学生回答。叫他填写表格。

2.让学生四人一小组为单位谈论完成表格。 3.最后让几位学生告诉全班同学他们所了解的情况。例如: My deskmate used to eat lots of chocolate, now she likes to eat fruits. She thinks keeping fit is important. (四)知识探究 1. be terrified of sth. 对……恐惧,如:I am terrified of the dark. be afraid of doing害怕…… I was afraid of _______ ________.(孤独) be afraid to do.. 不敢做…… She is afraid _______ ____________ __________ at night.(不敢晚上出去) be afraid that ... 恐怕... ______ ______ _______ she can’t come . I’m afraid so.恐怕如此 /I’m afraid not.恐怕不是。 ----Do you think it will rain tomorrow? ----_______________. The radio says it will be sunny. 2. on 副词,表示(电灯、电视、机械等)在运转中/打开, 其反义词off.  with the light on 灯开着 3.still的用法, 我们用still来说明某人或某物没有变化。位置: 行前 be,情助之后。例如: She still lives in Mexico. I’m still afraid of snakes. She can still play the piano. 4. go to sleep 入睡,睡着 5. be afraid of 害怕…… be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 (五)巩固提升 1我仍然害怕独处。.I am still ___________ of being ___________. 2. 我睡觉的时候开着卧室的灯。 I go to sleep ______ my bedroom light _____ . . 3.四年来,鲍勃第一次见到朋友们。 Bob is seeing some friends______ the ____ time in four years. 4. 我不担心考试。 I dont tests. 5.我仍然害怕在众人面前说话。 I’m _______ afraid of _______ in front of a group. (六)当堂反馈 Ⅰ.根据中文或首字母完成单词 1.They ______ ______ (过去常常) visit the old peoples home. 2. Its very expensive to go on trips ______ ________ _______(乘飞机). 3. Im ______ (在…队里) the swim team. 4. Our hometown _________________(change) a lot in the last few years. 5. I spend half an hour _____________(watch) TV. 6. The little girl is interested in ______________(read) books. 7. The little boy is t___________ of going out at night. 二.句型转换 1.Philip used to play soccer very well.(改为一般疑问句) ________ Philip _________to play soccer very well? 2.Miss Liu used to be easygoing.(改为反意疑问句)  Miss Liu used to be easygoing, __________ ____________? 3.Alice shows great interest in playing the violin.(改为同义句)  Alice ___________ ___________ in playing the violin. 4.I used to be outgoing. (改为否定句)  I ____________ ___________ to be outgoing. 5.Maria used to help Mom do housework.(对画线部分提问)  What _________ Maria _________ to do ? 作业 后记
九年级英语学教案Unit 2第二课时

